Chapter 46 Distributing the spoils

With more than fifty evolved bamboo rats, it took the Bearded Front team less than ten minutes to resolve the battle.

Throughout the process, Xia Qing was only responsible for standing in the center of the team to "protect" the bamboo shoots in the bag. In fact, it was the team that protected her and her bamboo shoots. This is different from the previous situation where Xia Qing encountered danger when he went on a mission.

 The team members who perform tasks outside the safe zone can be roughly divided into three categories: the main team members, the team's internal logistics members, and the temporarily recruited non-staff logistics personnel.

Xia Qing does not belong to any team and has been on missions as a non-staff logistics personnel.

 When encountering danger, both non-staff logistics personnel and internal logistics members of the team must run to the well-equipped main combatants for protection as soon as possible.

 The main team members have the obligation to protect the support team members and non-staff logistics personnel, but when the danger is uncontrollable, the default approach of many teams is to abandon the non-staff logistics personnel as bait to cover the team's retreat.

 Hence, Xia Qing will choose carefully and avoid teaming up with such a team as much as possible. She chose to go on a mission with Luo Pei's team and Xu Juan's team because these teams treated the non-staff members as human beings.

 Don’t join the war team, firstly because the war team is both a shield against danger and a yoke of freedom. The second reason is that power evolved people are not taken seriously even within the team and are not allocated many points. The third reason is because she is a third-line evolved person, and her vest can no longer cover her when she goes on missions with the same group of people for a long time.

 She was afraid of being arrested for research.

Xia Qing doesn’t have any lofty goals. She doesn’t want to stand out and make waves, she just wants to live peacefully.

Now that the combat mission is over, it's her turn to take the field. Xia Qing asked, "Captain Hu, let me clean the battlefield?"

Husband Feng knew that Xia Qing often followed Brother Luo's team on missions before, so he nodded, "Miss Xia and Guan Tong will clean the battlefield together, and the rest will be responsible for guarding."

Guan Tong quickly took out a stack of vacuum packaging bags and disposable plastic gloves from the pocket of his protective vest and handed them to Xia Qing, "Miss Xia, let's bag and seal all the bamboo rats as soon as possible to be careful of poisonous snake attacks."

Xia Qing was very familiar with this job. She picked up the evolved bamboo rats neatly, bagged them and handed them to Guan Tong, who took out the small vacuum packaging machine, and asked him to seal them for storage.

Attracted by the smell of blood, a green bamboo leaf slowly slid down the bamboo, trying to swallow the bamboo rat in front of Xia Qing. Xia Qing knocked the snake unconscious with a machete and put it into a vacuum packaging bag alone. Then he heard movement three meters above his head. But she didn't hide, because Huo Feng stood beside her on guard.

Hushi Feng raised his hand and grabbed the poisonous snake that jumped down to attack, and handed it to Xia Qing. Xia Qing knocked her unconscious with another blow, bagged it, and handed it to Guan Tong to seal it.

 A living thing is worth more than a dead one. Let alone an evolved snake that is nearly two meters long and has thick arms. Even the most powerful evolved animal can only suffocate to death if it loses air.

It took less than five minutes to clean the battlefield. Power evolution team member Guan Tong held the big bag containing bamboo rats and snakes in his hand, and picked up the largest bag of bamboo shoots and carried it on his back.

Xia Qing, who is also a power evolver, picked up another bag of bamboo shoots about half a person's height and carried it behind his back. He picked up two more bags and held them in his hands, standing next to Guan Tong.

The four of them, Hu Hufeng, carried backpacks that were a few sizes smaller, and with Xia Qing and Guan Tong, who were responsible for the transportation, in the middle, they withdrew from the evolutionary forest along the same route.

This trip lasted seven hours, and no one took off the protective mask. When he was hungry, he would bite the straw under the mouth of the mask and drink some nutrient solution. The taste of the nutrient solution may vary, but it can quickly replenish nutrients and is a must-have for the team when they enter the evolutionary forest to perform missions.

After withdrawing from the evolutionary forest, Hu Xiufeng took off his protective mask and discussed with Xia Qing, "The bamboo shoots Ms. Xia dug herself belong to you, and the remaining bamboo shoots, snakes and bamboo rats will be distributed according to the rules of the safe zone?"

Xia Qing took off his mask and agreed, "Of course. Captain Hu doesn't have to be so polite. Just call me Xia Qing."

Hu Feng also had a sharp temper, "Okay. Let's take the supplies back for inspection and cleaning first, and then I'll send you a share. How many cans do you want to exchange?" "Is one okay?" Cans are a hot commodity. Xia Qing didn't know how much they brought out of the safe zone, so she didn't ask for more, and she could only cut two kilograms of the evolved perilla from her field.

  After watching the Bearded Feng team enter the No. 1 buffer forest, Xia Qing returned to the territory with his bag of bamboo shoots. The team members guarding the four corners of the territory retreated to Territory No. 1. The sheep boss rushed to Xia Qing's side, raised his head and opened his watery sheep eyes, and greeted Xia Qing with a clipped sound, "Hey."

Xia Qing, who had gained a lot, took off her sweat-absorbent hood, shook her sweaty short hair, and said hello with a smile, "Boss, I'm back safely with bamboo shoots!"

 Unfortunately, no evolved giant panda has been found.

The coquettish sheep boss noticed that Xia Qing was not giving him anything to eat. He squinted his eyes, made spiral horns, and scratched his hooves.

Xia Qing didn't have the energy to fight with him at the moment, so she swung the bag on her back and said, "Let's go, I'll feed you when I get home."

After Xia Qing left with the sheep, Zhou Xun quietly retreated for a while and quickly returned to the village in the second territory. "Boss, Xia Qing and Hu Hufeng are all back, and they have brought back edible bamboo shoots!"

Tang Huai, who had been digging for insects all day, said nothing. Tang Heng analyzed, "They went out for seven hours before coming back. The bamboo forest is at least fifteen miles away from here."

 To find bamboo fifteen miles deep, you must be a well-equipped team of evolved people. There are only two evolved people in Territory No. 2, Tang Huai and Zhou Xun, and neither of them is an evolved type that is good at fighting. Zhou Xun didn't give up, so he approached Tang Huai and begged, "Boss, let's exchange supplies with Land No. 1 or Land No. 3 for some bamboo shoots to eat?"

Xia Qing returned home, took out a bamboo shoot weighing three to four kilograms, cut off a thin slice and put it into Lao Yang's rice bowl. When she took a combat shower and came out, she found the sheep boss standing at the door, looking at her with its big Kazilan eyes.


This guy makes a lot of noise just to eat. Xia Qing, who had just finished taking a shower, felt chilled after hearing this, and walked directly around the sheep boss, "No, these bamboo shoots are hard-earned, we have to eat sparingly."

 “Hey!” The sheep boss found out that he was not allowed to eat, so he began to scratch his hooves and wanted to solve it by force.

Xia Qing didn't want to fight, so she neatly stuffed the remaining bamboo shoots into the iron cabinet in the kitchen and locked it.

The sheep boss stopped making trouble, because it understood that sooner or later, it would still have its share of the things in this cabinet.

Xia Qing first went to the high-slope planting area to cut a bunch of evolved perilla, and then came back to wash and steam the rice. When Hu Feng delivers her share of supplies and cans, she can eat fragrant rice with bamboo shoots and fried meat tonight.

More than half an hour later, Xia Qing received a yellow-light bamboo rat, four red-light bamboo rats, twenty kilograms of green-light bamboo shoots, and received a canned meat in exchange.

Hu Xiufeng explained to Xia Qing, "Among the fifty bamboo rats, there are eight yellow-light ones, a total of one hundred and thirty-six kilograms of green-light bamboo shoots, and a total of fifty-three kilograms of red-light snakes. I kept the snake, and the snake's share will be compensated You have four pounds of bamboo shoots."

Xia Qing thanked him, took the supplies and returned to his territory. In this team formation, she was only responsible for leading the way, cleaning the battlefield, and carrying supplies. The share assigned to her by Hu Feng exceeded the base's allocation standards. Xia Qing knew very well that the four extra kilograms of bamboo shoots she received were given to her by Hu Feng.

 The purpose is to thank her for allowing Luo Pei to receive treatment in Territory No. 3.

Although these supplies are packed in vacuum packaging bags, the meat cannot be stored for three days.

Xia Qing glanced at the time and stood directly on the isolation belt waiting for the inspection team to patrol by.

 (End of this chapter)

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