Chapter 457 Killing the Scout Bird

“Boss, Xia Qing and the three wolves have left the third area and entered the fourth area.” In the monitoring room, Hu Feng spotted Xia Qing and the wolves through the camera and immediately reported to Yang Jin.

Yang Jin, who was on the phone with Xie Yu, raised his eyes and saw Xia Qing and three wolves running on the surveillance screen. Xia Qing still couldn't keep up with the speed of the wolves, so the leading wolf didn't move forward at full speed. After running for a while, he looked back at Xia Qing, obviously waiting for her.

 The other two wolves, one in front of Xia Qing and one behind Xia Qing, also slowed down to accommodate Xia Qing. It was obvious that Xia Qing was being protected by a pack of wolves, and these wolves had already regarded Xia Qing as a companion. Yang Jin smiled and began to think about ways to cooperate with Xia Qing's "team".

Seeing the boss's expression, Hu Feng, who was petting the cat, stopped and his eyes slowly opened wide. He seemed to have discovered something big!


 The evolved civet cat Xiao Laowu, who was lying on Huxufeng’s shoulder, stared at the screen and barked lowly.

 “Are you hungry, Lao Wu?” Hu Xiufeng immediately took out the yellow lantern bamboo rat jerky he always had on hand from his pocket and handed it to Xiao Lao Wu.

After the Qinglong team occupied Mountain No. 49, they captured sixteen yellow-light evolved bamboo rats and four green-light evolved bamboo rats from the bamboo forest, and raised them in a circle on the mountain.

Bamboo rats reproduce very quickly. Female rats give birth to 3-4 litters per year. Each litter can give birth to 3 to 8 young rats. Each bamboo rat can grow to 5-10 pounds in weight. It is one of the main animals raised in the breeding center of the safety zone. .

However, the bamboo rats found in No. 49 Mountain are not resistant to the poisonous element. From spring to now, the three green-light bamboo rats have increased the poisonous element content in their bodies and have turned into yellow-light ones. Half of the yellow-light bamboo rats have turned into yellow-light ones. It became a red light. Therefore, yellow lantern bamboo rat meat is already the best food that Husband Feng can currently provide to Xiao Lao Wu.

Little Lao Wu jumped to the table with the dried meat in his mouth. While eating, he looked for which screen Xia Qing and the wolves ran to from this screen. Then he walked over with the dried meat in his mouth and continued to stare.

 “Lao Er, stop.”

Seeing that he was about to leave Mountain No. 49, Xia Qing called the sick wolf and panted while carefully checking the valley, Mountain No. 50 and the sky.

 The three wolves and Xia Qing hid behind the dense bushes and observed the situation ahead.

There is a crow in the sky above the pine forest halfway up the third peak of Mount No. 50. Its flight path is not that of a normal bird. The third peak is exactly where Xia Qing wants to go.

After taking a breath, Xia Qing called Xin Yu, Hu Feng, and Tan Junjie one after another. After confirming that the crow was not a reconnaissance bird for Territory 8, Territory 1, and the platoon, he told the three wolves to hide and wait. She walked out of Hill 49 alone.

Xia Qing walked across the valley towards the second peak of Mount No. 50, pretending to be looking for herbs in the evolutionary forest, and always paying attention to the movements of the crow on the third peak. Judging from the flight altitude and position, the bird must have been scouting the area near the bear cave.

Soon, the bird discovered Xia Qing and flew towards her in a roundabout way from the third peak, getting closer and closer.

 One thousand meters...five hundred meters...two hundred meters, that's enough!

Xia Qing, who was squatting on the ground pretending to dig herbs, quickly raised his gun, "Bang!"


The killed crow fell less than three meters and exploded in the air, its flesh and blood falling downwards, and its feathers were caught in the wind and flew in the air. The huge explosion and shock wave not only made Xia Qing's ears ring, but also sent a large number of forest birds flying. The explosive power carried by this scout bird was at least three times that of the scout bird sent by Territory No. 2.

 It is estimated that this is just the reconnaissance bird of Territory No. 9. No wonder Tang Zhengsu firmly believes that Territory No. 9 used the reconnaissance bird to kill Xu Pin.

"Fuck!" In the investigation room of Territory No. 9, the investigation captain Jiang Fuqiang, who was left alone to carry out his mission, slammed the table, pointed at the trembling screen on the table, and asked the last picture sent back by the reconnaissance bird, "This looks like a woman , When did the Qinglong team have such a powerful female sniper? "

Assistant Xiao Liu raised his glasses and said, "I can't recognize him."

Jiang Fuqiang, who was furious, became angry and yelled at Xiao Liu, "You have been in this territory for a year and you don't even recognize anyone?!"

Xiao Liu wiped off the spit spray Jiang Fuqiang sprayed on her face, raised her head slightly, and the reflection of the lens blocked her vision, "I am a laboratory assistant. I just need to know the efficacy and usage of every medicine in the laboratory. Do you want to Check the efficacy of the potion?"

 Jiang Fuqiang immediately became honest, "You go and do your work, I'll ask someone else."

Xiao Liu put his hand into the pocket of his white coat and resumed his customer service tone, "The "Evolutionary Forest Safety Regulations" stipulate that the scout bird is not allowed to observe people outside the team without permission. Otherwise, the team will Outsiders can treat it as a threat and kill it directly. I am just an experimental assistant who rarely goes to the evolutionary forest. I don’t know how close it is to ‘close observation’. Captain Jiang should know it well, right?”

 Jiang Fuqiang gritted his teeth, "Two hundred meters."

"Two hundred meters - the font of 195.83 meters on the screen just now is indeed a bit small. I can't see clearly without wearing glasses." Xiao Liu held up his glasses meaningfully, turned around and left the investigation room. "That person came from Mountain No. 49. Captain Jiang should think about how to compensate the Qinglong Team for their losses."

Given Yang Jin’s bad character, Liehuo will definitely compensate him for the bullets, sniper rifle wear and tear and lost work expenses! Jiang Fuqiang scratched his hair irritably.

 A scout team member who zoomed in on the screen and observed carefully reported, "Captain, this is a CM82 heavy sniper rifle. According to the information collected, there are only two people with CM82 in this territory: Luo Pei of the Qinglong Team and No. 3 Lord Xia Qing."

Jiang Fuqiang immediately let go of his hair and smiled brightly, "Xia Qing should have left the territory through the north gate and went to No. 50 Mountain for hunting and gathering. She must have taken the wolf with her, so she immediately notified the hunting team. After catching the wolf, we Set off immediately and return to Fierce Volcano!"


 The second peak of Mount No. 50.

Xia Qing put away her gun, and after confirming that no one or scout bird was watching nearby, she blew a whistle. The three wolves hiding behind the bushes on Mount No. 49 quickly ran over and joined Xia Qing.

Without Xia Qing's words, the wolves knew that they should walk through the dense forest to avoid the scouting birds in the sky.

 At the foot of the third peak, Xia Qing called to the sick wolf, "Second brother, there are aggressive tree vines and evolved monitor lizards ahead. I will lead the team."

Although the monitor lizard should have entered hibernation, the tree vines were still aggressive, and Xia Qing did not want to waste bullets and energy chopping down trees on the road.

Before Xia Qing could reach the front of the team and serve as the vanguard, the alpha wolf jumped over the vines in a few clicks and stared majestically at the pond.

 Xia Qing…

“Very good! Your Majesty, the Queen is mighty. We are not hunting lizards today. Don’t go near the pond anymore. The lizard meat is not delicious and the skin is useless.”

The three wolves successfully passed through the aggressive tree and vine growth area alone. Unlike Xia Qing's nervousness, the Broken Waist Wolf actually found the time to catch a rabbit and gave it to Xia Qing.

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