The fireplace in the house was added after Xia Qing learned that it was a cold winter this year. There is one in the living room on the first floor and one in the second floor. The openable chimney of the fireplace leads to the outdoors. When you need to burn the stove for heating, you can open the chimney to exhaust smoke, and close it when you do not need to burn to prevent small animals or evolved insects from entering the room through the chimney.

Xia Qing's whole body ached and her brain was confused, but she still managed to add some dry pine wood to the fireplace, poured oil on it and started the fire. Now that the temperature has dropped, the wool on the sheep's body is still damp. It is necessary to raise the indoor temperature to dry the wool. Otherwise, if he sleeps like this all night, he may catch a cold.

After tidying up Boss Sheep, Xia Qing set the alarm clock, then lay down on the lounge chair next to Boss Sheep, covered him with a thin quilt, and fell asleep by the warm fireplace.

The alpha wolf lying on the tatami on the other side of the living room opened his rich golden eyes and stared at the jumping flames for a while. After confirming that there was no threat, he got up and walked to the sheep boss, where he warmed up and fell asleep.

The brother and sister of the broken-leg wolf were frightened by the fire, and they bared their fangs and whined softly. The sick wolf walked over and blocked the fire with his body, and then touched the noses of the two wolves with his own nose. The brother and sister of the wolf with a broken leg were immediately comforted, lying on their backs next to the sick wolf like they did when they were children, playing happily.

When the alarm clock rang again, the alpha wolf flicked his ears. The two wolf brothers and sisters with broken legs and the sick wolf who were playing around raised their heads. The sheep boss was still sleeping soundly.

Xia Qing slowly opened her eyes, pressed the alarm clock and dragged her aching body into the bathroom, "The **** guy with a broken waist, the time is up, he should come out."

The two wolves struggled to climb out of the bathtub, shaking their bodies vigorously to shake off the water. After walking out of the bathroom with trembling legs, the sick wolf actually took the wolf brother and sister with the broken leg into the bathroom together and soaked in the bathtub.

This bathtub is indeed quite large and can accommodate two animals to take a comfortable bath at the same time. However, if three wolves take a bath together, it will seem crowded. But this also saves Xia Qing - there is no need to add spring water to the bathtub.

Xia Qing sat at the door of the bathroom and watched for a while. When he noticed that the wolf brother and sister with a broken leg began to howl and struggle, the sick wolf would hold back its gentle whimpering twice, then rub its head against their heads, and the two brothers would become quiet.

This is the first time Xia Qing has seen a sick wolf taking care of other wolves, as if the wolf brother and sister with a broken leg were his children. Although this scene was quite strange, it was not enough to support Xia Qing's heavy eyelids. She almost crawled back to the lounge chair by the fireplace, covered herself with a thin quilt and fell asleep.

 After the black wolf came out, he naturally walked to the alpha wolf and lay down to sleep. The broken-waisted wolf's eyes turned twice around the fireplace, the alpha wolf, and the tatami, and with trembling legs, he dragged the straw mat on the tatami to the fireplace.

 The wolf opened his eyes, looked at it, got up and lay down on the mat to continue sleeping. The broken-backed wolf lay next to the alpha wolf, staring at the fire thoughtfully, and slowly closed his eyes.

 An hour later, Xia Qing was woken up by the alarm clock again and felt that the pain in her body had eased a lot. She went to the bathroom to let the three wolves huddled together out, and added a lot of spring water to the tub to heat it to a suitable temperature.

This package of potion has already soaked a person, a sheep and six wolves, and the effect of the potion is very low. However, there are two giant wolves outside, and Xia Qing dare not let them soak. Especially the giant wolf with ice blue eyes. Xia Qing was afraid that it would be dissatisfied and raised his claws to tear down his home.

After preparing the water, Xia Qing walked out and looked at the group of wolves sleeping in front of the fireplace. He first touched the sheep boss's completely dried fur, then picked up the sick wolf that had just come out of the bathroom and placed it on his recliner. Then he woke up the alpha wolf and said, "My Lady Queen, the potion is heated. Please ask the two wolves outside to come in and take a bath."

 The wolf opened his golden eyes, looked at Xia Qing, and then closed them again. The broken-backed wolf, which was nestled tightly next to the alpha wolf, opened its eyes and looked at Xia Qing thoughtfully.

Xia Qing asked the Broken Waist Wolf again and found that it did not stand up to call the two wolves outside the door to come in, so he understood: the two wolves outside were not here to take a bath, but to protect the wolves!

It should be that the invasion during the last bath made the alpha wolf feel that the humans responsible for guarding the territory were useless, so this time he brought two wolves over to protect the safety of the wolves after the bath. "My Lady Queen, you are so considerate. With the two giant wolves outside, we can all have a good sleep." Xia Qing raised her hand and rubbed the slightly damp fur on the first wolf, and then touched it with her forehead. It turned its head, and then gently lifted a corner of the curtain to look into the yard.

Xia Qing's eyes met the ice blue eyes of the handsome giant wolf. Xia Qing now looked at this wolf and felt that it was very pleasing to the eye.

This is really a tall, handsome and reliable wolf... Xia Qing yawned, waved to it, lowered the curtains and went back to the second floor to sleep.

It is now eleven o'clock in the evening. Xia Qing, who has slept for two nights, can finally walk back to the bedroom after taking a bath and get into a warm bed to sleep.

At around four o'clock in the morning, Xia Qing heard the Didi warning sound from the camera in the territory. She turned on her mobile phone and found that two giant wolves had left the territory.

It seems that the first wolf that took a bath has recovered its combat strength and does not need the two giant wolves to guard it, so they are allowed to return to the territory of the wolf pack.

Xia Qing yawned, closed her eyes and continued to sleep.

 At almost seven o'clock, the layers of clouds in the eastern sky gradually became brighter, and the sun was about to come out. Xia Qing went downstairs after washing up and walked briskly downstairs. She saw the sheep boss was still sleeping, the broken-backed wolf was squatting beside the bicycle and using his paws to pull the pedals of the bicycle. The other wolves were not in the house.

Xia Qing was about to turn around, then turned her head to the electric bicycle, and finally discovered the source of the awkwardness she just felt: the bicycle seat only had a bare wooden board, and where was the thick cushion made of new cotton bolted to it?

Xia Qing glanced around and found that the cushion was actually on the bare tatami, the rope was broken, and the cloth was torn. No need to ask, it must be the Broken Waist Wolf. Other wolves don’t have much interest in bicycles.

Xia Qing walked over and rubbed the broken waist wolf's head, opened the blackout curtains and glanced at the empty yard, then took out the sewing kit from the drawer in the living room, sat on the tatami with only wooden boards left, and threaded needlework to sew cushions.

 The Broken Waist Wolf squatted next to Xia Qing, his eyes following the movement of the needle and thread in her hand, thoughtfully.

Xia Qing explained in a low voice, "This is a needle and this is a thread, which can sew up broken things. You can't do this job because the needle is too thin."

 After sewing the seat cushion, Xia Qing taught the broken-waist wolf how to hold the handlebars with its front paws and pedal the bicycle pedals with its back paws. The broken waist wolf is smarter than the sheep boss and learned quickly.

Xia Qing ignored it and went upstairs to take out a large piece of snake meat weighing more than two kilograms from the refrigerator. When he went downstairs, he saw the wolf on the bicycle, staring at the light on the bicycle in surprise.

Seeing its expression, Xia Qing felt that she should increase the price and let it repair a stone, otherwise she would not exchange the bicycle with it! (End of chapter)

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