Chapter 453: Who to team up with?

Xia Qing decided not to cooperate with the people in Territory No. 1 or No. 7 on this mission to collect Green Lantern Peanuts.

 Because he teamed up with them, Xia Qing had to share at least 40% of the edible peanuts harvested. If there were very few green-light peanuts in the area of ​​No. 50 Hill that the red squirrel discovered, and Xia Qing had been staring at the red squirrel for several months, he might not have even received a handful of peanuts in the end.

 So, only by teaming up with wolves who don’t eat peanuts can all the peanuts harvested be owned by her.

 Today is November 29th, the day for taking medicinal baths. If the alpha wolf could correctly understand the message Xia Qing conveyed to it last time, he could lead the pack of wolves from Mount 61 based on the shape of the moon. After taking a bath tonight, when the wolves return to their territory tomorrow morning, they can go to No. 50 Mountain with her and collect the peanuts.


Xia Qing asked Yang Jin that the two evolved bears on Mountain No. 50 returned to Mountain No. 60 and did not come back. Therefore, there are no bears on Mountain No. 50. She would not be discovered by the evolved bears when she and the wolves acted together. Come to Brain Evolution Bear’s Revenge.

When Xia Qing and the wolves go to collect peanuts, they will pass through the canyon of No. 49 Mountain, then pass through a not-so-wide valley and enter No. 50 Mountain. This route is not within the monitoring scope of Territory No. 9.

If the people in Territory No. 9 send a scout bird to follow Xia Qing, with her level 9 visual evolution ability and her current marksmanship, she can definitely kill the scout bird with one shot before it discovers the wolves.

 How many come, how many will she kill?

Before dark, Xia Qing carried a sprayer on her back and carefully sprayed the pesticide to drive away small reptiles twice inside the grass isolation wall.

 This is the potion that Xia Qing exchanged with the idol after the evolved water rat invaded the territory. Spray once and it will last for a month, but you need to spray again after it rains or snows. There was a moderate amount of rain and snow last night. To be on the safe side, Xia Qing decided to refill the medicine.

 After spraying the pesticide, Xia Qing asked Hu Xiufeng to send someone over to guard the territory. Tonight was another time when her fighting power against the wolves was at its lowest.

It was getting dark and the wolves hadn’t arrived yet. Xia Qing didn't wait any longer. After dinner, she filled the bathtub on the second floor with unpolluted spring water and heated it to a suitable temperature. Then she poured the medicine into the spring water and stirred evenly.

 Then, Xia Qing stood on the stairs and greeted his two companions, "Boss, Second, I'm going to make some medicine, and I'll leave the house to you."

 The sick wolf lying on the tatami on the first floor raised his head and looked very reliable.

The sheep boss who was riding his bicycle glanced at Xia Qing, his meaning was clear.

Of course, Xia Qing was not stingy with the sheep boss who worked hard to generate electricity every day so that she no longer had to worry about electricity. She showered her with compliments like a torrent of water, "Oh my god, boss, you look so handsome riding a bicycle. I never I have never seen such a handsome evolved sheep! You are the most handsome sheep in Blue Star, the most creative sheep, the sheep standing at the top of Blue Star Pyramid, you are so radiant that you fascinate all living beings..."

 After the sheep boss was satisfied, Xia Qing entered the bathroom on the second floor.

 Fifteen minutes later, Xia Qing felt like moxibustion all over her body. She could still bear this level of pain.

 Twenty-five minutes later, the medicine penetrated the cortex and reached the bones, and the real pain began. In order to absorb more of the medicine's effect, Xia Qing, who was shivering in pain while immersed in the water, began to recall beautiful things to distract her attention.





The mobile phone placed on the bamboo stand next to her kept ringing the warning sound, but Husband Feng's team did not send a warning to her through the intercom. Xia Qing could tell who it was without looking at her mobile phone: the wolf who likes to play with doors has arrived.

 The wolf with evolved brains can indeed accurately determine the time to take a medicinal bath by distinguishing the shape of the moon. Its memory and observation abilities have reached a very developed level.

 “Beep, beep.”

Immediately afterwards, the surveillance cameras in the territory captured the intruder and sent an early warning to the mobile phone. Xia Qing still closed her eyes and soaked in the potion without moving, because the camera found that the intruder was the girl with a broken leg brought by the alpha wolf or other companions, so there was no need to check.

Xia Qing felt it was unnecessary. Jing Kuan, who was guarding Territory No. 3, was shocked and asked his companions in a low voice on the intercom, "Are those two... wolves?"

"Brother Kuan, please keep your voice down, they are turning to look at you." Chen Cheng reminded in a low voice, "No one should point a gun at the wolf, it is very dangerous." Jing Kuan muttered, "You are louder than me."

Xiao Jiang responded, "It's okay, Sister Qing said, as long as we don't take the initiative to provoke, the wolves will not hurt anyone in Territory Three."

Chen Cheng muttered, "...If we lie down like this, the wolves should be able to recognize us as humans, right?"



The door on the first floor was opened, and Xia Qing, who was in the bathroom on the second floor, listened carefully.


Lamb Boss was performing hard, and the rear wheel of the bicycle was spinning so fast that Xia Qing could hear the wind from the second floor.



A wolf accidentally stepped on the water basin for washing feet inside the door, and the water spilled onto the floor, causing the wolf to growl low, which was very shocking.

Xia Qing felt relieved when the wolf was watching, so she put her head into the water and continued to take a bath.

The alarm clock on her phone rang. Xia Qing, who had finally soaked for an hour, opened the water valve in the bathtub and let the medicine flow through the hose to the large bathtub in the bathroom on the first floor. Then she forced her body, which was in terrible pain, to reach the bamboo shelf next to her. clothes.

It was getting cold, so Xia Qing also put on some cold-proof clothes.

Although human beings have improved their cold resistance after evolution, the temperature in winter has dropped by at least ten degrees, and living conditions are not as good as before. Not only are there no heating facilities such as air conditioning and heating in the house, but they also have to work outdoors and even in the evolutionary forest in the winter. , so the clothes I wore were thicker.

Xia Qing’s winter clothes are divided into three layers, with the innermost layer being quick-drying clothing.

 Quick-drying clothes are slimmer and thinner, and their most important function is to be breathable and sweat-wicking. Because Xia Qing has to work and train every day, her body will sweat a lot. Under low temperature conditions, if you do not wear quick-drying clothes but wear clothes that absorb sweat but do not wick away sweat, your body will be completely soaked with sweat, and you will easily become hypothermic after stopping exercise.

 In the winter before the natural disaster, many people wore thick clothes but suffered frostbite, frostbite and frostbite. The reason is that they did not wear quick-drying bottoming clothes and were unable to return to a warm room after sweating, so their bodies experienced hypothermia.

 The second layer is the middle thermal layer. The main function of this layer of clothing is to keep warm. There are clothing options of different materials such as fleece, down, and cotton. Xia Qing is an advanced evolver and can withstand colder weather than ordinary people and ordinary evolvers. As long as the temperature does not drop below minus 30 degrees, she does not need to wear down or cotton-padded clothes. She only wears fleece warm clothes with a certain elasticity.

This year she purchased two sets of thick fleece thermal coats and a set of down jackets and pants through Kuang Qingwei. Together with a cotton coat made by her mother when she paid for the points, she now has four sets of warm clothes.

 So, although this year may be the coldest winter in the past ten years, for Xia Qing, it is the warmest winter.

 The outermost layer is the protective thermal layer, which is the winter protective clothing. The main task of this layer of clothing is not to keep warm, but to prevent wind, water, scratches and evolutionary animal attacks.

Xia Qing has tidied her house very well, so the house is very warm. Now she only wears quick-drying clothes and home clothes. If you need to go out, put on thin fleece and protective clothing.

When she finally gained some strength and slowly went downstairs while holding on to the railing, she saw five more wolves in the bright living room on the first floor.

 The wolf, the black wolf and the sick wolf are staying on the tatami. You look at me and I look at you. I don’t know what information is being communicated with the eyes.

 Brothers and sisters Broken Waist Wolf and Broken Leg Wolf stood next to a power-generating bicycle, watching the sheep boss pedal his bicycle to generate electricity.

 The reason why the first floor is so bright is because it is illuminated by the light bulb on the bicycle. The sheep boss, who was surrounded by three wolves, held his head high and pedaled his bicycle very fast, as if he had reached the peak of his life.

Seeing this scene, Xia Qing felt that she needed to get a stronger electric bicycle as soon as possible. This bike probably wouldn't last long before it would be trampled to pieces by the sheep boss.

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