Chapter 448 The enemy retreats

The girl with a broken leg, who was recovering from a serious injury, followed the alpha wolf and left Hill 49 at lightning speed and returned to Hill 61.

Only Xia Qing and...a large group of wild boars are left in the Wolf Valley!

Xia Qing kept thinking about the eighteen ways to eat wild boar meat, and continued to collect leaves.

Carry the fallen leaves back into the territory, mix them with the compost bacteria powder that the idol exchanged for her, then pour them into the cold-proof ditch and compact them, and finally cover them with a layer of soil and mulch, and a ten-meter-long **** field protective ditch is completed. .

 After filling a fifty-meter-long cold-proof ditch, Xia Qing returned to Valley No. 1 in District 3 to collect wild boar excrement.

Xia Qing is very familiar with this job. He has done it frequently when he went on missions.

Wild boars are also territorial animals. The wild boars that were driven by the wolves were divided into three groups and their territories were divided with urine. Each group of wild boars will excrete feces at a fixed place in the territory, so although Xia Qing is not a smell evolver, he still quickly found the place where the wild boars defecate.

 When he saw a pile of dung more than one meter high in Valley No. 1, Xia Qing was first glad that he was not a smell evolver, and secondly, he was grateful that it was winter and the dung would not be surrounded by evolved bugs.

Xia Qing took three large piles of wild boar dung in the valley and the wolf dung at the entrance of the wolf cave back to his territory, poured them into the cold-proof ditch outside the breeding greenhouse, then added dead leaves and composted bacterial powder, and fermented them together.

She hopes that the smell of wolf and wild boar excrement will deter the small carnivores that come in, so that they will not destroy the membrane of the greenhouse and steal her chickens and fish.

Of course, this is only an auxiliary means. The animals in the greenhouse are mainly protected by sick wolves, insect repellents and deodorizers, cameras, Xia Qing and the sheep boss.

 The above measures are ranked in descending order of protective effects.

 The sick wolf loves to eat eggs and fish, so it is very concerned about protecting the breeding greenhouse. It will come here several times a day without Xia Qing's orders. If there is any slight disturbance, no matter it is day or night, the sick wolf will come over to check.

 The boss sheep does not eat meat and rarely enters the breeding greenhouse except to scare the chickens when it is bored to show its status as the leader of the territory.

 The herbivorous boss prefers greenhouse cultivation.

The day after Xia Qing moved the strawberries and mint to the greenhouse, she discovered that the mint was missing a few leaves. The culprit, the sheep boss, was lying next to him chewing cud with an expressionless face.

It is the nature of sheep to eat grass. Xia Qing does not object to it, but is afraid that it will uproot the grass and destroy the seedlings. Therefore, Xia Qing had to use thorny thorns and shrubs to fence all the vegetable beds to prevent sheep.

 Sick wolf patrols the territory, feeding fish and chickens. Xia Qing is busy, growing vegetables, cooking and training, so of course the sheep boss can't be idle either.

Taking advantage of his free time at noon, Xia Qing installed the pedal-powered bicycle sent by Huzi in the living room on the first floor.

The same thing between foot-operated power-generating bicycles and foot-operated water-drawing bicycles is that a device with special functions is installed on the rear wheel of the bicycle.

 The water-collecting bicycle uses the rear wheel to drive the water-collecting belt, draws water from a low place to a high place, and directly uses kinetic energy to perform work.

 A power-generating bicycle is a generator composed of a stator and a rotor, which is installed on the rear wheel of the bicycle. When riding, the rotation of the rotor drives the coil on the stator to rotate, generating electromagnetic induction, converting the kinetic energy generated during riding into electrical energy, and then storing it in the battery through the circuit system.

 After installation, Xia Qing stepped on it and tried it, and found that the amount of force required to pedal a power-generating bicycle and a water-fetching bicycle were about the same, and Mr. Yang might like it.

  Water will flow up when you pedal on a water-collecting bicycle, but nothing will come out of a power-generating bicycle, which may make Mr. Sheep feel no sense of accomplishment and pedaling becomes boring.

So Xia Qing tinkered for a while and installed a light bulb on the electric bicycle. The light bulb lights up when you step on it to generate electricity, and it doesn't light up when you don't step on it.

When Boss Yang came back for lunch, Xia Qing pedaled the bicycle slowly and exaggeratedly, admiring the light bulb hanging in front of the bicycle. "Boss, look, this bicycle is so powerful. The light bulb lights up as soon as you step on it. It's so beautiful." Ah-oh, how come there are such beautiful light bulbs...” ˜ ˜ ˜ This thing is very familiar to you! After it wiped its hooves clean, it came over and showed off its spiral horn to Xia Qing.

"Boss, you want to play? Okay, I'll let you play for a while." Xia Qing pretended to be reluctant to get off the bike and stood aside.

The sheep boss immediately climbed up, held his head high, and pedaled the bicycle into the air.

Xia Qing applauded it and praised it wildly, "Boss, you are so awesome! I didn't expect you to ride so fast. Second brother, look, is this light bulb much brighter than when I was riding?"

No matter what Xia Qing said, Sick Wolf would always squat next to him and open his mouth, hahaha, and he was very supportive.

The sheep boss squinted at Xia Qing, indicating that she could say more.

"Boss, you are so smart. You don't need to be taught by me. You can figure it out at a glance. You must be the smartest and most handsome evolutionary sheep on the Blue Star. You have created a history of evolutionary sheep. No wonder the Queen will talk to you. How come you are so awesome when we become friends..."

After the praise made her mouth dry, Xia Qing drank Kouquan mint tea and discussed with Boss Yang, "Boss, you play first, and I will prepare a delicious meal for you and the second child. When you have finished playing, we will eat. How about it?"

The extremely arrogant Yang Boss reluctantly gave Xia Qing a look.

“Okay, I understand, let’s go cook now!” Xia Qing went to the kitchen, cutting pumpkins and soaking toon sprouts for the sheep boss and the sick wolf, while listening to the soft music she had downloaded and saved on her mobile phone.

 The weather has been cold recently, there is not enough light, and the solar panels are not generating enough electricity. Xia Qing has to save electricity. Now Mr. Sheep has entered the crazy power generation mode, so there is no need to save it.

At noon, Xia Qing ate wild boar ribs stewed with sweet potatoes, the sick wolf ate boiled wild boar meat and pumpkin, and the sheep boss had the most sumptuous meal: cabbage leaves, pumpkin, chopped corn and compressed rations.

"Boss, you are so awesome!" Xia Qing put the rice bowl in front of the sheep boss and sighed sincerely. In one noon, it actually charged a standard battery to 30%. This power generation efficiency has completely reduced the solar panels on the roof. It’s seconds!

 With the boss here, we need solar panels and diesel generators. Boss Yang is the real clean, efficient, green energy and sustainable energy! The grass it eats is what it emits.


Xia Qing heard her phone ringing, opened it and found that it was a message from Tang Huai:

Tang Zhengsu left the territory and returned to the safe zone, V5! My legs are much better. Do you need help digging trenches to protect yourself from the cold? I'm free.


The phone rang again, and it was a message from Hu Feng:

Tang Zhengsu has led the main team members back to the safe zone. The No. 2 territory is temporarily represented by Zhou Xun. The single player of the Fire Team will leave within two days. You must be careful when entering and exiting during these two days.

Xia Qing received a reply and asked: Why did you leave so quickly before your single goal was achieved?

 Hush Feng’s reply: Gao Yi’s elemental spinach seeds, Team Agni’s cash cow, were stolen. Shan Ying is the vice-captain in charge of planting and must return to the team as soon as possible to deal with the aftermath.



Xia Qing put a piece of tender and juicy braised pork ribs into her mouth, closed her eyes and felt the beautiful melody of the ribs playing in her mouth.

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