Chapter 446 Vibrant

Ah. Do you think anyone who grew up in an evolutionary forest and evolved from a carnivorous beast into a wolf can masturbate?

Not to mention Tang Huai, even the Bearded Feng team that wanders around her territory every day have not gained the trust of the wolves and cannot get close to them at all.


The wooden door of the small house connected to the greenhouse rang. After a while, the sick wolf walked in with a basket in his mouth and pushed open the door curtain on the earthen wall of the greenhouse. He happily wagged his tail at Xia Qing and ran over.

“The second child is so happy, is it because he has gained something today?” Xia Qing greeted the sick wolf, took the basket and patted its forehead.

 The height of the sick wolf is about the same as that of the original wolf, with a shoulder height of 1.2 meters. It is taller when sitting than when standing. It has keen vision, five sharp toes on its forelimbs, four hooked toes on its hind limbs, and sharp tusks. It is a well-deserved evolutionary beast in the evolutionary forest.

At this time, this powerful and ferocious evolved wolf squatted in front of Xia Qing and raised its head, letting Xia Qing scratch its neck.

Xia Qing naturally stretched out her hand to stroke the wolf.

She can get along well with the wolves mainly because she and the sheep boss live in the same territory and in the same house. She is the sheep boss's recognized companion, and the wolves are also the sheep boss's companions.

The brain-evolved wolf knows that humans can treat very serious injuries, so after the waist-broken wolf and the broken-leg wolf were injured, the alpha wolf did not want to give up their important companions, so he took the risk of taking them out of the evolutionary forest and into the territory of the sheep boss, using Yi Shi and Herbal asked the sheep boss's companion, the human Xia Qing, for help.

 At first, Xia Qing and the wolves did not trust each other. After more than four months of frequent contact, the two parties slowly established a trusting relationship.

 The one with the best relationship with Xia Qing among the wolves is the one in front of him.

 When it was about to be tortured to death by parasites and evolutionary grass seeds, it was brought to Xia Qing by the alpha wolf. It was Xia Qing who exchanged medicines, asked someone to perform eye surgery on it, and patiently took care of it, and finally brought it back from the brink of death.

Through the various behaviors of the sick wolf, Xia Qing confirmed that the sick wolf has regarded himself as a companion whose importance is second only to the alpha wolf and the broken waist wolf, and as important as the boss of the sheep.

After petting the wolf for a while, Xia Qing, who was so happy that he saw the worm he had caught, was surprised.

 When the weather is cold and freezing, most insects burrow into the soil or piles of dead leaves. It is easier to catch insects when the weather is not warm. Therefore, Xia Qing has told his companions that there is no need to catch insects.

The sheep boss happily accepted Xia Qing's suggestion, but when the sick wolf patrolled the territory every morning, he would still catch insects with a basket in his mouth.

  It has not harvested anything in the past two days, but unexpectedly what it harvested is an evolved giant cockroach.

No matter how Blue Star evolves, cockroaches are still surviving very well.

 The body of the evolved giant cockroach is longer than the **** that humans hold up when expressing anger. Not only that, it evolved to have sharp incisor lobes and molar lobes on its upper and lower jaws, which can bite off human fingers.

 In the early years of natural disasters, many humans died at the mouth of evolutionary cockroaches.

  In every insect wave during the ten years of natural disasters, there were a large number of evolved cockroaches.

Xia Qing, who would jump and scream in fright when seeing big cockroaches before the natural disaster, is smiling now and admiring the evolved cockroaches that are longer and twice fatter than ordinary cockroaches.

“Not bad, not bad, I can actually find such a big cockroach. Our fish can be half full.”

The sick wolf wagged its tail, skillfully picked up the basket and ran to the water tank, hung the basket on the water tank, and then used its claws to pull a big cockroach into the water tank.

 The spring water fish that have been waiting for a long time are competing for food, and the water in the water tank is churning violently. The sick wolf watched this scene with relish, and waited until they finished eating the first cockroach before putting in the second one. Fish farming is Sick Wolf’s hobby.

Xia Qing did not disturb it. After feeding the chickens and rabbits, she went to the greenhouse to check the temperature, humidity and seed germination.

There are a total of 25 vegetable beds in the greenhouse. Xia Qing currently grows six types of green vegetables, including alfalfa, perilla, spinach, onions, leeks and pumpkins, occupying 13 vegetable beds in total. There are two kinds of yellow vegetables, 100 celery and 100 lettuce that she got from the lord's management department not long ago, each occupying one vegetable bed.

There is also a vegetable bed with 15 strawberry plants, two of which she exchanged with Yang Jin, and 13 of which were propagated from the stolons of two large strawberry plants. These strawberries are Xia Qing’s treasures.

In addition to strawberries, there are also two green mint plants here.

 Although the strawberries and mint are placed in the greenhouse, they are still planted in pots and watered with pollution-free spring water.

 The seeds and leek roots were planted yesterday, and no changes can be seen yet. But with the 63 green onions, mints and strawberries transplanted by Xia Qing from the terraces, the greenhouse is full of vitality, forming a sharp contrast with the desolation outside the greenhouse.

 The ground temperature in the greenhouse is high, so the hibernating pests in the soil wake up.

 The soil insecticide exchanged with Territory No. 7 can kill most insect eggs, but it is not guaranteed to kill all pests. There are chemical pesticides in Territory No. 9 that can quickly kill adult insects, but Xia Qing dare not use them.

 She was afraid that using this pesticide would have adverse effects on the plants in the field.

Xia Qing squatted on the ridge of the field, using her keen sense of hearing to look for pests in the soil that might chew up seeds.

 “Gulu, Gulu…”

Although he is not as good as Tang Huai, a professional insect digger, Xia Qing, who has been farming for a year, can also identify the type of insect by the sound.

This kind of grunting sound is caused by the friction between the muscles of the long earthworm and the moist body wall when it moves.

The sound was so slight that even Xia Qing, a seventh-level hearing evolver, could barely catch it. Earthworms are detritivores and do not eat plant roots, so there is no need to capture them.


 This is the sound of cutworms or grubs eating the roots of plants and must be removed.

After locking the position, Xia Qing picked up a small hoe, accurately dug out an evolved cutworm from under the leek root, threw it into the small basket next to it, and continued to listen carefully.

After digging for insects for half an hour and confirming that there were no crickets or other pests in the soil, Xia Qing clapped her hands and stood up, carrying a small basket to the greenhouse next door and feeding the few bugs she dug up to the green lantern chickens in the cage.

There are nets on the four sides and top of the chicken coop in the greenhouse. This prevents the chickens from damaging the plastic film of the greenhouse and allows them to contact the ground and eat insects and grass seeds from the soil.

After the fastest white-feathered hens and black-feathered roosters won the food, they did not swallow it directly. Instead, they took the bugs in their beaks with great interest and ran quickly in the big cage, attracting other chickens to stop digging for bugs. The scene was very lively as they chased each other for food.

 “Second brother, let’s go find the boss. Let’s go home and cook together.” Xia Qing greeted the sick wolf who was still looking at the fish, and left the greenhouse to find the sheep boss.

The big sheep is easy to find, firstly because its color is so conspicuous, and secondly because it only likes to go to a few places where it can chew grass.

Sure enough, Xia Qing found it under the big chun tree, enjoying the delicacies of fallen leaves.

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