In the Tenth Year After the Natural Disaster, Follow me to Farm

Chapter 43: The sheep boss who moved Xia Qing

Chapter 43 The sheep boss who moved Xia Qing

Early the next morning, the inspection team delivered twenty green alfalfa trees.

Xia Qing looked at the palm-high tender green seedlings with roots and soil in the grass pocket and fell silent. The color of this seedling is indeed much more normal than that of evolved perilla, but are you sure it is alfalfa and not clover?

 Or maybe the scientific name of clover is alfalfa?

Xia Qing took out her mobile phone to look through the "Planting Encyclopedia" and found pictures of evolved alfalfa for comparison. The small leaves of the mature alfalfa, which is more than one meter high, are indeed 90% similar to the leaves of the seedlings in the grass pocket in the "Planting Encyclopedia".

She stopped worrying about whether alfalfa was clover. According to the key points mentioned in the "Planting Encyclopedia", she planted the small seedlings in the terraces above the perilla and surrounded them with jujube branches.

If these alfalfa seedlings can survive, wait until they are seeded before sowing. Next year, when she has planted the terraced fields, she can remove the evolved jujube branches and let the sheep eat alfalfa like perilla.

Xia Qing is excited when thinking about next year.

After the natural disaster, most of the lower-class humans lived day by day, without any plan at all, and it was impossible to have a plan. Xia Qing was considered a low-class alien. But when she was planning to rebuild her home in the safe zone, all she had for the future was a vague vision, and she had no idea when it would be realized.

Now, as she stood in her own territory and thought about the future, she felt full of stability.

Raising his hand to rub the curly hair of the sheep that was nibbling on Perilla, Xia Qing stretched out his arms across the entire territory with excitement, "My dear concubine, look, these are all the empires I have built for you!"

The sheep boss ignored Xia Qing, who was trembling with horns, and continued to cook.

By the end of March, the cultivated vegetable seedlings were ready for transplanting, and it was time for the lords to exchange vegetable seedlings with each other.

For the sake of fairness, each lord needs to test the seedlings’ phosphorus content first and confirm the level of the seedlings before exchanging them.

 Other lords announced on the channel that most of the sprouts have yellow lights, a few red lights, and rarely green lights. The seedlings in Xia Qingtian have 90% yellow lights, 10% green lights, and no red lights. However, Xia Qing concealed the existence of green light seedlings and said that he had some red lights.

 When exchanging vegetable seedlings with other lords, Xia Qing dug up only yellow lantern seedlings. The first thing she dug were the tomato, cucumber, eggplant and pumpkin seedlings that were exchanged for Plot No. 1, ten of each type.

Of course, these seedlings were not exchanged for a micro-tiller in name only, but together with fifty spinach seeds, they were exchanged for Xia Qing for forty bags of putty powder and three barrels of wall paint.

The most basic function of wall paint and putty powder after natural disasters is addition to decoration: insect prevention. Both of these building materials are hot commodities and cannot be purchased by ordinary people. When Xia Qing was in the construction team, he received these two items by the pound, so Xia Qing was unable to save any money.

She originally planned to trade putty powder with Qi Fu, but Qi Fu said he didn't have any.

A few days ago, Xia Qing heard from Hu Feng on the Lord Channel that they were going to build a house in Territory No. 1, so he tried to propose an exchange with Hu Feng. Unexpectedly, it came true. This made Xia Qing once again marvel at the strength of the Qinglong Team. .

After planting the vegetable seedlings and digging out the bamboo shoots, Xia Qing will seize the time to paint her small building before the next rain to make it more like a home.

After delivering the vegetable seedlings from Land No. 1, Xia Qing exchanged ten tomato seedlings for five bean seedlings from Land No. 5 and five pepper seedlings from Land No. 7. It's not that she doesn't want to change more, but because she only has fifteen tomato seedlings left.

Since pumpkins, cucumbers and eggplants were received from each territory, Xia Qing had more leftover: twenty pumpkin seedlings, twenty-five cucumber seedlings, and thirty eggplant seedlings.

These vegetable seedlings and the vegetable seedlings she exchanged, except for some extra pumpkin seedlings, were all planted by Xia Qing in the still empty hillside planting zone.

 In order to grow good vegetable seedlings, Xia Qing did everything she could with her planting skills. In order to increase the nutrients in the soil of the vegetable field, Xia Qing decomposed the sheep manure and bird droppings collected from the territory and applied them to the vegetable field. After the transplanting was completed, she also watered it with the accumulated mountain spring water.

 Next, we have to look at their vitality. A few days after planting, Xia Qing wanted to live in the vegetable field.

 Three lords, No. 4, 5, and 6, are more attentive than her. They keep their pagers on 24 hours a day and exchange their vegetable growing experiences at any time.

Zhang San at No. 7 is not interested in anything else except eating and is not online during the day; Hu Feng from No. 1 is always there, but he is there to keep abreast of Xia Qing’s dynamics and needs; Tang Huai from No. 2 is there to know Hu Feng’s news has also been kept on. Of course, the two men rarely spoke.

At noon, the sun scorched the transplanted seedlings until the leaves drooped, and half of the seedlings even bent their waists. Xia Qing was worried after seeing it. According to the method taught by Qi Fu, he carefully lifted up the bent seedling with his head on the ground using a small yak. If he hadn't known that the vegetable seedlings needed sunlight, Xia Qing would have wanted to put up a awning for them right away.

  The sunshine in the evening was no longer strong, and most of the hanging leaves of the vegetable seedlings had started to stand out again. Xia Qing was so happy that she couldn't open her mouth from ear to ear.

 The next morning, the little seedling that was bent over and drooping its head also started to stand up, and Xia Qing was so beautiful that she spun around in circles.

At noon, the seedlings were exposed to the sun again and their leaves and heads drooped. Xia Qing squatted on the edge of the field with a sad face and sighed.

 The morning of the third day was like this again. Xia Qing was sometimes excited and sometimes anxious, so much so that the sheep boss thought she was sick, so he took a mouthful of grass and placed it next to the planting area, and pulled the jujube branches to let Xia Qing go out to graze.

Xia Qing, who had nowhere to vent his anger, didn't understand what the sheep boss meant. He thought it wanted to eat the vegetable seedlings, so he rushed out and had a fierce fight with it.

Even though he defeated the sheep boss with an overwhelming advantage for the first time in history, Xia Qing still didn't get excited and continued to guard Miao and sigh.

 The lost sheep took the grass home again and spit it into Xia Qing's bowl. Only then did Xia Qing realize that it wanted him to eat grass.

 Is this grass edible?

After testing, Xia Qing found that the grass that the sheep took back was actually a green plant, so she cooked it and ate it, but she vomited after taking a bite because it was too unpalatable.

The sheep boss was unhappy, took some more and spit it into Xia Qing's rice bowl.

Xia Qing saw that the sheep boss was so persistent, so after asking Tan Junjie to inquire, he found out that this featureless vine was actually an evolved white-haired chicken vine that could treat abdominal pain due to food accumulation and itchy skin!

Xia Qing then understood that Boss Yang thought she was sick and went to collect medicine for her. Xia Qing was deeply moved and pinched a few alfalfa leaves that she didn't even want to take a bite of, and made a snack for Boss Yang.

 Thanks to Mr. Yang, Xia Qing’s special product in the territory has added a valuable green light Chinese herbal medicine—evolved white-haired chicken vine.

  Although the name is ugly, it is very valuable: the whole plant (including roots, stems and leaves) can be sold for 40 points per pound after being dried.

When he is free, Xia Qing will cut some and dry it in exchange for points to buy compressed rations for the sheep boss.

 Six days after transplanting, ten vegetable seedlings in the terraced fields died, and the most dead ones were cucumbers. Xia Qing thinks that cucumber seedlings are the most delicate. The thin skin seems to be filled with water. They wilt when the sun shines and fall over when the wind blows.

She would never admit that two of the trees were accidentally broken when she was helping the seedlings.

 Nearly half of the seedlings in plots No. 1 and 2 have died, and plot No. 7 has not come online. The situation is estimated to be similar. The situation in the four and six territories was similar to that of Xia Qing. The situation in the fifth territory was the best, with only two seedlings lost. This is because the Qifu family was farming before the natural disaster and had the most experience.

 (End of this chapter)

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