Chapter 425 Mutation

Daya, who was following, looked left and right and found that there was only one sheep in the yard. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Brother Huo, you cut the meat and I will dig out the entrails. Xia Qing, you and Yanlong go to work."

Hundreds of kilograms of this python's meat and all its internal organs will be sent to Territory No. 7. Xia Qing was not polite to them, "Then I'll bother Brother Ya and Brother Huo. Sister Yan, what do you think of the test?"

 “Follow me.” Yanlong turned and walked out.

"Okay. Boss, will you come with me?" Xia Qing called out. Seeing Boss Yang guarding the door of the house, with no intention of following him, Xia Qing turned around and followed Yanlong out.

After Yanlong walked out of the courtyard, she suddenly accelerated and ran westward. Xia Qing knew that she was going to test her running speed and immediately followed her at full speed.

After running out of the village, Yanlong suddenly stopped and turned around, rushing towards Xia Qing.

  Is this to test her combat prowess?

Xia Qing slowed down and before she could stand firmly, Yanlong's legs arrived. It was too late for Xia Qing to avoid it, so he could only turn sideways to protect his vital points and use his arms to block Yanlong's flying kick.

Unexpectedly, Yanlong's legs were much stronger than she expected, and Xia Qing was kicked away by her. Fortunately, Xia Qing often fights with Boss Yang, and is already familiar with how to adjust his center of gravity in the air and land smoothly.

But before Xia Qing could adjust her center of gravity and land on the ground, Yanlong had already jumped into the air, and the iron fist slammed into her chest with a sound of wind. Xia Qing was shocked and immediately used his arms to resist. But she didn't expect Yanlong's punch to be a false move, and it was already too late for Xia Qing to avoid her legs.



Xia Qing was kicked down by Yanlong and hit hard against half of the earth wall on the roadside, causing the wall to collapse.

Yanlong is very fast, so its momentum is very strong, completely suppressing Xia Qing, a high-level power evolver.

 Is this the real master? too strong!

Xia Qing's blood boiled. He pushed away the adobe and bricks that hit him and was about to stand up to fight back when he heard the sound of running.



The sheep boss heard the noise and ran out of the yard. He saw Xia Qing being beaten and hit the wall. He yelled and rushed over to protect his younger brother.

The voice of the sheep boss is too loud, and it will definitely be heard by the people in Territory No. 2!

Xia Qing got up on her hands and knees and rushed towards her companion, "Boss, don't panic, it's okay, it's okay, we are just playing around."

 “Sister Qing…”

Before Xia Qing could stop the sheep boss, he heard Er Yong shouting urgently on the headset-type walkie-talkie. Xia Qing immediately thought of the wolves in the Wolf Valley. She felt a thump in her heart and turned to look north. Sure enough, she saw the alpha wolf rushing over the iron fence at an incredible speed.

"My Queen, I was mistaken..." Xia Qing ignored the sheep boss and shouted, rushing to block Yanlong. But before she could even take three or five steps, she was hit **** the arm by the pebbles thrown up by the alpha wolf when he landed on the ground.


 It really hurts!

 Fortunately, the Queen wore shoes, otherwise the pads under her feet would have hurt even more!

 “Your Majesty,…”


Before Xia Qing could stop the alpha wolf, the sheep boss rushed in front of Yanlong. Yanlong dodged and the sheep boss hit the ruins of the house hard and was buried.

“Moo—” The old sheep in the ruins roared angrily, pushed away the rotten wood and adobe that was holding it down, and rushed out to stand behind the alpha wolf, "What...~...~"

 It was obviously a sheep, but it was obviously just opening its mouth and bleating. But this "baa" made Mr. Yang scream out with a sense of grievance.

Xia Qing was shocked for the first time when she heard Boss Yang making such a cry to express complaint and grievance.

The wolf blocked Xia Qing and the sheep boss behind him, turned around with murderous intent, and faced Yanlong. His tail was straightened and his body was slightly bent. The stones and wood under his feet were scratched by its sharp wolf claws, making a clicking sound.

Yanlong's fighting spirit was aroused by this wolf, his fists clenched loudly, and his eyes were locked on this brave wolf king.

The Broken Waist Wolf, Broken Leg Wolf and Black Wolf also rushed to Territory No. 3 from Wolf Valley. At the same time, Huo Zhun also rushed out of the village with a few bounces and stood back to back with Yanlong.

The three wolves that rushed in, together with the alpha wolf and the sheep boss, surrounded Yanlong who was holding a pair of swords and Huo Zhun who was holding a machete. They only waited for the Queen's order to start the siege. Two people versus four wolves and one sheep, the war is about to begin.

The broken-leg wolf with a ferocious look on his face raised his head to Xia Qing, then looked at the place next to him. Signaling to Xia Qing, who has no combat experience:

You're standing in the wrong position now, come up to the attack side I specially reserved for you!

“Sister Qing, four wolves have rushed into your territory. Do you need support?”

Er Yong’s belated inquiry also sounded in Xia Qing’s ears.

"No need." Xia Qing didn't care about his dignity at this moment. He hugged the alpha wolf who seemed about to attack and coaxed him softly.

"Your Majesty, Sister Yan and Brother Huo are not enemies. We were competing just now. I was defeated by her because I was too weak. Boss Yang got angry because he thought I was attacked. Don't be angry, Your Majesty. If we fight now, I will be beaten down by her." Many people noticed that it would be troublesome.”

“My Queen, you and Sister Yan cannot compete in the territory. You have to go to the evolutionary forest. If you attract bad guys, you will be in trouble. Sister Yan’s leg injury has not healed yet.”

 The wolf was a little irritated by Xia Qing's shaking, and he raised his head unhappily. The waist-breaking wolf, the leg-breaking wolf and the black wolf also retreated at the same time, no longer surrounding Yanlong and Huo Zhun. Only the sheep boss was still humming and pawing its hooves to show off its spiral horn.

Yanlong released his fist, and Huo Zhun was stunned.

 This...this isn't Xia Qing's team, is it? Did he add it?

 With this situation, it is impossible to continue testing. Xia Qing asked Yanlong and Huo Zhun to return to the village first, while she left the sheep boss and the wolves behind.

“Boss, when you saw me competing with Sister Yan, you thought I was being attacked, so you rushed over to save me. I was really touched.”

“Her Majesty the Queen heard the boss’s cry and thought we were in danger and immediately came to rescue from Wolf Valley. You are so handsome running at full speed...”

Huo Zhun, who had not gone far, evaluated his language skills and felt that it would be very difficult for him to join this team.

After returning to Xia Qing's yard, Huo Zhun cut off dozens of kilograms of meat and couldn't help but marvel, "That wolf with missing ears is so fierce!"

Daya put the snake gall into the ice box and asked in surprise, "Wolf? Wasn't it the sheep that rushed out? Xia Qing's wolf is back?"

Huo Zhun explained, "That sheep attracted four evolved wolves, and we almost started a fight. Fortunately, Brother Ya has quick hands and good skills, otherwise the movement just now would have been overheard by the people in Territory No. 2."

Daya said cheerfully, "It's not that I'm fast, it's that the equipment you brought here is easy to use."

After washing his hands and disinfecting, Yanlong began to cut the snake meat and said, "I have seen that wolf twice. Once was when Xia Qing took two injured wolves to Territory No. 7 for the first time, and the wolf followed him all the time. , the second time was when I was collecting herbs with Yang Jin.”

Huo Zhun's eyes lit up, "Is that the wolf carrying the weasel on its back?"

 Unexpectedly, Xia Qing’s team members also have a strong general!

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