In the Tenth Year After the Natural Disaster, Follow me to Farm

Chapter 419: The relationship between humans and evolutionary beasts

Chapter 419 The relationship between humans and evolutionary beasts

Humans and wolves are both ferocious beasts on the Blue Star.

˜Humans’ evolved physical indicators, such as sense of smell, vision, hearing, running speed, jumping ability and even the instinct to detect danger, are generally weaker than those of wolves.

In the tenth year of the natural disaster, the basic reason why humans can still survive by establishing bases on this crazy blue star is that the human brain is more evolved than the wolf brain.

 The ability to evolve the brain that is superior to other creatures is an advantage that humans have slowly accumulated over millions of years of evolution. It is the only reason why humans have been able to stand at the top of the Blue Star biological chain for thousands of years.

 Human beings’ clever brains can imagine and create a variety of tools to improve the survival and reproduction probability of this race.

 Now, the wolf tribe also has a small number of brain evolvers. In Xia Qing's opinion, the degree of their brain evolution has far exceeded the IQ of seven- or eight-year-old human cubs assessed by human experts, reaching a higher level.

For example, the brain-evolved wolf in front of her, which loves to use its brains, has realized the benefits of "tools" and began to consciously exchange tools with humans to enhance the wolf clan's combat power.

 After Xia Qing put on protective clothing for the sheep boss and the injured wolf, and made the broken-waisted wolf realize the purpose of the protective clothing, it offered to exchange them.

If we talk about the exchange of protective clothing and later the exchange of "medicated baths", it was all because of Xia Qing's proactive "introduction" that the Broken Waist Wolf realized the benefits of these two supplies.

So, the Broken Waist Wolf exchanged "doors" with Xia Qing because it actively "discovered" the usefulness of doors, so it proposed the exchange.

Until then…

 Under the combined effects of nuclear pollution, cosmic ray bursts and the elements I and II, the great evolution of blue star organisms is still continuing, and the direction is unpredictable. Regardless of whether humans are willing or not, humans are no longer completely superior to other creatures. This is an irreversible fact.

Just like before Blue Star evolved, there was not much difference between wild boars and wild wolves in the eyes of humans.

 Because, Xia Qing never took the initiative to introduce the use of snakeskin protective gear to the wolves. She didn't even expose her snakeskin protective gear in front of the wolves—her protective gear was always worn inside the protective suit!

 The Broken Waist Wolf sensed something was wrong with Xia Qing and stared at her thoughtfully.

Xia Qing took off his protective mask and night vision goggles, took a deep breath, and re-examined the terrifyingly smart brain-evolved wolf in front of him, as well as the wolf clan.

 But this time it had to exchange for snakeskin protective gear, which really made Xia Qing feel the horror of brain-evolved animals.

I don't know when, this brain-evolved wolf discovered that she was wearing snakeskin protective gear, and realized the role of the protective gear. He took the initiative to catch a python with better leather and used Xia Qing's favorite Yi stone. Exchange her for protective gear that can be used by wolves.

This is not even scary.

 If this development continues, the wolf clan's combat power will become increasingly powerful. If one day they think that they are superior to humans, then in their eyes, humans are not much different from wild boars in the valley.

 Because the "doors" and other materials possessed by human beings are placed in the open and are obvious. The Broken Waist Wolf was able to discover the purpose of the door and exchange it, and even laid grass in the cave. These behaviors did not surprise Xia Qing.

A new biological chain in which Blue Star organisms restrict each other is being formed. The organisms at the top of the Blue Star biological chain are forming symbiosis or alliance to jointly cope with the challenges of survival on the crazy Blue Star.

For example, the pythons and snakes in the northern waters of No. 60 Mountain have formed a symbiotic relationship. The bear clan and the python are allies, and the wolf clan and the bear-snake alliance are antagonistic.

For example, the biological symbiosis and alliance relationships in tropical areas are richer and more diverse than the area where Xia Qing is located. There, humans who fought against nature on their own were retreating steadily. For example, in the most polluted oceans, biological relationships are even more complicated. Dolphins, whales, etc. with highly evolved brains have formed alliances with hundreds of species of marine life. There are also conflicts between different alliances that cannot be detected by humans. The cause of the war.


 Human beings cannot exist independently from the Blue Star biological chain.

Or to be more precise, with human strength, it is indeed possible to eliminate any link in the biological chain relationship that has been basically balanced after ten years of natural development, but this may cause the new ecological balance to be destroyed, and after the biological chain is broken, Evolutionary creatures reshuffle the deck, creating a situation that could be even worse than it is now.

 Currently human beings are unable to bear the consequences of doing so.

 In order to survive, humans must find new ways to take the initiative as much as possible in the existing biological chain.

 So, China’s far-sighted top leadership team proposed a “coexistence” approach. Humans coexist with the beasts in the evolutionary forest. It is forbidden to actively provoke the beasts and cause wars between different races.

 A few years ago, when Xia Qing was still moving bricks at the base, she heard on the radio that a reporter from Hongyi Base was interviewing a senior national leader about how to understand the "coexistence" relationship between humans and beasts.

The leader said: Coexistence means co-survival. The primary form of co-existence is not provoking and not hunting, and the evolved form is "competition and cooperation". Cooperate in competition, compete in cooperation, cope with natural disasters and develop together.

Leaders also emphasized that in the competitive relationship between humans and beasts, humans must take the initiative, so that humans can firmly control their own destiny.

At that time, Xia Qing could not imagine how humans and beasts could "compete". But looking at the group of wolves in front of her, she understood a little bit.

But as far as the area she could see - the evolutionary forest surrounding the human territory in the northern area of ​​Huisan Base, the only thing that could form a competitive relationship with her at present was the group of wolves in front of her.

 The wolves need to cooperate with her to improve their combat power. She needs the wolves' stones to grow food and vegetables.

I noticed that Xia Qing's demeanor had changed again. The tight muscles of the broken waist wolf relaxed slightly. The alpha wolf yawned and closed his eyes to rest.

 As the main battle force last night, the alpha wolf was already very tired. There was no threat to the humans in front of him, so he had to take the time to rest.

After the first wolf lay down, the second-legged wolf threw his sister aside and ran off to have fun. The girl with the broken leg was so angry that she bared her teeth at the broken-leg wolf and moaned, as if she was scolding him unpleasantly.

 The sick wolf and the black wolf dutifully stayed on both sides of the alpha wolf to protect its safety. However, the two wolves were wary of different targets. The sick wolf was focused on the big wild boar that had just walked out of Valley No. 1, and the black wolf was focused on the human standing in front.

Xia Qing took off the sniper rifle on his back and held it in his hand.

  She and the wolves can form a competitive relationship, but she must take the initiative, not the wolves.

 So, she wants the wolves to recognize her strength.

The broken-back wolf stared thoughtfully at the gun in Xia Qing's hand. The first wolf also raised his eyelids and glanced at it before closing his eyes. The black wolf bared its fangs at Xia Qing, and the broken-leg wolf chased the wild boar. The girl with the broken leg continued to moan.

 The sick wolf stared at a half-grown wild boar and began to drool.

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