The mantis stalks the cicada, followed by the oriole.

Sufeng and Lihuo used a refugee team to attack the evolved bears, intending to lure the bears from Mountain 61 so that they could take the opportunity to do bad things in the python territory next to Bear Mountain.

Their behavior of not caring about the safety of the territory angered the people in the territory. The plane was bombed and they lost their transportation. They could not quickly rush to the depths of the evolutionary forest. Instead, the wolves of No. 60 Mountain captured the evolution. If the bear gets an opportunity to go out, attack immediately.

If the wolves succeed in their sneak attack, they will become the biggest winner in this battle. The intelligence of evolved animals is truly unimaginable.

 How far will wolves evolve in a few more years? How should humans get along with advanced evolved animals? Xia Qing was thinking seriously while inspecting the territory.

 At one o'clock in the morning, a cold air mass hit, and the temperature plummeted to -13℃. The water vapor in the air condensed into frost on the ground. Xia Qing took off his mask, felt the biting cold wind, and saw the white breath he exhaled.

 The frost of the tenth year of the natural disaster has arrived.

The two bears ran through the frost to Hill No. 50, found their injured companion, smelled the human scent in the air, and bared their fangs.

Deep in the evolutionary forest, a pack of wolves had a fierce battle with a huge python. The two brain-evolved bears on Mountain No. 61 were awakened and opened their eyes.

The lights are bright in Territory No. 2, and the machinery of the compost powder production plant in the north of Territory 8 is still running. In the small white building in the south, Xin Yu is debugging the equipment under the light. Five domesticated birds and beasts, large and small, squat on the wooden frame. One of the evolved eagles has its right wing slightly drooped.

We can no longer rely solely on the drainage performance of the non-drip film to reduce air humidity. Xia Qing immediately brought in several large bundles of hay from the hut and spread them on the greenhouse mulch. Hay can absorb moisture in the air and reduce air humidity.

After laying the hay, Xia Qing called her companions and left the greenhouse together. Before leaving the hut, she heard the subtle sound of birds flapping their wings.


 The sick wolf scratched and bit him while helping Xia Qing spread the grass. Although it looked very busy and was actually unhelpful, Xia Qing did not stop it.


The temperature is 15°C, a drop of two degrees, which is still within the acceptable range of animals; the humidity is 75%, an increase of three percentage points, which is higher than the appropriate range. If the humidity increases further, the animals will feel uncomfortable.

 People in other territories are busy taking various measures to protect crops in the territory from frost damage.

 In the breeding greenhouse of Territory No. 3, Xia Qing checked that the green light chickens, yellow light rabbits, green light mealworms and spring fish in the water tank were all normal, and then went to check the temperature and humidity meter.

 Sounds of this decibel cannot be captured by non-auditory evolved humans from the wind. So Xia Qing pretended not to hear it, and waited until the sick wolf beside her raised its head, bared its teeth and growled, then Xia Qing raised her gun.

In Territory No. 9, several researchers in white coats gathered in the laboratory, staring solemnly at the green spinach in the central hydroponic tank.

 In the tin house in Territory No. 14, a man huddled in a worn quilt, shivering with cold.

  After the members of the Sufeng reconnaissance team behind the surveillance screen in Territory No. 2 saw Xia Qing raising his pistol, the surveillance screen began to change rapidly before he could direct the scout bird to evade. He immediately pressed the detonation button and reported, "The scout bird that entered territory three was killed and detonated."

In the warm air-conditioned room in Territory No. 7, the pale-faced Zhang San was sleeping soundly on a large C-shaped soft pillow.

 Xu Pin, who was sitting on the sofa behind and looking at his mobile phone, came over and said, "Turn on the monitoring."

“Yes.” The team member opened the screen that was sent back before the scout bird was killed and zoomed in.

Xu Pin stared at the mighty wolf dog wearing protective clothing on the screen and frowned, "Is this the evolved wolf that was about to die of illness three months ago?" The surveillance staff quickly retrieved the video recorded when Zhang Yong and Xu Juan entered Territory No. 3 In the video, I found a picture of a thin and hairless evolved wolf in a sheep shed and compared it. "Although the body shape and hair thickness are very different, judging from the facial features, it is indeed the same one."

 “Ah! Team Xu, the scout bird in Territory 8 was captured by a raptor!”

Xu Pin immediately turned his head and saw that the surveillance screen next to him was shaking into an afterimage, and ordered, "What are you doing in a daze? Detonate it immediately!"

"Yes." The members of the reconnaissance team pressed the explosion button. The screen was still shaking rapidly, and the reconnaissance bird screamed, "Team Xu, the detonation failed."

"Captain Xu, look, it's an evolved eagle owl." On the surveillance bird monitoring screen high in Territory No. 2, a raptor with a wingspan of more than one meter grabbed the scout bird above Territory No. 8 and flew to the bird in Territory No. 8. Big tree. Because it is not very fast, it can identify the type of raptor.

 Evolved Eagle Owl, the king of the night, the natural enemy of small scout birds.

“The explosive device on the reconnaissance bird cannot be detonated at this distance, indicating that the signal transmission has been interfered with.” The leader of the Sufeng reconnaissance team speculated, “This eagle owl may have a signal jamming device on its body.”

 In other words, it may be a domesticated bird.

 Xu Pin's frown relaxed and he ordered, "Withdraw all the scout birds outside the No. 2 territory and continue to keep an eye on the No. 3 territory."


The investigation team leader reminded, "Brother Hiring, Territory No. 8 is more suspect than Territory No. 3."

Xu Pin looked at the two blacked-out screens and smiled strangely, "Behind Territory No. 8 is the Zhonglian Group. Let the captain vent his anger on the woman in Territory No. 3 first."

“Understood.” The investigation team leader chuckled and discussed with Xu Pin in a low voice, “Brother Pin, it’s going to be very difficult for the brothers to go out in such a cold weather...”

Xu Pin glanced over, and the investigation captain immediately shut up and laughed.

“It doesn’t take many people. Just keep an eye on the north and south gates of Territory No. 3. If you find Xia Qing going out, report it immediately.”


  In Territory No. 3, after Xia Qing and other investigation teams came to take away the remains of the scout bird, she was about to check the potted strawberries and mint in the greenhouse when she suddenly received a message from Husband Feng:

There is one person hiding in the northern barren grass wall of Territory No. 2 and the northern isolation zone of Territory No. 3. The surveillance target is the north and south gates of Territory No. 3.

First it was the reconnaissance bird, and now it sent people to stay... Tang Zhengsu and Xu Pin wouldn't think that she bombed the helicopter in Territory 2, right?

If it was a few days ago, they would just stare. Anyway, there is nothing in Xia Qing that they are afraid of seeing. But not tonight, because the wolves are likely to send the captured python into territory three.

Xia Qing once again contacted the investigation team that had just left and reported the situation.

Cao Xianyun responded immediately, "Copy that, we'll go over there later and just pretend that we found him. Sister Qing, don't show your face. People in Territory No. 2 are going crazy everywhere."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." After Xia Qing hung up the phone, she waited quietly for more than ten minutes before hearing that the investigation team entered the northern isolation zone of Territory 3 and successfully captured the surveillance personnel hiding in the grass nest. .

Not long after, Xia Qing heard the patrol car driving through the northern isolation zone.

Xia Qing felt relieved that there was an inspection team patrolling outside, and walked home to sleep through the white frost on the ground. (End of chapter)

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