Chapter 413 Did you blow it up?


  With another loud noise, the smoke and fire in Territory No. 2 soared into the sky. Xia Qing, standing on the attic of her home, clearly saw the blown-off helicopter propeller fragments.

 The helicopter in Territory No. 2 completely disintegrated.

 Who did this great deed? Yang Jin? Zhang San? Tang Zhengbo? Or...Xin Yu?

   It's all possible.

  After the explosion in Territory No. 2, the roar of the bears in Hill No. 50 also stopped. The Lord Channel was quiet. Everyone wanted to know what happened, but no one spoke.

 Because the people in Territory No. 2 are also in the lord channel.

Hu Zi, the investigation team member, broke the silence and asked again, "Please report the situation in Territory No. 2. Does it need rescue?"

Tang Zhengsu went online, furious, and yelled, "Report for what? Report that our helicopter was blown up by intruders? Are you **** deaf or blind? Do you even need to report this?! Rescue for what? It's all **** blown up." , did you come here to pick up arms and legs or parts? Don’t give me such a phony thing, you’ll have to pay for my helicopter first..."


Because she is separated from Territory No. 2 by a passage, if Xia Qing goes to the southern end of the territory to watch the excitement, she is likely to be involved in the explosion, and she will become part of the excitement.

 Permission for the temporary agent of the territory? Temporary agent?

Hiding in a dark corner, Zhou Xun wanted to dig a hole and bury some soil on his body to make everyone think he was dead.

If she goes to the south wall of the territory now, she will definitely hear more information. But listening to these voices was not only of little value to her, but also potentially risky.

Huzi was still not disturbed by Tang Zhengsu's angry scolding and continued to ask according to work procedures, "Territory No. 2, please tell me whether you have any evidence to prove that the helicopter was blown up by the intruder? If there is no evidence, you suspect that it was blown up by the territory." If someone outside blows up the helicopter, please do not destroy the scene. The investigation team applies to enter the No. 2 Territory for on-site inspection, and asks the temporary agent of the No. 2 Territory for permission. "

Tang Zhengsu stood in the yard. In the background, Xia Qing could only hear the whistling of the wind, the wails of the injured, and Xu Pin's orders for people to search for evidence, put out fires, and rescue people.

Tang Zhengsu cursed for five minutes, with various beating sounds mixed in during the period. Xia Qing was not interested in the content of his words. She was listening carefully to the background sounds of Tang Zhengsu's words.

After Tang Zhengsu finished cursing, Huzi imitated the serious tone of captain Tan Junjie and asked, "Territory No. 2, you said that the helicopters placed in the territory were blown up by intruders. Do you have any evidence?"

Tang Zhengsu roared angrily, "Are you responsible for the security inspection of this territory, or me?"

 That **** agent! Now he stood in front of the captain to get the walkie-talkie, just looking for death.

“Copy that. Thank you for your hard work.” Hu Xiufeng was the first to respond, as happy as if he had just caught a green light prey weighing several hundred kilograms.

After asking three times, Huzi made an announcement, "It has been confirmed that Territory No. 2 refuses the platoon team to enter the territory and investigate the site. The evolutionary bears on Mountain No. 50 and the evolutionary bears deep in the northern evolutionary forest have stopped roaring, and the platoon team will be on duty 24 hours a day. Monitor the whereabouts of the evolved bear and report any situation in time. Lords, please keep the intercom lord channel open. "

Territory No. 2 will of course remain silent.

Xia Qing also pressed the button and responded, "Copy that, thank you for your hard work."

 Following this were Territory Nos. 4, 5, 6, and 7. Zhang San even yawned as if he was about to fall asleep. It was still Zhou Zhaoping who responded to Territory No. 8, followed by Li Si from Territory No. 9, and Shi Du from Territory No. 10. Xia Qing couldn't tell who blew up the plane based on their tone of voice alone. She took the sheep boss downstairs and hummed a little tune to make dinner.

Although Xia Qing has already drank a bottle of super nutrient solution this afternoon and is now full of energy, Xia Qing still wants to celebrate such a big happy event.

 The best way to celebrate during a natural disaster is to eat delicious food!

Xia Qing washed a handful of green onions, chopped them into small pieces, added two green eggs, a spoonful of flour and a little salt, then stirred them into a paste with unpolluted spring water, heated the pan and applied a layer of sunflower oil squeezed by herself. , pour the batter into the pan and cook until cooked, and a delicious green onion egg pancake is ready.

Then boil water to make a pot of chrysanthemum tea, cut the sweet potato roots and sweet potato vines for the sheep boss, mix them with a handful of the oil residue left by pressing sunflower oil, and then grab a handful of chopped corn, "Boss will look after the house this afternoon. "Thank you for your hard work, these corn and oil residues are your reward."

The sheep boss standing next to Xia Qing raised his nose and smelled it, expressing his satisfaction.

The sheep boss likes to eat oil residue. Xia Qing specially consulted the idol and confirmed that the sheep boss can eat fried oil in moderation. Then he put the oil residue together with compressed rations, wheat bran, etc. and stored it as the sheep boss's reserve grain. In the underground storage room.

Just as Xia Qing was about to put dinner on the table, she heard a notification tone on her cell phone. The sick wolf entered Territory No. 3 through the north gate.

 It seems that after hearing no more roars from the bear, the sick wolf confirmed the safety of its injured companion and returned home.

Xia Qing took out a small pot from the cupboard and put it on the stove, adding non-polluting spring water.

After the sick wolf entered the house and rinsed its claws in the water basin next to the door, Xia Qing, who was in the kitchen, called it over, "Boy, bring the dried meat from your protective suit and I'll cook it for you." Eat it straight away because it contains too much salt and your body won’t be able to handle it.”

Sick Wolf pattered to the kitchen door and looked at Xia Qing obediently.

Um? Xia Qing glanced at the deflated pocket of the protective suit and asked, "Where is the dried meat? Did you share it with your companions in the wolf cave?"

Whether it is a sick wolf or a big sheep, they cannot take out the food Xia Qing stuffs in their protective clothing or bags. When they want to eat, they need to help each other, or let Xia Qing take it out for them.

Today's beef jerky was stuffed by Xia Qing when he took the sick wolf to search for traces of red squirrels. It is no longer available. It could only be taken out by the sister of the broken-leg wolf.

The sick wolf tilted his head slightly and grinned happily.

Xia Qing also smiled, "Okay, I'll cook you another piece of barbecued jerky we made ourselves, and add an egg to you as a reward for following you to find green light peanuts today."

 After cooking the sick wolf's meal, Xia Qing took out his cell phone and took a look and found that the dot representing the location of the red squirrel was still in the sheep shed. It seems that this little guy may think that the haystack in the sheep shed is safer than the tree hole, so he decided not to go back to the tree hole tonight.

After the sick wolf meat porridge was cooked, Xia Qing had just picked up the egg pancakes to start the meal when her idol called, "Xia Qing, did you blow up the helicopter in Territory 2?

 Ah, ha? Idol, you really think highly of me.

Xia Qing replied sincerely, "Third brother, I just thought about it and didn't dare to take action. Just now I was wondering if you were acting righteously."

“The evolved rats I sent out haven’t even reached territory two, and their plane exploded.” Zhang San yawned after finishing speaking, “Sleep.”

  Thanks to the book friend who accidentally became a ball, the first quarter moon in October, 7651_AE for the reward, thank you all for your subscription support, good night.

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