Chapter 401 Twenty-five Yi Stones

The sheep and wolf in the greenhouse may not understand what the human Xia Qing said, but they can understand Xia Qing's tone. After seeing her use her paws to gently scratch the plastic film of the greenhouse a few times, and then After putting the compressed rations and eggs he took out into his pocket, he understood what they meant.

 That is: if the plastic film is damaged, food will be deducted.

  The sheep boss who likes to eat compressed rations squinted his eyes and pretended that he didn't understand anything.

The sick wolf, who really liked eating boiled eggs, stepped forward, carefully touched the plastic film with his paw, and took two steps back.

  Confirmed that both companions understood. Xia Qing was just about to ask them to help her spread the mulch when she heard the notification tone of her mobile phone.

Yang Jin came to the territory and asked her if she was free now.

Yang Jin was looking for her, and it must be related to the deal to promote spinach seeds. This was a multi-million deal, so Xia Qing was certainly free.

 It is warm and windless inside the greenhouse, but the cold wind is howling outside the greenhouse. Xia Qing closed the wooden door of the hut smoothly, pressed down the protective mask, crossed the stone bridge, and stepped on the fallen leaves to reach the north gate.

When Yang Jin walked out of the evolutionary forest with flying leaves, Xia Qing had to sigh that the length of his legs was different, and even walking was pleasing to the eye.

Yang Jin walked closer and took the initiative to explain to Xia Qing the reason for coming so late, "Tang Zhengsu and Xu Pin will come over tomorrow morning, and they will be busy in the next few days, so I will take advantage of my free time tonight to settle the accounts between us first. Cleared up. I heard from Zifeng that if your greenhouse is fastened, the steel pipes can be used, right?"

  Clearing the account meant that Yang Jin wanted to transfer points to her, so Xia Qing immediately asked Yang Jin to enter the territory. It was already dark now, and the curtains of the hut next to the farmland were not good at blocking out light. Xia Qing originally wanted to invite Yang Jin to go home, but when he heard him take the initiative to mention the greenhouse, he changed his direction, "Captain Hu and the others sent over the steel pipe fittings for the greenhouse." It’s complete and very easy to install. Team Hu just put one on for me this afternoon. Would you like to go over and take a look?”

"Okay." Yang Jin laughed happily, "If it didn't come with all the accessories, I wouldn't dare charge 10,000 points for a set."

 Because the plastic film of the greenhouse is covered with a thick cold-proof straw curtain, you cannot see the fill light on inside when viewed from the outside.

Xia Qing asked Yang Jin to wait outside the greenhouse. She went in first to call out the sheep boss and the sick wolf and let them go home first.

When the sheep boss came out and saw Yang Jin, he immediately stopped with a "baa" sound, dug the soil with his hooves, and motioned for Xia Qing and Sick Wolf to follow him.

Sick Wolf immediately united the front, stood beside the sheep boss, and assumed an attack stance towards Yang Jin.

Um? How could this evolved sheep, which had only dared to scream in the distance the last time he came here, have the confidence to challenge himself?

Yang Jin asked Xia Qing in a low voice, "Which of the three of you has improved his combat effectiveness?"

who? Ah.

 Let me tell you to make you jealous, but the combat effectiveness of the three of us has improved!

Xia Qing felt proud and spoke modestly, "It's not a matter of combat effectiveness. It saw you coming many times and found that you wouldn't hurt it, so it dared to provoke. Captain Hu and the others came over, and it did the same thing."

  After explaining the attitude of his companions to Yang Jin, Xia Qing comforted the sheep boss in a low voice, "Boss and eldest brother, you go home first. I will boil eggs for you and soak the toon sprouts for you when I get back later."

 Hearing that there was something delicious to eat, Mr. Sheep immediately gave up the fight and ran home.

Looking at the snow-white figure of the sheep boss running wildly, Yang Jin could hardly hide the envy in his eyes. He also wanted to go home with Xia Qing and have dinner with her. “Captain Yang, please pay attention to your steps, the ground here hasn’t been cleaned yet.” Xia Qing opened the door of the hut and invited Yang Jin to enter the greenhouse.

The greenhouse was bright and warm. Yang Jin took off his protective mask and hung it on his waist. He saw two bundles of black plastic sheets placed next to him. He recognized them as mulch and asked, "The thermal insulation performance of this greenhouse is good, and the humidity is also good." Will it be improved accordingly?”

Xia Qing quickly wiped the soil off the bench, moved it to Yang Jin and asked him to sit down and talk, and then explained, "I learned some practical dehumidification methods from other lords. I will cover the ground with plastic film tonight. Reduce water evaporation from the soil and see what happens."

Yang Jin nodded, "There are no plants planted here. Covering it with mulch will definitely have a good effect. Should it be spread horizontally or vertically?"

"Anything is fine." Xia Qing responded subconsciously, and saw that Yang Jin actually hung his backpack on the steel frame and bent down to get the mulch film.

Just as Xia Qing was about to stop him, he saw that Yang Jin had already skillfully opened the mulch film, motioned for her to hold down one end, and began to talk about the spinach seeds while spreading them, "I have already had people arrange it at the spring of the Sea of ​​Death. I will go with you today. The director of the base discussed promoting spinach seeds, and the final price of spinach seeds was 60 points per seed.”

The price of 60 points per pill was much lower than the 300 points Yang Jin had mentioned before. Xia Qing asked, "Is the missing part exchanged for materials?"

"Yes." Yang Jin, who had already pulled the mulch roll to the east end, pulled out the dagger from his waist and cut off the mulch neatly with a smile on his face. "In addition to two sets of high-level protective clothing, we will increase the weapons and equipment of the inspection team in this territory. In addition, I also exchanged seeds for two pieces of new material ores and twenty-five pieces of intermediate Yishi.”

 Yishi? ! !

 Twenty-five yuan? ! !

Xia Qing’s eyes were brighter than the fill lights hanging in the greenhouse. “How big are they?”

Yang Jin knew she would be happy, "It's the kind that the wolf pack traded with you, the size of pigeon eggs and the smaller ones. One piece is discounted to 200,000, which is the starting price. If the quality of your spinach seeds is not too high, the base director will also I can’t bear to exchange so many stones.”

After the two people quickly laid the mulch, Yang Jin patted the soil on his hands, opened his backpack and took out a small box and handed it to Xia Qing, "The stones are all here. Open one later and see how the quality is."

When Xia Qing's eyes were full of Yishi, Yang Jin found that there were two places where the mulch film was not covered properly, so he went over to straighten it and cover it.

Xia Qing thanked them, and then asked seriously, "If these Yi stones are really of high quality, they will be valid for three months, and each stone will have a protective diameter of 20 meters. How will we distribute the materials exchanged this time?"

Seeing that she didn't let go of the Yishi box, Yang Jin motioned for Xia Qing to sit down, then took out another box from the bag and handed Xia Qing a list, "This is the value of the exchanged materials. You can read it first." look?"

Xia Qing took it and looked numb.

A total of 27,082 spinach seeds were traded, with Xia Qing accounting for 75% and Yang Jin accounting for 25%. However, because Yang Jin was the one who stood up to trade with the base director, Xia Qing agreed to pay him a 10% agency fee, so the transaction came back. Xia Qing accounted for 65% of the supplies and points, and Yang Jin accounted for 35%.

 There are more than 1.62 million points in total, of which Xia Qing’s is more than 1.09 million.

Two sets of special protective suits, one belonging to Xia Qing and one belonging to Luo Pei, are worth 600,000 yuan, two pieces of rare ore are worth 800,000 yuan, and 25 pieces of Yi stone are worth 5 million yuan, a total of 6.4 million yuan, and the one belonging to Xia Qing is 4.16 million yuan. .

After understanding it, Xia Qing handed the list to Yang Jin and asked, "Team Yang, what can these two pieces of ore be used for?"

 (End of this chapter)

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