It is true that an air filtration system costing more than 200,000 yuan is not cheap, but the cost of sending a small team to the mysterious Shencaojia forest area to find Yishi in the territory of the evolved monkeys is even greater.

Although Tang Zhengsu was reckless, he was not a fool. There must be a reason for doing this.

Tang Huai yawned again, "I overheard these things. Just listen to it, but you can't talk about it outside. I'm so sleepy, I'll go back to sleep."

When Xia Qing sent Tang Huai to the north gate, Tang Huai thought of something again, "You guys don't talk much in the lord channel anymore. Did you create a new channel and deliberately ignore me? "

Xia Qing shook his head, "No."

 No new channel was created, it was just that everyone switched from online to offline.

Tang Huai snorted in dissatisfaction and told Xia Qing another piece of news, "Tomorrow, the refugees in my territory will form a team to enter No. 50 Mountain. No matter what happens, you just stay in the territory and don't do anything." Come on."


Tang Huai was able to restrain those people and did not let them go to No. 50 Mountain to cause trouble during the days when he was collecting soil. Xia Qing was already very satisfied.

After Tang Huai put on his clothes, he suddenly became serious, "You may not believe it, but these past few days have been the first time I have had direct contact with refugees in the past ten years. I have been living in the inner city before, and I saw these people from all over the world. Looking at the screen is like watching a movie. Now I know that poor people are really pitiful and bad people are really bad.”

"The poor people can't survive without help, and the bad people will keep doing evil without anyone killing them..." Tang Huai took a long breath and turned to look at Xia Qing.

“You have been living in the outer city of the safe zone all these years. How do you survive until now?”

How to live? Xia Qing responded calmly, "I'm surviving day by day."

Tang Huai nodded, "I admire you, a woman, for being able to live like this with your own strength. That's right... you have such a bad taste in choosing men!"

Tang Huai finished what he wanted to say and ran away without waiting for Xia Qing to respond.

Xia Qingcai didn't have time to argue with such a bastard, so he returned to the territory to greet his two companions to go home.

Seeing that Boss Sheep and Sick Wolf seemed still unhappy about Tang Huai, Xia Qing, who was holding an insect tray, asked cheerfully, "Boss, do you like catching insects?"

 The sheep boss narrowed his eyes and his expression was stiff.

 “How about you, brother, do you like catching insects?”

 The sick wolf stuck out his tongue, hahaha, and there was no sign of disgust.

"That guy just now knows how to raise worms. Have you seen this plate of worms? As long as he looks at you two, we can replace it with a plate of green lantern worms. When I feed these worms and breed more worms, the boss won't have to catch worms every day. Feed the chickens and fish, and you’ll get more delicious Green Lantern eggs. We won’t lose out on this deal.”

Although Tang Huai repeatedly emphasized that raising green light mealworms is difficult and expensive, Xia Qing is not strenuous to raise them.

Green light vegetables? Not only does she have Gao Yi elements.

 An element-free breeding environment? Although she doesn't have an air filtration system, she does have an equivalent effect.

 Suitable temperature and humidity? Her greenhouse will be up in no time.

In other words, after Xia Qing builds the greenhouse, he can put the insect-raising tray with the Yi stone in the greenhouse and throw in some green spinach leaves regularly.

 A small tray with a length of 40 cm and a width of 40 cm does not require much stone at all. After returning home, Xia Qing first took out the treasure box in which he stored the stone, picked out the stone's protective shell, picked a piece of stone that was only the size of a soybean, and installed it on the insect-raising tray.

 A few minutes later, Xia Qing used an air detector to detect the content of the chlorine element near the tray and found that it was close to zero.

An airy and breathable breeding environment free of harmful elements, easy to get!

Xia Qing, who was in a good mood, felt happy listening to the chirping of the little swallows. She lifted the bug tray up and showed it to the little swallows, "These are green lantern bugs that taste great. When these hundred bugs breed, you will be in luck."

Of course, the most delicious thing is the green lantern chicken she raises.

Xia Qing put the bugs on the balcony on the second floor and let them grow in the sun together with the green strawberries and mint. After the greenhouse is built, these will be moved to the greenhouse to an environment more suitable for their growth.

 Then, Xia Qing carried the newly made basket and went to the chicken coop to pick up eggs.

 There are now 10 hens at their peak laying period, 9 two-year-old or three-year-old hens and 3 roosters in the chicken pen. Every day, Xia Qing can pick up six or seven eggs, which is worth using the basket.

In order to allow the hard-working hens to lay eggs without queuing up, Xia Qing added a row of chicken nests in the chicken coop to ensure that each chicken has one nest. But after building it, she found that the hens still liked to crowd into the previous nests and lay eggs together.

 At first, Xia Qing was afraid that the advanced evolved white hen would lay its eggs together with other chickens and would not be able to tell them apart, but now she is no longer worried about this problem.

Since chickens with white feathers lay white-shelled eggs, chickens with reddish-brown feathers lay red-shelled or pink-shelled eggs, and she only had one chicken with white feathers, it was easy to tell them apart.

 The hens only laid five eggs today. This is because the weather is getting colder, so the greenhouse must be built as soon as possible and the chickens must be moved to the greenhouse.

After picking up the eggs, Xia Qing cleaned the chicken manure in the chicken coop. The more chickens, the more manure they produce. After the chicken manure is completely fermented, it can be used to grow high-quality green vegetables. Then the high-quality green vegetables grown are used to raise chickens, so that the chickens can lay higher-quality eggs and hatch more high-quality chicks. In this way, a perfect cycle is formed.

A very critical link in this closed loop is the two evolved chickens, one black and one white, in the chicken coop.

At this time, these two guys were lying in the same earth nest, taking a nap in the sun. Both chickens were wearing small necklaces strung with stones around their necks, but they were covered by thick feathers, so they couldn't be seen.

 This advanced evolved chicken exchanged from Territory No. 7 is Xia Qing's treasure. It is necessary to equip it with a stone to ensure that it does not drop levels.

The black-feathered rooster got a small piece thanks to the white-feathered hen. Because only if both of them are of high quality, the eggs produced by mating will be of high quality.

Two other roosters?

 Haha, sorry, they are not qualified to wear Yishi. Because they are not as powerful as the black-feathered rooster, they cannot compete for mating rights at all. Drinking pollution-free spring water is enough.

 After picking up the eggs, Xia Qing first sent a message to Qi Fu, asking him to inform the members of the Territory Alliance that the refugees in Territory No. 2 would be out for activities tomorrow and asked them not to leave the territory.

 Then, Xia Qing contacted Hu Feng and asked him to send over the second-hand steel pipes she had traded with Yang Jin. She was going to start welding the steel pipes and installing the greenhouse steel frames.

 Seeing Guan Tong come in carrying a long box, Xia Qing asked, "What's in here?"

 Guan Tong replied, “It is an accessory for installing the steel frame of the greenhouse.”

Accessories? !

When he opened it, Xia Qing showed a surprised smile. (End of chapter)

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