Chapter 396 The Secret of the Insect Digger

 Xia Qing…

Tang Huai has a very good skill, that is: no matter what your mood is before you see him, you will want to punch him when he opens his mouth.

“30 green light eggs, count them.”

"Okay." Tang Huai immediately took it carefully, and after confirming that there were no broken eggs, he continued to talk, "Originally, I also had green light chickens at home, but during the third rainy season, the breeders made mistakes, which caused the quality of the chickens to decline, so I came to you. In exchange for quality eggs…”

Xia Qing asked, "What mistake?"

Tang Huai paused and groaned angrily, "I forgot to turn off the rain cover and let the chicken get soaked in the red rain. My sister blames herself for this."

It’s hard to say that this operational error was not intentional. Xia Qing did not ask about the Tang family’s affairs, and asked him the main purpose of looking for him today, “Are your chickens raised in captivity, cages, or free-range? What kind of feed do you use to feed the chickens?”

Now that Xia Qing has an advanced evolved green lantern chicken, she is particularly concerned about how to raise the chicken to improve its quality. She couldn't use the method of raising green lantern chickens in Territory 7, so she needed to know how others raised them.

Tang Huai replied, "It is difficult to control the food quality of chickens whether raised in captivity or free-range. We raise them in cages and feed them edible vegetables, wheat bran, insects or insect meal. What do you feed? How are your chickens raised?"

I? They are fed unpolluted spring water and edible vegetables and kept in captivity. They eat whatever bugs they dig out of the soil.

Of course Xia Qing couldn't tell the truth and answered vaguely, "It's similar to you. Where do you buy the worms and worm powder you feed your chickens?"

Tang Huai suddenly understood why Xia Qing was looking for him, "I used to buy edible insect powder from the safe zone breeding center, the kind used to make No. 1 rations."

 One of the main reasons why the No. 1 ration is more expensive than other rations is because it contains edible insect powder, which has higher nutritional value than other rations made from grasses, vegetables or grains.

 Chickens need to be fed some insects or insect meal, which not only makes the chicken meat delicious and nutritious, but also improves disease resistance. High-quality chickens after natural disasters need to be fed with high-quality green light worms, otherwise the content of the killing element in the chickens will increase and the quality of the chickens will be reduced.

Xia Qing’s chickens in captivity can dig up any grade of insects in the soil and eat them, and the quality of the chicken and eggs has not deteriorated. This is because she feeds the chickens drinking pollution-free spring water and uses Yi stones to protect the chickens during the rainy season.

Winter is coming soon, and there are fewer insects in the shallow soil, so you need to feed chicken worm powder or insects. The first trade partner that Xia Qing could think of was Territory No. 7, but Zhang San told her that the bugs eaten by the chickens in Territory No. 7 were by-products of the laboratory and could not be exchanged.

 Tang Huai, who has been digging for bugs for half a year, is the second trading partner that Xia Qing comes up with.

Seeing Xia Qing looking at him, Tang Huai had a complicated expression and continued, "Now, my chickens are fed green lantern or yellow lantern worms that I dug in my territory. How did you know that I have high-quality green lantern yellow powder?" Damn it, did Third Brother tell you? I didn’t tell you on the Lord Channel, and Team Qinglong and Tang Zhengsu didn’t know either.”

 Third brother actually knew that Tang Huai had a green lantern bug? It seemed that the relationship between Tang Huai and Territory No. 7 was closer than she had guessed. Could it be that the third brother had made some progress in studying Tang Huai's ability to eat mushrooms without being poisoned?

In the midst of the flash of lightning, Xia Qing suddenly thought of the medicine that Zhang San had just developed, which was to cultivate Cordyceps fungus using high-yi element green vegetables to reduce the level of chlorine in the human body.

 Could it be that the advent of this potion has something to do with Tang Huai?

  "Mute? No, is it true that the third brother told you?!" It was getting dark, and Tang Huai couldn't hear Xia Qing's answer, so he thought she was guilty, so he took a step closer to see her expression.

Xia Qing took a step back and asked, "No. You dig worms every day, so it's strange that there are no high-quality worms." After explaining the reason for asking him, he proposed a deal, "Is mealworm the same kind of worm as mealworm? How many do you have? Can you exchange it?”

Tang Huai, who had owned the green lanternworm for more than half a year and finally found a chance to show off, immediately said, "Yes. It's the same mealworm as before, and it's still a stable evolutionary species."

“You spray pesticides and kill insects every day to plant crops, but you actually make more money than me digging for insects. Before the second rain, I did archeology in the ruins of the territory and found several nests of yellow mealworms in two cellars.”

Tang Huai stretched out **** proudly, "More than five hundred, and most of them are green. I have raised all the insects, and now they have bred to the third generation. Next year, my hotel will be able to add more insects." A special signature dish - fried green lanternworm, how many points can you guess for one dish? "

Without Xia Qing's need to answer, Tang Huai continued proudly, "Such a small plate can be sold for at least 1,000 points!"

"It's indeed quite profitable." Xia Qing agreed, bringing the conversation back to the topic, "Is it easy to raise or exchange?"

Tang Huai said, "It's not easy to raise. It's not that simple to ensure the quality of bugs. You have to build a breeding room with no or low xenobiotics and suitable temperature and humidity. You also have to feed it with green light plants, and the bugs need to be cleaned regularly. stool…"

By the time Tang Huai finished talking about the difficulty of raising worms, it was already dark. He finally got over the uncomfortable addiction he had been holding back for a while. He concluded, "Now you know why a plate of worms costs a thousand points." ? Because the cost of raising insects is high.”

"The mealworms raised in our Huisan Breeding Center have been bred for dozens of generations. Most of the insect species have degenerated and are not only small in size, but also prone to diseases. Therefore, this nest of high-quality green light mealworms I found in the territory this year , very valuable..."


The sheep boss who followed Xia Qing out heard Tang Huai talking incessantly and shouted impatiently, urging Xia Qing to end it quickly and go home quickly.

It was getting dark, so Xia Qing wore night vision goggles, but didn’t put them on the sheep. His eyesight was not good at night and he didn’t feel safe when he stayed outside.

Tang Huai immediately stopped and looked behind Xia Qing excitedly, "Is this what Mr. Yang is shouting? Where is it and what is it called?"

Xia Qing explained, "It's dark and it wants to go home. How do you exchange your mealworms, with points or green light supplies?"

Tang Huai rolled his eyes and had a better idea, "Without points or green light materials, you let me take a close look at the sheep boss and the wolves in your territory, and I will give you a tray of live worms for free. How about it?" ?”




Xia Qing, who was already sifting through green light supplies in his mind, was silent for a few seconds and asked, "Can your family agree?"

 You are such a prodigal, aren't you afraid that your father will beat you?

Tang Huai said proudly, "I raised the bugs. Of course, I have the final say on how to trade them. How about this deal? Let me tell you, you are getting a big advantage. The third brother wants 20 points for buying my bugs." Woolen cloth."

How about it?

That is of course...very good!

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