If the Broken Waist Wolf doesn't listen or doesn't understand Xia Qing's advice and walks out of her territory and is discovered by Yan Meng, then the grievances between the wolves and the Fengyun Team will be resolved by both of them.

 The grudge between Xia Qing and Yan Meng was resolved by Xia Qing.

Of course, we have to wait until she finishes her business first. Farmers are currently busy digging out yellow clay and building greenhouses.

At five o'clock the next morning, after having breakfast, Xia Qing inspected the territory, opened the garage and drove out the mini-tiller, and finally persuaded the sheep boss who was squatting on the special seat to go down by giving him two pieces of compressed rations. Then he gave the sick wolf a handful of barbecued meat and told them to take care of their home before driving the mini-cultivator out of the territory and meeting up with Hu and Hu Feng waiting outside the south gate.

"You really don't need me to send a few people to follow you?" Hu Xiu Feng asked again. After speaking, he glanced at the grass wall in the No. 2 territory to indicate that there was someone inside Xia Qing.

Xia Qing nodded slightly to express his understanding, "No need. Let Er Yong and the others continue training. I have enough manpower here. Team Hu will send two people to help me guard the gate and keep an eye on the unloading of soil. There are 16 cars in total."

  Although the sun has not come out yet, it is already bright. Xia Qing drove the mini-cultivator eastward. Through the grass wall of the No. 2 territory where the leaves were bitten by insects, she found six people squatting where Tang Huai was digging for insects, staring at her with greedy and disgusting eyes.

This kind of look is all too familiar to Xia Qing. She calmly drove the mini-tiller slowly to the stop sign of Territory No. 4, and called to Zhao Ze who was about to climb onto the back of the truck, "Brother Zhao, sit next to me."

The rain cover of the mini-tiller has a certain protective function. Zhao Ze is an ordinary person with no combat experience. This trip is to the evolutionary forest. It is very dangerous for him to sit on the open-air truck bed.


Zhao Ze, who was carrying a hatchet and a briefcase, responded loudly and let out a long breath after sitting next to Xia Qing.

As ordinary people, Zhao Ze and his mother have never been to the evolutionary forest since they fled the desert and entered the Huisan Safe Zone. Even if he lived in a territory close to the evolutionary forest, he would not dare to go to the evolutionary forest to "make a fortune".

 Because this "wealth" is not something that everyone can make. In the evolutionary forest, there are ferocious beasts, poisonous insects, evolved plants that can attack and parasitize people, and even an inconspicuous little bug can kill people.

Now he is going to the evolutionary forest to survey the terrain, and he may have to stay in the evolutionary forest for most of the next few days. Zhao Ze is scared to death.

If he wasn't afraid that Xia Qing would beat him, he would especially want to follow Xia Qing as closely as possible.

Xia Qing comforted the "project manager" of this project, "Brother Zhao, don't be nervous. After entering No. 50 Mountain, as long as you don't run around, I will ensure your safety."

“Don’t worry, sister, I will stay in the circle you drew and won’t go anywhere.”

After receiving Xia Qing's promise, Zhao Ze felt at ease and immediately made a good sale to Xia Qing. "After the soil is pulled out and No. 50 Mountain will no longer need so many people, the day after tomorrow let Brother Qi lead the construction team to start building the greenhouse walls. Cover yours first.”

 “Okay.” Xia Qing agreed with peace of mind.

She discovered the thornwood forest and the yellow clay. She found three of the five earth-moving trucks. After going to the evolutionary forest, she had to take on the task of security and defense. Therefore, it is appropriate to pull the yellow clay into her territory first and build the greenhouse walls for her first.

Without cooperation, no matter how strong Xia Qing was, she would not be able to build the earthen walls of the two greenhouses in half a month. Working with her allies, she can build the earth wall within ten days. When the second-hand steel pipes she and Yang Jin purchased arrive, they can install the steel pipes, buckle the plastic film, apply fertilizer, water the ground, plow the land, and plant vegetables. Seeds.

The micro tiller was parked under the road sign of Territory No. 5. Xia Qing asked Zhao Ze to drive the micro tiller. Qi Fu sat next to Zhao Ze while she got on the back of the truck pulling the bulldozer and excavating shovel. Taking advantage of the height advantage, she waited and watched. Territory No. 14 south of the road.

Yan Meng, who wanted to kill Xia Qing to avenge his sister, was in Territory No. 14. Qi Fu looked back and saw that Xia Qing's expression was still as calm as before, and it was impossible to tell her emotions at this time.

The ones who can really kill people with one move are not those who shout, but the ruthless ones who remain silent and expressionless. Anyone who has lived to the tenth year of a natural disaster knows that when you encounter such a person, you must stay away. Qi Fu felt that Xia Qing was full of murderous intent at this moment.

Xia Qing is 1.77 meters tall. Standing on the one-meter-high carriage is already higher than the grass-cutting wall of the territory. He can see the situation in Territory No. 14.

Territory No. 14 is overgrown with grass and bushes. A winding path less than half a meter wide stretches from the stop sign at the southern end of the territory to two greenhouses in the center of the territory. Next to the greenhouses is a house converted from a dilapidated container.

Hearing the movement of the mini-tiller, a tall, thin man wearing protective clothing came out of the container with a hunched body and looked over.

There was a thin mist at the moment, and the passage was more than three hundred meters away from the container house in Territory No. 14, but Xia Qing still recognized the person's identity at a glance.

   Yan Meng.

The person who stared wide-eyed in the evolutionary forest last summer and pinched his neck, trying to kill her like an evolutionary insect.

At this distance, Yan Meng, a non-visual evolutionist, should not be able to recognize himself. Even if he could recognize it, Xia Qing didn't care.

 After confirming his identity and status, Xia Qing turned to look at Territory No. 15 to the east of Territory No. 14.

There are four containers and a dozen neatly arranged greenhouses in Territory No. 15. The uncultivated areas are also clean and organized. This is what an owner's territory should look like.

 The road under the north road sign of Territory No. 15 was just cleared last night. The road was built to be more than four meters wide and led straight to an open space next to the greenhouse.

Yue Haiying and a man who was 1.8 meters tall, about thirty years old, with scars on the left half of his face and missing his left eye walked out from behind the grass wall. Yue Haiying greeted everyone and introduced, "This is us Yushou of the territory, a fourth-level power evolver."

Xia Qing stretched out her hand and said, "Brother Yu, can we stand on the carriage?"

"Okay." Yu Shou handed the shovel, pickaxe, machete and other tools he brought to Xia Qing, held down the side of the cart, jumped onto the side of the cart neatly, and stood next to Xia Qing.

Xia Qing then discovered that there was only half a palm left in his left hand. Fortunately, he is missing only his ring finger and little finger, so it will not have much impact on his life, and he will definitely be able to do farm work.

 The reason why he retired was because he was blind in one eye.

Yue Haiying said last night that Yu Shou was an engineering vehicle driver before retiring. After losing one eye, humans cannot form accurate three-dimensional images with one eye and can no longer drive motor vehicles.

 After passing through Territory No. 15, the vehicle passed through an intersection and isolation zone and officially entered Hill No. 50.

“Brother Yu, I’ll leave the rear to you.”

After Xia Qing finished speaking, she jumped onto the rain cover of the mini-tiller. She used the two fixing devices she had just welded on the top of the rain cover to steady her feet last night, and pointed the muzzle forward.

Seeing Xia Qing's movements of holding the gun clearly, Yu Shou immediately understood why she could become the leader of several territories in the north.

Has nothing to do with the fifth-level visual evolver Hu Feng of the Qinglong Team, mainly because she is strong enough. (End of chapter)

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