The nutritional content and taste of the meat of red-light animals have been destroyed by carnivorous elements. After the safe zone processing plants remove the carnivorous elements, they need to add various nutritional elements to make ordinary food that can only coax the stomach and intestines and cannot promote evolution. .

The carnivorous beasts in the evolutionary forest have been preying on herbivores with high levels of killing elements for a long time. When the killing elements in their bodies increase to a certain level, they will lose their minds and become violent and violent, turning into machines that only know how to hunt and kill everywhere until they lose their fighting power. Being bitten and devoured by other animals.

 This is the main reason for the blue star beast tide.

Therefore, from the evolved crazy blue star organisms, we need to screen and cultivate stable evolved animals and plants as soon as possible, and plant and breed them in large quantities to establish a stable biological chain. This is an urgent problem facing mankind that needs to be solved.

Xia Qing sighed, "This is too difficult."

"The difficulty is indeed very high. However, we in China are full of talents. As long as we find the right direction and work together, we will be able to overcome the difficulties sooner or later. The fact that you have grown so many edible plants in your territory means that we have taken a big step towards success." Yang Jin Smiling, he raised the small bag containing seeds in his hand and said, "This is 6271 seeds. Do you want to count them again?"

 6271, which is the number of spinach seeds Xia Qing owes the Qinglong team. Even if he quickly picked up spinach seeds while chatting, how many spinach seeds could he still count? !

 With his speed and brain power, Xia Qing admired him and said, "No need to count, just put it away."

Yang Jin put away the spinach seeds, picked up a small packaging bag and continued working, and told Xia Qing the bad news, "I have asked people to test the activity of green light chestnuts, and it has been confirmed that chestnuts cannot be used to propagate chestnut seedlings for sale."

ah? Xia Qing was stunned for only a second before regaining his composure, "It seems that the chestnut forest relies on root systems to reproduce."

"Probably. Today's evolutionary plants are all kinds of weird, and relying on tree roots to reproduce is already within the normal range of plants. Even though the speed is slower, it is very stable and the fruit yield is not low, so you can increase the selling price of saplings. ”

 Seeing that Xia Qing was disappointed because she could not propagate green light chestnut saplings on a large scale, Yang Jin immediately changed the subject to something that would make her happy, "Do you know how Cordyceps sinensis on the plateau is propagated now?"

 Xia Qing really doesn’t know this, so he can only guess, “parasitism?”

 After the great evolution of Blue Star, when the altitude exceeded 3,500 meters, the content of the chlorine element in the atmosphere increased sharply. Therefore, the plateau is indeed no longer suitable for human survival, and the surviving plateau residents have moved to lower altitudes.

 The plateau covered with vast amounts of dirty snow has become a restricted area for evolving creatures. Therefore, Xia Qing really doesn't know what is happening to the Cordyceps sinensis on the plateau.

Yang Jin told her, "Cordyceps sinensis is originally a fungus and algae organism, and its 'worms' are actually bat moth larvae. The Cordyceps sinensis fungus invades the body of the bat moth larvae and reproduces continuously, causing the larvae to be filled with mycelium. In the next summer, it is Infected larvae will grow yellow or light brown fungi on their heads, emerging from the ground in the shape of grass stems, which are the 'grass' of Cordyceps sinensis."

 I have gained more knowledge!

Xia Qing was surprised, "This is the way many parasitic plants have evolved to reproduce. After Cordyceps sinensis evolves, will it no longer rely on animal bodies to reproduce?"

How is she so smart, and why is she so cute with her eyes wide open...

Yang Jin lowered his head and quickly picked up spinach seeds to calm his heartbeat, "You are half right. Cordyceps fungus can now not only reproduce with the help of insect larvae, but also with the help of plants. Researchers have obtained the latest research and found that with the help of plant reproduction in winter, spring and summer The grass buds of grass fungi can help improve human immunity. "There is also a very important discovery recently," Yang Jin raised his head and smiled, "Cordyceps sinensis is grown by hydroponically growing Gaoyi element vegetables with non-polluting spring water. Bacteria are very good at repairing physical damage caused by the elements.”

 This is great news! The scientific researchers are awesome!

This is also great news for Xia Qing, "Has the price of Team Agni's pollution-free spring water increased?"

Yang Jin laughed out loud, "Fire Phoenix plans to visit Zhang San in the near future because he wants to cooperate with him in researching Cordyceps fungus medicine. If the cooperation fails, the price of Team Agni's spring water will definitely increase, and the price of your spring water should also increase. Look. As we have a long-term and stable cooperative relationship, as the only buyer of the spring water in Territory 3, can Team Qinglong still enjoy a 20% discount?”

It deserves to be iron cocks, this is not let go of this.

"Okay." Xia Qing asked, "Why did Fire Phoenix ask Third Brother to cooperate? This new type of Cordyceps fungus was developed by Third Brother?"

“He is the main researcher, and there are other participants. I just got the news.”

Wow! Wow! Wow! !

If Yang Jin hadn't been here, Xia Qing would definitely have shouted out: Did you see, this is my idol, a high-quality idol from Blue Star!

Xia Qing, a **** fan, had her fan base go straight through Blue Star. She wanted to immediately string Blue Star on a stick, wrap it in a thick layer of candy, and send it to her idol, so that the idol could eat Blue Star like a candied haws!

Yang Jin saw that she was feeling uncomfortable, so he took the initiative to speak, "Zhang San is very good in pharmaceutical research."

Xia Qing nodded vigorously, "Yes! The potions in Territory No. 7 are very effective. Humans are in great need of potions that can repair injuries."

Yang Jin returned to the topic, "Only when this medicine can be produced in large quantities can it truly benefit the public. Unfortunately, currently only Cordyceps fungi cultivated with pollution-free spring water and high-quality vegetables are effective."

Xia Qing understood what Yang Jin meant, "Is it difficult for you to cultivate Cordyceps fungus?"

"Yes. It is unlikely that Third Brother will cooperate with Huo Phoenix, so the cordyceps fungus we cooperate with can be directly supplied to Third Brother." Yang Jin, who smiled very seductively, proposed a new cooperation project.

"The human body can also be parasitized by inhaling the spores of Cordyceps sinensis, so cultivating Cordyceps sinensis with plants requires the establishment of a high-standard cultivation room and professional and technical personnel. The Qinglong team set out on site, built a cultivation room, purchased hydroponic nutrient solution, and provided labor and security. You Let’s get the spring water and half of the spinach seeds each, and we’ll share the profit 40-60, four to you and six to me, how about that?”

“Fifty-fifty.” Xia Qing straightened her back and began to bargain.

"Your investment sounds like a lot, but one of the key inputs for cultivating Cordyceps fungus - spring water, needs to be supplied by me; the second - Gaoyi element spinach seeds, also originates from my own territory. The spinach seeds in your hand may have passed through After several generations of cultivation, the Yi element will decline, and I will be the only supplier of spinach; the third one will be provided by your team, so a 50-50 split is my bottom line.”

Looking at her confident look, Yang Jin couldn't help but feel his heart beat faster and nodded immediately, "What you said is reasonable and well-founded, so I'll give it 50-50." (End of Chapter)

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