In the Tenth Year After the Natural Disaster, Follow me to Farm

Chapter 375: Fire Phoenix's Evolution Ability

Chapter 375: Fire Phoenix’s Evolution Ability

After the shooting skills lesson, Luo Pei handed Xia Qing a box of bullets for exercises in his bag, "Take these and use them. Ask Ah Jin for them when you are done with them."

"Thank you, Brother Luo." Xia Qing took the heavy bullet box and was thinking about how to bypass the iron **** and directly exchange special bullets for exercises with Brother Luo, when he heard Luo Pei say that he was leaving.

“I’m going on a mission and will set off this afternoon. If you encounter any problems during training, you can contact me directly, or you can ask A Jin and Zifeng.”

Survival during natural disasters is not easy. As the leader of the team, Luo Pei cannot sit idle in the territory and watch the wheat sprout after he recovers.

 Who will deal with the refugees in Territory No. 2 after he leaves? There must be arrangements for the Qinglong battle. Luo Pei is a top sniper, and his strength is long-distance hunting. Being cunning and strategizing is the strength of the brain evolver.

Team Qinglong has no shortage of brain evolvers, there are two among the three leaders.

Xia Qing asked, "Brother Luo, would you like to bring a can of my pickled cowpeas? Although they are a bit salty, they taste pretty good, especially with rice."

In addition to pickled cowpeas, Xia Qing also decided to give Brother Luo ten pounds of green light pecans. After detoxification, his visual evolution ability dropped to level nine. It would not hurt to eat some pecans, which can replenish the brain and treat brain damage.

"Okay." Luo Pei told Xia Qing, "I said hello to Tan Junjie. He will not interfere with the evolution of the wolves in and out of Territory No. 3 and District 3 of Mountain No. 49, but you must restrain the wolves and do not Bringing them into conflict with people in their territory, especially refugees.”

"The wolves only move in the third area of ​​No. 49 Mountain and my territory, and will not enter other areas. As long as no one invades these two areas, there will be no conflict with the wolves." Xia Qing took the opportunity to ask, " Brother Luo and Captain Tan have set a time? When will the inspection team start regular inspections of the northern isolation zone? "

Luo Pei told Xia Qing the latest situation, "The investigation team will focus most of its attention on Territory No. 2 and Territory No. 9, and will start patrolling after the snow is removed."

That would be December, Xia Qing nodded.

Luo Pei continued, "Tang Zhengbo wants his two sons to practice with the refugees from Territory No. 2. Fire Phoenix will come to Territory No. 9 in a while, and it will be very lively this winter. Try not to meet Fire Phoenix, absolutely Don’t let the people she brings into your territory.”

There is a pollution-free spring on the Fierce Volcano, so the people of Agni Team are familiar with the spring water. When they enter Territory Three, they are very likely to discover the existence of spring water.

Xia Qing nodded solemnly and asked in a low voice, "Brother Luo, can you tell me what the evolutionary ability of Fire Phoenix is?"

This is not a secret. When Xia Qing asked, Luo Pei said directly, "She has evolved through resilience, which is the body's ability to return to its original state after suffering external interference."

Xia Qing has heard of this kind of evolutionary ability, but has never encountered it before. Resilience is a passive ability and its combat power is not high.

How did the resilient evolver Fire Phoenix become the captain of the Fire Team and make everyone in the Fire Team afraid of her?

Xia Qing continued to ask, "Why did she dye her whole body fiery red?"

This involves a past that no insider is willing or bear to recall. Luo Pei simply explained, "After Deng Yufeng's evolutionary ability was exposed, it attracted the attention of a group of lunatics. Their research found that her blood had a high content of Yi elements, and she had It is highly active, so it can quickly recover from physical damage. Those people conducted various cruel experiments on her for various purposes, and extracted her blood for research to create recovery potions and antidote. "

"In order to get rid of those crazy people, Deng Yufeng injected herself with the synthetic poison. Her recovery power could resist the synthetic poison in her blood, but she could not completely remove the poison, causing her blood to lose its medicinal and research value. "

“The two elements and toxins changed the color of her blood, making the blood vessels all over her body very obvious, so after getting rid of those crazy people, she took potions to change the color of her skin.”

It turns out that Deng Yufeng’s skin color turned red due to taking medicine, not dyeing it. Xia Qing continued to ask, "Are those lunatics dead?"

Luo Pei sighed slightly, "Most of them are dead. There are still many such madmen, so before you have enough combat power and status, you should not risk revealing your true evolutionary ability to the outside world."

Xia Qing nodded and asked, "Will the synthetic poison in Fire Phoenix's blood poison people who come into contact with her blood?" "She will inject toxins into the blood regularly. You can think of her as a moving poison." Biological thing. If her blood comes into contact, it will be poisoned." Luo Pei warned Xia Qing again, "Try not to come into contact with her. That experience has changed her personality and she is about to become a madman."

Xia Qing nodded. After separating from Luo Pei, her steps were a little heavy.

Over the years, Xia Qing has been struggling to survive at the bottom of society, but relying on her excellent auditory evolution ability, she has more or less captured some unknown secrets.

In the sixth year of the natural disaster, the base director, deputy base director and director of the research institute at Huiyi Base were successively replaced, and the base management underwent a major change. The real reason was that Huiyi Research Institute secretly conducted various cruel and inhumane experiments, killing and tortured to death. a lot of people.

The lunatics Luo Pei mentioned should be the group of people who were dismissed from Huiyi Research Institute, and Huo Fenghuang was the victim. Now, this former victim is about to become a perpetrator.

 This should be the reason why Zhang San had a strong attitude to stop them when he heard that Territory No. 9 was recruiting refugees.

 Fire Phoenix’s trip should be for Zhang San. But Zhang San is protected by Ji Li and others. As long as he doesn't leave the No. 7 territory, Fire Phoenix can't do anything to him.

All Xia Qing has to do is to keep her secret secret and survive.

Luo Pei said that after she has enough combat power and status, she can make it known to the public that she is a three-series advanced evolver.

But Xia Qing doesn't plan to announce it. She has no lofty ambitions or pursuits. She just wants to live as comfortably as possible in the year of natural disasters.

Of course, when the combat power is sufficient, Xia Qing will seize the opportunity to kill Tang Zhengsu with one shot. The main purpose of killing him was to avenge his father, and also to eliminate harm to Huisan Base.


The camera at the north gate of Territory 3 confirmed Xia Qing's identity, turned the iron gate, and after Xia Qing passed the gate, a message was sent to the client:

 The No. 3 lord Xia Qing entered the No. 3 territory through the north gate at 11:28 on November 10.

Hearing the sound of the iron door closing behind him and seeing the message on his phone, most of the heaviness that had just weighed on Xia Qing suddenly disappeared.

Lord Xia Qing doesn't care about things outside the territory. He only cares about whether the spinach seeds in the terraces are mature and whether the wheat and rapeseed he planted have taken root.

She first went to the high-slope terraces to carefully test the spinach. After confirming that the spinach seeds were not mature, she pinched a few spring onions and came to the edge of the wheat field.

The seeds buried in the soil were struggling to grow. Xia Qing did not move the soil rashly to check. He only cleared some weeds on the edge of the field and went home with the vegetable basket.

 The green light hen laid four eggs today, and Xia Qing wanted to eat tomato and egg noodles for lunch.

The eggs are fresh from the chicken coop, the tomatoes are well-preserved green tomatoes from the underground vegetable storage room, the noodles are a mixture of wheat and mung beans, and the oil is sunflower oil squeezed by yourself.

Saute the tomatoes and eggs in a marinade, sprinkle with chopped green onion and pour it on the cooked hand-made noodles. A pot of tomato-and-eggs braised noodles with good color, aroma and flavor is ready.

˜Thanks to book friend Shan Lan for the tip, thank you all for your subscription support and love, good morning.

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