Chapter 370 Assistant in Territory No. 8

The patrol team finally delivered the seeds, and the lords began to discuss sowing and fertilizing in the channel.

Qi Fu was the first to speak, "I finally caught up. The land I watered would have dried out if it was a day later. The soaking time for wheat and rapeseed is about 4 hours. I have already soaked it and will sow it in the evening."

Kuang Qingwei asked, "Does anyone want the crab shell fertilizer from Guisan Base? This is the last batch, and there will be no more. The earthworm greenhouse in Territory No. 49 was destroyed by refugees. It is estimated that the price of earthworm castings will increase next spring. Everyone Stock up on as much fertilizer as you can now.”

Since the Guisan base was destroyed, Guisan’s specialty crab shell fertilizer was of course out of stock.

 Shi Zhong asked, "Brother Kuang, how many points are there for one pound of crab shell fat?"

Kuang Qingwei sighed, "Eight points per pound, the price has increased."

“Eight points? I really can’t afford fertilizer.” Zhao’s mother responded.

 The points in their hands need to be used to build walls, buy seeds, and build greenhouses. There is no money left to buy fertilizer for next spring plowing.

 After everyone complained for a while, Kuang Qingwei plucked up the courage to ask, "No. 8, Xin Yu, are you there? Is your bacterial powder factory almost completed?"

 Finished fertilizer is expensive, so lords must accumulate as much fertilizer as possible to reduce farming costs as much as possible.

Xin Yu is rarely online. Just when everyone thought there would be no response, a strange voice sounded.

"Hello lords, I am the assistant of Territory No. 8, Zhou Zhaoping. The first batch of bacterial powder in our territory will be released on November 15th, and the price is fourteen points per pound. Lords in need can order it now. The first ten orders will receive a 20% discount.”

What? ! !

 Everyone was stunned and all missed Tang Huai.

Because if Tang Huai was online and listened to Zhou Zhaoping's words, he would definitely curse and accurately express the mood of the lords at the moment.


 Didn’t Territory No. 8 bring in building materials and recruit workers just a few days ago? From building the factory to putting it into production and then selling the products, it only takes half a month? !

 Are they recruiting refugees or advanced speed evolvers? !

Second dealer Kuang Qingwei grabbed the preferential quota, "Hello, Uncle Zhou, I am Kuang Qingwei from Territory No. 6. I ordered 300 kilograms of mushroom powder."

Although I haven’t seen the finished product yet, the technology for growing mushroom powder in Territory 8 was given to me by Zhang San, so there is absolutely no problem with the quality. Therefore, even though the bacterial powder sold in Territory 8 was more expensive than those sold in the safe zone and Territory 9, Kuang Qingwei still did not hesitate to take action.

"Okay." Territory No. 8 Assistant Zhou's voice was unhurried and very similar to Tang Zhengbo's, making it very comfortable to listen to. "When the bacterial powder comes off the line, I will send it to you immediately along with the instruction manual. "

Tang Zhengbo, who had not been online for a long time, also spoke. Xia Qing heard his voice a little weak, "Assistant Zhou, I am Tang Zhengbo from Territory No. 12, and I order 600 kilograms of bacterial powder."



Zhou Zhaoping responded, "Okay. I will go over to visit Mr. Tang after he finishes sowing."

Luo Pei is also online, "Hello, Uncle Zhou, I am Luo Pei from Territory No. 1. Territory No. 1 ordered 1,500 kilograms of bacterial powder. The team alliance ordered 3,000 kilograms of bacterial powder from you."

Zhou Zhaoping responded respectfully, "Okay. After Captain Luo is done with his work, I will visit again to thank you for your help." Luo Peiwen responded, "Uncle Zhou is too polite. I got points for leading the team to assist Hui Er Base."

After several other lords finished ordering, Tang Huai, who had been too busy to go online recently, actually spoke up, "Uncle Zhou, I am Tang Huai, the agent of the No. 2 territory. I ordered 500 kilograms for the No. 2 territory."

  Ordering 500 jin of bacterial powder in Territory No. 2 is even more surprising than ordering 1,500 pounds in Territory No. 1. Is Tang Huai going to take the refugees to farm?

After receiving the reply from the assistant of Territory No. 8, Li Si asked coldly, "Territorial No. 9, Li Si. What you produce is compound fermented bacterial powder. The price per pound is 14 points, which is lower than the cost. This kind of bacterial powder can quality assurance?"

Zhou Zhaoping responded politely, "One pound of the organic fertilizer fermentation bacteria powder we produce can ferment at least one ton of vegetable leaves, kitchen waste, manure, crop straw, leaves, wheat bran or corn husks. No activation is required and it ferments quickly. Our products It has passed the test of Hongyi Product Quality Inspection Center. As long as it is operated according to the instruction manual, the killing rate of three types of harmful substances can reach more than 96%. Lords, please feel free to use it. "

 They passed the test of the Hongyi Base Product Quality Inspection Center, what else can Li Si say?

“Territory No. 9, 4 pounds.”

As soon as everyone heard the price, they understood that Li Si must have planned to study the quality of Zhang San's bacterial powder and wasted a 20% discount quota.

 After Li Si finished booking, only No. 3 and No. 7 were left in this territory.

 Zhang San uses bacterial powder, so there is no need to buy it at all. Why did Xia Qing not agree? The allies of the Lords Alliance felt the same as Ming Jing.

Qi Fu took the initiative to ask, "Xia Qing, don't you want to compost? Buy a few more kilograms of bacterial powder to ferment the leaves into fertilizer. It can be used next spring."

The ally gave him a ladder, and Xia Qing explained along the lines, "Dui, I don't have any points now. After planting wheat and rapeseed, I will go to the evolutionary forest to try my luck. If I can hunt prey or collect edible plants, I can exchange for I’ll make a reservation with Uncle Zhou as soon as I get the points. I hope I can still be in the top ten.”

 The top ten will definitely not be able to catch up. Although they are not on the same walkie-talkie chat channel, the lords of this territory, and even the entire Huisan Base, know that Territory No. 8 will use Zhang San's patented technology to produce bacterial powder. After getting the news that pre-orders are available, the orders will definitely be filled.

In years of natural disasters when supplies are scarce, there is no need to worry about selling the things produced as long as the price is right.

There are only two questions here: first, whether you can obtain raw materials and technology; second, whether you have the ability to save the factory in a chaotic year of natural disasters and successfully deliver the goods to buyers.

 Obviously, Territory No. 8 has both of these two aspects. As long as costs are controlled, this business will not lose money.

  After the Lord Channel communication was completed, Xia Qing and Qi Fu agreed on the sowing time, and when they were putting the sheep plow on the sheep boss and preparing to plow the land, they received a call from Luo Pei.

Luo Pei's attitude was mild, "Xia Qing, if it's not convenient for you to buy compost bacterial powder, I can order more from Territory No. 8. How much do you want?"

Xia Qing explained, "Thank you, Brother Luo, for thinking about me. I exchanged 30 kilograms of compost bacterial powder with my third brother a while ago, which is enough for this year."

Seeing that Xia Qing already had fungal powder, Luo Pei asked, "That's good. When will you sow the seeds? If you are free before the 10th, come to No. 49 Mountain and I will teach you how to shoot a moving target."

Xia Qing was finally able to learn real skills from the sharpshooter teacher again. Xia Qing was pleasantly surprised, "I will plow the land today and sow the seeds tomorrow. Any day will do between the day after tomorrow and the 10th."

 After setting the time, Xia Qing hummed a little tune and took his partners to plow the land.

 When asking the sheep boss to work, the sense of ritual must be fulfilled. Xia Qing first hung toon leaves on it, praised it, and stuffed it with compressed rations before it officially started.

After in-depth exchanges of farming experience with allies, Xia Qing found that he had planted two crops of land, but missed one link: flat land.

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