During natural disasters, China still explicitly prohibits citizens from illegally possessing guns.

Of course, no one will care about you carrying a rocket launcher outside the safe zone, but as long as you enter the safe zone, you must go through strict inspection, so Xia Qing's weapons have always been machetes and slingshots.

After the great evolution of Blue Star creatures, in order to deal with the fatal dangers brought by evolved creatures to human beings, teams registered in accordance with the law in the safe zone can also possess weapons, but they must be used in strict accordance with relevant regulations. Once violations are violated, not only the weapons will be confiscated, but also Be severely punished.

Xia Qing can own weapons when she goes out to farm in the safe zone, but she has no points and no way to buy them, so she came up with a way to exchange pollution-free spring water with the Qinglong Team.

Her goal was to exchange for a sniper rifle and two hundred rounds of ammunition. Unexpectedly, the conditions given by Yang Jin completely exceeded her expectations.

Xia Qing held her heart steady and looked directly into Yang Jin's eyes through the firelight, "How many liters of spring water do you want to exchange these equipment and weapons for?"

Xia Qing's caution made Yang Jin a little happy, "Can we use these materials to increase the total volume of spring water from 15,000 liters to 17,500 liters? The extra 2,500 liters will be provided to Brother Luo Drink during treatment.”

There is no clear experimental data showing that drinking unpolluted spring water can improve human health, not because spring water cannot, but because there is not enough spring water for experiments. The benefit of pollution-free spring water to human beings is not a question of right or wrong, but a matter of degree.

Ten Qinglong Team evolved human security guards for one year, three sets of top-level protective equipment, three guns and 900 rounds of ammunition, plus the step-by-step instruction of sharpshooter Luo Pei, in exchange for 17,500 in the next four months. Shengquan water is very suitable for Xia Qing.

Yang Jin is famous for never losing money. This transaction made Xia Qing intuitively feel the value of spring water.

When it comes to making a deal with a big boss, although Xia Qing raised the four hooves of the big boss in her heart to express her agreement, she also had to pretend to be a big boss on her face and nodded calmly, "Deal."

Yang Jin added two pieces of firewood to the fire and then talked about the next deal, "I have another exchange. I don't know if you are interested."

Xia Qing's head flashed with the urgently needed supplies, and her expression was unpredictable, "Please tell me first."

Yang Jin told the contents of the deal, "If Brother Luo stays in No. 1 to detoxify, the springs in your territory will be exposed sooner or later, causing your life to be disturbed by the outside world, so I want Brother Luo to enter your territory to treat his injuries. He only brings Four people can live in this room or anywhere you arrange. Except for picking up supplies and water that Brother Luo needs, they will never go outside the area you have designated. Brother Luo will start teaching you how to shoot in four months. I promise to take people away later. If you haven’t learned it by then, Brother Luo will live in Territory 1 and continue to teach you until the church.”

Seeing Xia Qing's brows still furrowed, Yang Jin's smile grew stronger, and he told Xia Qing the deal terms that he couldn't refuse, "For this, we offer two hundred liters of diesel and a small multi-purpose crawler tiller. Rotary tillage, furrowing, raising, backfilling, weeding, spraying, and two edible apple, strawberry, jujube and grape seedlings.”

The mini-tiller, diesel, and saplings all hit Xia Qing's heart. What else is there to say?

Xia Qing couldn't even pretend to be a boss anymore and nodded immediately, "Deal. This village will be used by Brother Luo for the next four months."

“For safety’s sake, can Brother Luo and the others come over now?”


"In order to transport supplies and medicine from Territory No. 1 to Territory No. 3 without being discovered, can we dig a tunnel from Brother Luo's residence to Territory No. 1? The tunnel will be filled in immediately after Brother Luo leaves."


Yang Jin smiled and said, "Okay. If there are any subsequent problems, you can directly negotiate with Brother Luo."

Yang Jin smiled, so handsome that Xia Qing almost asked to let him have a late night snack before leaving. Fortunately, she had not lost her sense and sent Yang Jin out of the territory before dawn. The Qinglong team was very powerful. Half an hour later, Luo Pei was carried into No. 3 without anyone noticing. Not long after dawn, a small helicopter stayed in Territory No. 1 for twenty minutes and then took off.

Two hours later, Tang Huai called Xu Pin, the deputy captain of the Sufeng team, "...Yes, it is confirmed that Luo Pei was picked up by Yang Jin in a helicopter. Territory No. 1 is now undefended, and the people inside have begun to clear the weeds. Digging the soil for farming... Yes, we have sent people in to check and confirm that Luo Pei is not in the territory... Yes, there is only one helicopter heading west. "

After hanging up the phone, Tang Huai, who was in a good mood, called to his younger brother Tang Heng, "Let's go hunting. Let's barbecue and drink today!"

On the fourth day Luo Pei moved into the territory, six saplings and two strawberry seedlings were secretly sent into Xia Qing's territory by the Qinglong team. Xia Qingdu planted them in the plowed planting area and poured enough mountain spring water.

In order to save enough mountain spring water for planting trees, Xia Qing has been saving water these days, even reluctant to make porridge.

The saplings are all annual bare stems with a height of one to two meters, and the strawberry saplings have only five leaves. Xia Qing is reluctant to even pick a leaf or break a branch to squeeze the juice for testing, so it is impossible to judge whether these seedlings have a green light or a yellow light.

In order to prevent the sheep boss from chewing on the saplings, Xia Qing ventured to the evolutionary forest and cut down the branches of the evolutionary jujube tree covered with palm-long spikes to make a fence to protect the saplings.

After completing the fence, Xia Qing was in a very good mood. She called Luo Pei’s new mobile phone number and went over to visit with a basket of vegetables.

Luo Pei brought people to live in the village for four days, and they stayed in the village honestly as Yang Jin promised. Even fetching water was done at night, which did not disturb Xia Qing's life at all.

There are three deserted villages distributed in a Z-shaped pattern in Territory No. 3. Xia Qing lives in the northern village, and Luo Pei lives in the southwest one. The southeast village is still empty. Xia Qing plans to clean it out and raise some in captivity when he has time in the future. Chickens, ducks and geese, if she could catch or trade them.

Luo Pei lived in the courtyard where Xia Qing and Yang Jin negotiated terms. After entering, Xia Qing discovered that although the place looked the same from the outside, they actually dug out several basements underneath, and the entrance was in this one. inside the house.

 When did they dig it and where did they throw the soil?

 The basement walls are not only moisture-proof and soundproof, but also equipped with electric lights and various sophisticated medical equipment that are incompatible with those after a natural disaster.

 When did they load it and how did it get brought in?

Looking at Xia Qing's confused look, Wei Chengdong smiled so much that his gums were exposed. Blindfolded Luo Pei called to Xia Qing, "Xia Qing, come and sit."

With enough spring water for five days of treatment, Luo Pei could sit up straight. Xia Qing handed the vegetable basket to Wei Chengdong, with smile lines in her voice, "It seems that the effect of Brother Luo's treatment is not bad."

"It's all thanks to you." Luo Pei showed a sincere smile. "The agricultural machinery is relatively large, so we have to find a suitable opportunity to cross the open road before sending it over. The gun and bullets have been sent over. Because you are a power evolver, I chose The ones are small submachine pistols, automatic rifles and non-automatic sniper rifles.”

Wei Chengdong opened the long wooden box he brought in, revealing three new guns that smelled of machine oil. Although Xia Qing didn't know the goods, he recognized the sniper rifle in the box at a glance. It was exactly the same as the one Luo Pei carried on his back when he went on a mission!

 This is definitely good stuff.

Luo Pei continued, "In order to conceal themselves, the three guns are equipped with accessories that reduce shooting sound, flames and smoke, and are placed in boxes. Let Chengdong teach you how to use a pistol today. You first bring the self-defense, and the rest I'll teach you two guns when my eyes heal."

"Thank you, Brother Luo. Please forgive me, Brother Dong." Xia Qing didn't mention that she had used a rifle once when she went on a mission with the Dongyang team, because that old homemade gun was incomparable to the three in front of her.

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