Chapter 366: Harvesting Spinach Seeds


  She had rested from ten o'clock last night to three o'clock in the morning. After drinking a bottle of super nutrient solution, Xia Qing was full of energy at the moment and did not need to rest.

Hushi Feng didn’t go back to Territory No. 1 either. He helped clean up the weeds beside the greenhouse, waiting to help Xia Qing.

Autumn is the season when weeds grow spikes and produce seeds. Even grass that has just sprouted and is no taller than your little finger will soon grow spikes and produce a bunch of grass seeds.

These grass seeds fall into the soil, and when the temperature and humidity are suitable, they will take root and germinate and become a weed.

 Qualified farmers need to regularly clean up weeds in and around farmland to reduce the grass seed content in farmland soil as much as possible. The cleaner the weeds are cleared, the fewer weeds will compete with the next crop for nutrients.

 The land is the most honest, and every bit of hard work put in by farmers will be remembered and rewarded by the land.

Of course, the premise is that you do the right thing with the land, otherwise the land will be infested with insects and bacteria, leaving you with no harvest.

  It was nine o'clock in the morning when Xia Qing finished clearing the weeds in the sunflower terraces. The sun has risen high, and the dew in the fields has evaporated away.

Xia Qing called Hu Xiufeng over, and the two of them pulled a double layer of rainproof cloth and carefully covered it on the iron frame above the vegetable terraces.

 Spinach seeds have entered the mature stage. Breaking a small spinach leaf may cause the spinach to spray seeds, so be careful. Hu Feng stayed in Territory No. 3 in order to work with Xia Qing to protect the precious spinach in the terraces, and to pack the spinach seedlings and bring them back to Territory No. 1 as soon as the spinach was harvested.

After covering the rainproof cloth, Xia Qing put the long branch scissors into the cover and gently cut off a spinach leaf. The spinach did not use its seeds to launch a counterattack, indicating that the spinach seeds in the terraces were not yet mature. The two took off the rainproof cloth to allow the spinach to receive sunlight and continue to grow.

 Then, the two people went to the greenhouse by the reservoir to test the second piece of Gaoyi Elements spinach. Unlike the spinach in the high-slope terraces, this area was to be returned to Territory No. 7.

After cutting off a small leaf, there was a sudden crashing sound inside the rainproof cloth cover, and the spinach seeds matured and exploded.

Xia Qing and Hu Hufeng looked at each other and smiled.

After the sound of flapping stopped, the two men opened the cover of the rainproof cloth. They first cut off the spinach seedlings that were riddled with holes by the seeds and shook them clean. Then they began to collect the spinach seeds on the mulch. Finally, they removed the mulch and dug out the spinach roots.

With the experience of the first crop, Xia Qing did a good job of defense this time and collected most of the spinach seeds. A total of 300 rapeseeds were sown in this field, and a total of 115 plants survived to maturity, including 76 female plants and 38 male plants. 8,420 spinach seeds were harvested.

Xia Qing was very satisfied with this harvest. She immediately contacted the buyer Zhang San, "Brother San, the spinach I planted is mature and the spinach seeds and spinach seedlings have been harvested. Can I send them to you now?"

 “I’ll ask Ji Li to go get it.” Zhang San was not very interested, or Xia Qing’s spinach could no longer make him interested.

 The idol is in a bad mood and fans dare not disturb him.

After Xia Qing hung up the phone, she took the time to carry the spinach seedlings and spinach seeds to the northern isolation zone and asked Ji Li to inspect the supplies. "There are 2,000 spinach seeds and 116 kilograms of spinach seedlings. Please give them to Brother Ji, please."

 The spinach plant is more than 60 centimeters tall when it sets seeds, and each plant weighs about 1 kilogram. The lords used the rapeseed harvested from the first crop of vegetables to grow many vegetables in their respective territories. The increase in supply has caused the price of edible vegetables to drop significantly, but it is still beyond the reach of ordinary people.

  After the safety zone buys the vegetables, they process them into various foods and sell them to the residents of the safety zone. Now the quality and taste of the compressed rations that the residents eat are better than before.

If Xia Qing harvests ordinary green spinach and sells it to the safe zone, he can only get 3480 points. But she was growing Gao Yi element spinach. According to the exchange agreement she made with Zhang San, these spinach seedlings could be exchanged for Xia Qing for 38 bottles of super nutrient solution, worth 72,000 points.

The shelf life of these super-grade nutrient solutions is two months, which is enough for Xia Qing to build a greenhouse and grow the next crop of spinach. She is healthy and does not need to drink nutrient solution every day, but the sick wolf is weak and the injured wolf also needs supplementary nutrition.

After inspecting the goods, Ji Li asked, "Our lord has had a bad appetite recently. Is there any green light food in your territory that our lord has not tasted? Can it be exchanged?"

Xia Qing asked with concern, "Third brother doesn't like eating the sweet potatoes I gave him?"

Ji Li nodded.

Idols even dislike the delicious green light sweet potatoes, so what else can they eat? Xia Qing went through the green light foods in the territory in his mind. The only three things he had never given to his third brother were strawberries, Jerusalem artichokes and Chinese toon sprouts.

Strawberries and toon buds are not available this season. Xia Qing immediately made a decision, "Brother Ji, wait a moment, I'll go get the food."

Green Lantern Jerusalem artichoke is not yet completely mature, but the idol has no appetite, so Xia Qing, a **** fan, has to offer her utmost sincerity. She dug out the largest one from the only four Jerusalem artichoke plants, then went home and caught the fattest rooster and gave it to Ji Li.

Ji Li didn’t mention that there was also a Green Lantern Chicken in Territory No. 7. After asking Xia Qing what he wanted to exchange, he directly brought it back to the territory.

 Given an idol, of course the teacher cannot be left behind. Xia Qing took out the second fattest rooster from the chicken coop, tied it up and gave it to Hu Feng, "Take this one back to Brother Luo to replenish his health."

Husband Feng happily took it, "After the refugees are resettled, let's form a team and go to the nearby mountains. Let Brother Luo hunt some rabbits for you and raise them back."

Xia Qing went to the evolutionary forest several times. Although he saw rabbits, he couldn't catch any alive. She is not capable enough, but Luo Pei can certainly do it, because Luo Pei is a top marksman. If he wants to hit a rabbit in the leg, the bullet will never land on the rabbit's head.

 After Hu Feng returned to Territory No. 1, Xia Qing went home to prepare lunch. When passing by the chicken pen, only the black-feathered rooster rushed to Xia Qing with its feathers flying and squawked wildly. The other chickens were digging in the soil to find insects to eat or fighting as usual.

Xia Qing happily said hello to the black-feathered rooster, and then went to see the sick wolf guarding the corn on the roof. Then she went back to the house and took out the mung bean flour and white flour she had ground, mixed them together and kneaded them into dough.

 At noon today, she wants to eat mung beans mixed with noodles and pumpkin meat stewed with diced meat. She grew the pumpkins herself and the diced meat was made from rabbits given to her by the wolves.

Since July, there have been more than twenty kinds of prey sent by the wolves. Although Xia Qing did not know what animals were sent, after eating for so long, she came to a conclusion:

 The meat of herbivores is tender and delicious; the meat of carnivores is thick and tastes relatively poor.

 Evolved humans are still more suitable for eating herbivores.

Xia Qing was in a very good mood after eating the fragrant braised noodles.

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