Xia, who was thinking about how an octopus could use its boneless tentacles to break through the wall of the Guisan safety zone, quickly raised his gun and pointed it at the young woman who walked over from the refugee group. She was wearing a level-2 outdoor protective suit and looked in much better condition than the average refugee.

The visitor immediately raised his hands and said, "Don't get me wrong, I just heard you talking about Guisan Base, so I came here to tell you how the giant octopus attacks."

In the refugee team more than fifty meters away, you can hear yourself talking to Lu Yuhui. This person must be a hearing evolver. Xia Qing warned expressionlessly, "If you're not interested, please step back."

The visitor stood there and introduced himself sincerely, "I am a chef, a third-level hearing evolver. Can I work in your territory?"

Seeing that Xia Qing's face was still expressionless, the man bent down and cried, begging, "You are also a woman, so you can definitely understand my difficulties. I dare not go to men's territory, please..."

Seeing Xia Qing didn't respond, the man took another step forward.

 “Click.” The bullet was loaded, Xia Qing’s voice was cold, “Back off.”

 The woman bit her lip and turned around, going back to continue queuing.

After erecting the fence posts, Lu Yuhui returned to Xia Qing, "She is a hearing evolver. She should be able to use it in the territory, right?"

Xia Qing responded, "She is a chef. All the food I just planted was used for the points circle wall. I don't even have enough to eat, so I don't need a chef."

This is just a superficial reason. Xia Qing thinks this woman is suspicious.

The Huisan Safe Zone is unwilling to allow ordinary refugees to enter, but it will not shut out evolvers, especially female evolvers of childbearing age. This young female evolution claimed that she did not want to enter the territory of men, but instead of working in the safe zone, she lined up outside the territory with a group of men.

 There are ghosts only if there is no problem!

"Your choice is absolutely correct. It is more important to enclose the fence first. If the food is gone, you can plant it again. If you don't enclose the fence, the food you grow may be stolen." After Lu Yuhui finished speaking, he continued to measure distances and insert fence posts.

 An hour later, Tan Junjie took the last group of people who were expelled from Territory No. 1 and Territory No. 2 and rushed to Territory No. 8 by car. The woman who just begged Xia Qing was actually kicked out by Tang Huai and got on the truck heading to Territory No. 8.

 Because the excavators and mixers were noisy, Xia Qing couldn't hear the sounds in Territory 2 clearly, and didn't know how they selected the refugees. Logically speaking, such a female evolutionist should not lose the election.

More than an hour later, Zhong Tao drove a truck back from Territory No. 8. In the truck were the refugees who had not been selected by the three territories. The female evolver was also in the truck.

 She was not selected by Territory No. 8 either.

However, unlike the real numbness, despair or anger exuded by other rejected refugees, the feigned sadness of this female evolution was particularly obvious to Xia Qing.

 It was not because Xia Qing had an excellent ability to capture emotions, but because she was an advanced visual evolver and could clearly capture the moment when the man changed from a calculating face to a sad one with her sight.

Zhong Tao, who was driving a large truck, lightly pressed the horn. Xia Qing nodded in response, and then he accelerated away with a car of refugees who might lose control at any time.

 At seven o'clock in the evening, the construction vehicle parked in Territory No. 3, and the construction team returned to Territory No. 8 to rest.

Xia Qing has already learned through the very talkative Lu Yuhui that Xin Yu has divided Territory No. 8 into north and south areas. Xin Yu lives in the north area, and the refugees and construction teams recruited live in the simple houses just built in the south area. Uncle Zhou, who came with the plane, unified management.

Although Lu Yuhui did not mention Uncle Zhou's identity, the respect in her words made Xia Qing know that this person's status in China United Group was unusual.

 After the construction team left, Xia Qing also went home to cook and take time to rest.

At three o'clock in the morning, Xia Qing, who was fully armed, walked out of the house with Boss Yang. She was the third night shift worker tonight, from three to six o'clock.

The sheep boss was not put on the duty list. He volunteered to work overtime with Xia Qing. Sick Wolf also wanted to follow, but Xia Qing forced him to rest at home. Because the sick wolf didn't sleep all night, he has been patrolling around to protect his territory.

 Your Majesty the Queen?

There are constant sounds of people around the territory, and it has been lying on the roof of the shelf, looking down on the territory like a king.

Xia Qing took the sheep to the south of the territory near the grass wall. Due to the construction of the fence, the grass wall was run over by construction vehicles and was in a mess, so it could no longer function as a grass wall blocking the view.

 One person and one sheep stood, looking at the grass wall in territory No. 2. Xia Qing couldn't help complaining, "Boss, these people are really energetic. It's already past three o'clock and they are still fighting for the room and the bed."

 “Hey.” Boss Yang’s voice was also a little irritable.

"Xia Qing?" Tan Junjie, who was patrolling outside, asked in a low voice.

"It's me." Xia Qing responded, "I'm patrolling."

Tan Junjie walked over and looked at the man and the sheep in the grass in Territory No. 3 through night vision goggles, "You guys..."

 “Go to hell, you all go to hell—”


 Suddenly, roars and fighting sounds came from Territory No. 2. Tan Junjie immediately turned around and ran to Territory No. 2, contacting the agent of Territory No. 2 while running.

“Please report the situation in Territory No. 2. Do you need support?”

Because Tan Junjie was calling Tang Huai, Xia Qing could not hear the response. He only heard Tang Heng’s loudspeaker shouting among the roars and fighting in the No. 2 territory, “Fighting is prohibited in the territory, and any further fights will be directed to Get out of the territory!”

 After a few minutes, the fighting in Territory No. 2 stopped, but the yelling and cursing could still be heard.

 There are two patrols in place, and the "refugees" in Territory No. 2 cannot pass through the bypass to enter Territory No. 3. Xia Qing, the leader of the Snow White Sheep, said hello to Er Yong of the Bearded Front Team, and went to guard the northern buffer forest instead.

At 4:30 in the morning, Xia Qing, who was standing at the edge of the northern isolation zone, heard a slight rustling sound coming from the north. This was the sound of large animals crossing the dense evolutionary forest.

 The sheep boss lying next to him became energetic and stood next to Xia Qing and looked out.

No need to ask, the wolf is coming, but Xia Qing can't tell which wolf it is based on the sound.

Soon, a broken-backed wolf wearing damaged protective clothing walked out of the abandoned valley with a black four-legged prey in its mouth. It stopped, raised its head, and greeted Xia Qing and the sheep boss.

“Broken waist, it’s early.” Xia Qing responded and communicated with Hu Feng on the west side of the North Isolation Zone through the intercom.

The weed wall in the southern part of the territory was damaged. Xia Qing was afraid that outsiders would see the Broken Waist Wolf, so she had to take the Broken Waist Wolf home via a route that would not be discovered by outsiders.

 After the broken-waisted wolf entered the yard with the prey in its mouth, it sniffed each other with the alpha wolf. After the alpha wolf finished eating, the Broken Waist Wolf walked up to Xia Qing and motioned for her to take something out of the side pocket of his protective suit.

Xia Qing was excited when he saw the bulging shape of the side pockets of the Broken Waist Wolf, because this shape was unique to Yishi, and it was at least three pieces!

"You're so polite, handsome wolf guy with a broken waist." Xia Qing couldn't hold back her smile after her hand touched the things in her pocket. (End of chapter)

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