Chapter 361 Refugees are coming

 After Hu Feng and Tang Huai replied, Xia Qingcai pressed the button, "Territory No. 3 is online."

After confirming that people from Territories 1 to 10 were listening, Tan Junjie read the refugee resettlement policy from beginning to end. The content was similar to what Tang Huai said, except that the protection policy for the safety and rights of refugees was added, as well as the rewards for accepting refugees. policy.

 If a lord recruits refugees to work in the territory, depending on the number of refugees recruited, he can receive different levels of rewards such as crop seeds, green light saplings, highly effective insecticides and fungicides, and plastic films for greenhouses.

Everything can make the lords tempted, but cannot impress the lords of the lords alliance. Because it is difficult to recruit, the risk involved in entering the territory is too great, and ordinary lords cannot afford it.

“Each territory is requested to report the number and requirements of refugee admissions expected.”

After Tan Junjie finished speaking, the first person to speak was not Territory No. 1 or Territory No. 2, but Xin Yu from Territory No. 8:

“Territory No. 8 requires 50 people, both male and female, between 20 and 45 years old, with sound limbs, a credit rating of level two or above, and those with experience in food processing plants are preferred. If you pass the test, you can enter the territory to work.”

 After the natural disaster, China established a personal credit score system for residents. Level one is the lowest. Residents who have never killed anyone or done any major harm to the base are basically at level two or above.

 Safe area management recruitment staff requires personal credit ratings of level four and above. Xin Yu's recruitment requirements are really very low.

Such a loose level requirement is likely to attract criminals. Why did Xin Yu make an abnormal decision?

Others would not speak up if they had doubts, but Tang Huai couldn't help but asked, "Xin Yu, do you still need to recruit refugees to build a factory?"

Xin Yu responded calmly, “Answer the call.”


 Tang Huai... Damn it!

“Territory No. 1 recruits 85 people. Those with planting and breeding technology and experience will be given priority. There is no age limit. The credit rating is level three or above. They need to pass the territory’s test.”

Hearing that Territory 1 actually needed so many people, Tang Huai cursed, but he could only follow the order he received and report 30 more people than Territory 1. "Territory 2 will recruit 115 people. Those with planting and breeding experience and technology will be given priority." , the age requirement is 15-45 years old, there is no credit limit, and it needs to be tested.”

 After reporting territory No. 1 and 2, everyone waited with bated breath for half a minute, but did not hear Li Si’s voice.

This means that Territory No. 9 has given up its plan to recruit refugees, and everyone is finally relieved: their good neighbor Zhang San does not have to move because of murder.

After confirming that other territories will not recruit refugees, Tan Junjie announced, "The investigation team will immediately report the number and requirements for recruiting refugees in Territories No. 1, 2 and 8. Refugees who meet the conditions and intend to work in the territories will be admitted at 4 p.m. Please arrive at the territory, please make preparations in advance.”

 “So fast?” The first person to question was Tang Huai, the No. 2 territorial agent with the largest number of recruits.

 Tan Junjie explained, “The refugees have been staying outside the safe zone for many days and are in urgent need of resettlement.”

Xia Qing also felt caught off guard. She originally thought that before the refugees arrived, they could at least encircle the wall at the southern end of the territory.

Now? The supplies she purchased are still at Hui Er Base hundreds of miles away!

“Captain Tan, between ten and ten fifteen, two planes arrived at Territory No. 8 and Territory No. 3. They have been approved by the relevant departments of Huisan Base and are now reporting to the investigation team.”

Xin Yu’s calm voice sounded like the sound of nature to Xia Qing. As expected of being the major shareholder of a large group, the work efficiency is very high!

“The investigation team has received the notice and asked the two territories to be ready to pick up the plane.”

"Received." Xin Yu replied to Tan Junjie and informed Xia Qing, "Xia Qing, after the plane arrives, the supplies will be airdropped directly over your territory. Before the plane arrives, you need to mark the material drop point. In addition, the construction team There is no security staff and it is up to you to provide protection.”

"Received, thank you." After Xia Qing thanked him, he immediately called and said, "Team Hu, I need two people to help water the ground, and I also need four people including Guan Tong to help clean up the material distribution point. I'm sorry to bother you. "

After shaking people off, Xia Qing had no time to pay attention to Tang Huai, who was yelling at her in the lord channel. She first coaxed the sheep boss home, and then discussed with the alpha wolf on the roof, "My Lady Queen, you are installing a wall." Humans are coming soon, do you and your companions want to move to an abandoned cave? It will be clean there."

The sister of the broken-legged wolf in the sheep shed bared her teeth at Xia Qing. The alpha wolf lying on the roof basking in the sun changed its head and continued to sleep.

 Xia Qing…

All right.

 “Xia Qing, do you need help over there?” Mother Zhao from Territory No. 4 asked in the lord channel.

 Qi Fu, Shi Quan, and Kuang Qingwei also followed closely and asked.

"No need now, I'll trouble everyone when needed." Xia Qing, who was choosing a material delivery point, refused the help of his allies because the points Xia Qing paid to Xin Yu included the installation fee.

Hearing that Xia Qing did not need help, Zhao's mother discussed with Qi Fu and Kuang Qingwei, "I want to build the wall on the south side of the territory first."

Zhao’s mother has not only seen waves of refugees, but she and her son have also worked as refugees. They know that refugees are on the verge of life and death, and they can even take their lives fighting for a small piece of food rations.

What’s even more frightening is that the refugees lacked food during their escape and could only eat red-light creatures with excessive amounts of carcinogens in the evolutionary forest to satisfy their hunger.

This has caused the level of the chemical element in the body of the refugees to exceed the maximum threshold. If they do not take Soothing Capsules in time to reduce the amount of chemical elements in their bodies, these people may lose their minds and become a killing machine after being stimulated.

 How many of the refugees who are fleeing can carry enough soothing capsules with them?

 250 refugees who are on the verge of danger are about to arrive in this territory. Xia Qing, the strongest person in the territory alliance, has already started to build a wall.

 After the wall of Territory No. 3 is enclosed, Territory No. 4 and Territory No. 9 will be the territories closest to Territory No. 2 without walls.

Territory No. 9 is probably eager for refugees to rush in, while Mother Zhao is afraid that refugees will rush into her territory. If the southern wall is not erected today, she will not be able to sleep well.

 Qi Fu, Kuang Qingwei, and Shi Quan had similar ideas to Zhao's mother. They all hit it off and decided to take action immediately.

Qi Fu suggested, “First use the thornwood in the territory, cut it down and drag it to the road sign, as long as it can block people.”

“The part of the evolutionary aralia we cut down and dried in the sun a few days ago has been roasted by fire and has been carbonized on the surface. Today we can bury the piles and build a thorn wall.”

Zhao Ze couldn't do farm work, but it was still logical to do engineering. He asked Xia Qing, "Xia Qing, are you using the tiller this afternoon? If not, can you lend it to me? I'll pay the gas and rent at the market price."

There are Power Evolvers in Territory No. 5 and Territory No. 10. Although there are no Power Evolvers in Territory No. 6, there are many of them, and the speed of enclosing the wall is not slow.

 It’s about safety. Territory No. 4, which has no evolvers and is very close to Territory No. 2, is very urgent.

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