Chapter 356 Settlement of Accounts

 Territory No. 3, in a small house next to the farmland, Xia Qing, the No. 3 lord, and Yang Jin, the captain of the Qinglong team, sat across the table. There were two account books on the table.

 An account book contains the materials exchanged from Territory 3 during the Qinglong Battle, and mainly includes four major items.

First of all, after Luo Pei’s first phase of detoxification, from July to now, the Qinglong team has taken the amount of non-polluted spring water from Territory 3. The spring water used before July is not included in the calculation, because that part of the spring water was exchanged by Yang Jin for items such as weapons, saplings, protective clothing, agricultural machinery, one-year bodyguards and teaching marksmanship.

Secondly, from the end of August to October 15th this year, when Luo Pei’s condition worsened, the quantity and points of the special-grade nutrient solution and green vegetables taken from Territory 3.

The remaining two items are the migratory birds that Xia Qing shot and sold to the Qinglong Team during the migratory bird season, and the two pangolins that the wolves carried into Territory Three.

 In total, the points that Team Qinglong should pay to Xia Qing are 637,392.4 points.

Another ledger contains the materials Xia Qing obtained from the Qinglong Team, including engine oil, diesel, generators, howitzers, bullets, grenades, locators on red squirrels, labor and chemicals used to mask the scent of wolves passing through No. 49 Mountain , the cost of surgery and medication for the wolf by the team doctor from Territory No. 1...

There is also an old debt, which is the 800,000 points Xia Qing owes the Qinglong team for buying No. 49 Mountain.

Calculating the old and new accounts together, Xia Qing has 1,275,845.6 points for the Qinglong team.

 After checking the accounts with Xia Qing, Yang Jin continued to calculate, "In the last exchange agreement, you have agreed to use 2,600 spinach seeds to offset 261,352.4 points, so you still owe the Qinglong team 377,100.8 points."

  It is owed to the Qinglong team, not to me. Captain Yang made it very clear, but to Xia Qing, it didn't make any difference.

The No. 3 lord, who has been struggling for more than half a year and still owes the Qinglong team more than 370,000 points, wants to put a long bill on Yang Jin's smiling face.

 What do you mean when you smile so proudly? Do you want me to pay you back immediately?

 You think beautifully! I am eager to invite you here and serve you fine chrysanthemum tea. I am not trying to clear the account and pay back the money, but to continue negotiating the deal with you.

Xia Qing took a sip of chrysanthemum tea and first showed her sincerity, "In addition to these on the bill, you also missed one item: in order to save the alpha wolf who was poisoned by snake poison, you cut two pieces of weeping grass leaves. The detoxification is done with the juice from the grass leaves, right?”

Yang Jin, who had no intention of calculating the amount of weed weed with Xia Qing, could only nod his head when he heard her offer. "Yes."

"I have carefully counted it. There are 20 leaves in total on that weeping grass. According to the calculation of 1 million points per plant, two leaves are worth 100,000 points. We agreed on 50-50 points before, so I should pay you 5 Ten thousand, so I owe the Azure Dragon Team a total of..."

Xia Qing stared at the number written by Yang Jin on the paper and added another 50,000 points, "427100.7 points, but I don't have that many points now. When you came here just now, you saw the growth of Gaoyi Element Green Lantern spinach in the terraces. As long as nothing happens, I can harvest the spinach seeds in half a month. Can I use the spinach seeds to settle the account?”

Gao Yi elemental spinach is the main raw material for making super nutrient solution. This type of spinach seeds is a high-value material that is in short supply. Yang Jin certainly agreed, "Okay, just give me 4271 spinach seeds."

With more than 420,000 points and 0.7 zeros, I still have to act like I am being generous. I am truly a tough guy.

However, it was precisely because Yang Jin settled the accounts so clearly that Xia Qing felt at ease, because it meant that the transaction between her and the Qinglong Team was a fair deal. Team Qinglong is a very, very ideal trading partner.

Xia Qing's expression was relaxed, "Thank you Captain Yang. Including the previous 2,600 spinach seeds, when this batch of spinach seeds matures, I will pay you a total of 6,871 spinach seeds."

 After settling the old debt, Xia Qing started to talk about a new deal, "Captain Yang, do you still remember the chestnuts I called you before?"

Seeing Xia Qing's serious look, Yang Jin put on a serious expression as if he was talking about business, "Is this the batch of saplings you want to breed and sell? A greenhouse for saplings has been reserved in Territory No. 1. Last time you said there were more than 600 kilograms. chestnut?"

Because part of it had been exchanged with Zhang San, Xia Qing did not have as many chestnuts as reported at the lords meeting. Moreover, she had changed her mind and did not intend to give all the more than 600 kilograms of chestnuts to Yang Jin. Come propagate trees for sale.

 Refugees are coming, and the insecurity in this territory has increased. Xia Qing would not exchange food for supplies unless absolutely necessary. Because only by holding a lot of food can she feel at ease.

"The total quantity is so much, but the green light chestnuts are only 25 kilograms. I think it is more suitable to use green light chestnuts to breed saplings, because the green light seeds are more stable and the saplings grown are more expensive." Xia Qing first explained his plan, I just started talking about cooperation with Yang Jin.

"I have counted a total of 750 green light chestnuts with intact seed coats and no cracks. Calculated based on a 50% germination rate, 375 green light chestnut seedlings can be grown. Even if only 300 can survive to be sold, according to Calculated with 1,000 points, a tree can be sold for 300,000 points. I provide the seeds, you send people to cultivate and sell them, and the profit is 46 cents. I will buy 20 saplings at the public price. ?"

Yang Jin wants to split the relationship 50-50 with her.

However, taking the initiative to give up profits is not in line with the image he has established as an iron **** who never pulls out a cent, and will make Xia Qing suspect that he has ulterior motives. Therefore, Yang Jin did not directly answer whether it was possible. "I need to ask Hu Feng to go to the chestnut forest to sample the chestnut forest first to clarify the chestnut growth environment and soil conditions. First, determine whether the cost of artificial cultivation is possible, and also confirm whether the green light chestnuts can germinate."

It is indeed the captain of the second team of Hui San Base. The problem is that the problem is Zhouquan. Xia Qing, who had not considered this, immediately nodded, "Of course, if the cost of artificial cultivation is high, my proportion can be reduced."

After a preliminary cooperation agreement was reached, Xia Qing explained the purpose of calling Yang Jin yesterday, "Captain Yang, I am in urgent need of points now. If you have money, you can first collect spring water from November this year to two months next year, a total of four months." Have the points been paid in advance?”

Yang Jin directly confirmed the transaction amount with her, "We have ordered 300 liters of spring water per month, with 144 points per liter. Do you need me to prepay 172,800 points now?"

Xia Qing, who still owes more than 6,000 spinach seeds, that is, more than 600,000 yuan of supplies that have not been delivered, nodded bravely, "If you can pay today, I can give you a discount on the 1,200 liters of spring water."

 She needs so many points. It should be the refugee resettlement policy and the practices of Territory No. 2 that make her feel uneasy and eager to improve the security of the territory.

She is in urgent need of points, but she already has a trading partner. Is it Zhang San or Xin Yu?

Yang Jin made a condition, "There is no need to discount the spring water. I would like to take away some of the spinach seeds that can be sown today. How much can you give now?"

  Thanks to three book friends, Favorite Manbao, janeis00, and October’s First Quarter Moon, for their tips. Thank you to all the book friends for their subscriptions and support.

There is not much content in this chapter, but for me, who is not very good at arithmetic, it really took a lot of effort to figure it out clearly.

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