Chapter 350 Xia Qing didn’t lie

Xia Qing learned from Xin Yu and built a room inside the grass wall next to the road sign in Territory No. 3 to entertain guests who came to visit for business. This place is located next to the passage and is the southernmost point of Territory No. 3. It is several hundred meters away from Xia Qing's house and farmland, so it is very safe.

  When we start digging trees to build the thorn wall in a few days, this place will be suitable for use as an office.

The hut was built by Xia Qing with red bricks sorted out from the deserted village. There were more irregular broken bricks than whole bricks, but Xia Qing was able to use these irregular broken bricks to build regular walls, matched with the color of the wood. The wooden doors, wooden windows, stone tables, and wooden chairs are so comfortable to look at.

"Miss Xia used to work in the construction team, right? She is really good at building houses." After Lu Ying entered the room, she complimented her and got down to the topic, "We have seen the photos of the scene taken by Captain Tan and today we want to ask Miss Xia about the case. A few questions. First, please tell Miss Xia what happened during the thunderstorm night."

Xia Qing discovered that the way Lu Ying looked at her was almost the same as when Xie Yu and Xu Juan and Zhang Yong entered Territory No. 3 through a video mock interrogation. They were using their vision to capture the movements and conversations of the people being observed. and subtle expression changes to get the information they want to know.

Xia Qing has never come into contact with people from the criminal investigation team before, so he doesn’t know if they are all like this or only the brain evolvers are like this.

She was in the same state as when she was dealing with Xie Yu, trying to be as calm and calm as possible, eliminating all distracting thoughts, reducing facial expressions, and recounted what happened on the thunderstorm night.

Of course, according to the words she and Tan Junjie set up, Xia Qing was not talking about her own discovery of the two members of Jiang Xiong's team entering the territory, but that the investigation team discovered it.

After Xia Qing finished speaking, Lu Ying asked a few more details before asking related questions, "When the howling of wolves was played in this territory during the migratory bird season, Miss Xia was the first to hear that there was something wrong with the howling. How did you do it?" Is it determined that the howling sound recorded in the loudspeaker was made by a wolf who was imprisoned and tortured?”

Xia Qing answered truthfully, "In the fourth year of the natural disaster, I personally saw the team torture the wolf in the cage and use its cry to attract and capture the wolves, so I was very impressed by this cry."

 In the fourth year of the natural disaster, social order was much more chaotic than it is now.

 Human evolvers who have the ability to evolve and advanced weapons believe that they have become the masters of Blue Star, and attempt to trample all Blue Star creatures—including ordinary humans and evolved beasts—under their feet. Tigers, wolves, bears, leopards, eagles and other ferocious beasts are the target creatures that evolvers capture and try to tame and drive.

Lu Ying asked seriously, "Miss Xia can still remember things six years ago so clearly. Are you a brain evolver?"

Xia Qing responded calmly, "I don't have brain evolution, but my memory is not bad."

 Lu Ying nodded, "Have you ever had any issues with the people in Jiang Xiong's team?"

Xia Qing is very sure of this, "I have never had any contact with anyone from Jiang Xiong's team, and I have never had any holidays."

Lu Ying asked, "Ms. Xia has gone out on missions before, and has never formed a team with Jiang Xiong's team?"

Xia Qing thought about it carefully and did not say that it was definitely not the case. "I have not participated in the missions called by the Jiangxiong Team, but I have participated in large-scale tasks issued by the base. I am not sure whether the Jiangxiong Team has participated."

The base often releases large-scale tasks of collecting edible plants or clearing weeds. Such tasks require low ability levels and many people will participate.

Lu Ying stared into Xia Qing's eyes and suddenly asked, "Are there wolves in Miss Xia's territory?"

"Yes." Xia Qing nodded, "A wolf infected with parasites."

"It has always been in your territory?" Xia Qing shook his head, "Not always. After the wolf howl sounded from the speaker, it left the territory and returned to the evolutionary forest. It came back after the thunderstorm. Because its intestines and stomach were damaged, now Only cooked food can be eaten.”

Lu Ying asked again, "Ms. Xia, do you think the Jiangxiong team's entry into your territory has something to do with this wolf?"

"Maybe." Xia Qing replied calmly, "The sick wolf howled the day it left my territory, and many people heard it."

Lu Ying asked again, "Who do you think told Jiang Xiong's team about the wolf howling in your territory?"

Xia Qing raised her eyes and looked at Lu Ying. After a few seconds, she slowly answered, "I don't know."

After leaving the No. 3 territory and getting on the bus, the assistant following Lu Ying reported his observation results, "She was sprayed with an odor-eliminating agent, which should be used to cover up the wolf's breath. I am the first to smell the agent. The first time I smelled it, it was definitely not produced in a safe zone.”

Lu Ying nodded, "Xia Qing didn't lie. First, she has no quarrel with Jiang Xiong's team. Second, there are wolves in her territory. Even you can't smell the wolf's scent, which means that the medicine she uses is of very high quality. It should be It was exchanged with Lord No. 7. The medicine she used to treat the parasites on the wolf may have been exchanged with Territory No. 7."

 This is also in line with their preliminary investigation conclusion on Xia Qing's interpersonal relationship - she has a good relationship with Lord No. 7.

Just because of this, everyone has to look up to Xia Qing.

It is unlikely that Xia Qing, who is on good terms with Lord No. 7, will conspire with the Qinglong Team to lure the Jiangxiong Team into invading Territory No. 3. Because Lord No. 7 is here, she does not need to rely on Territory No. 1 for survival.

 A young, beautiful evolver who wants to rely on others to survive. When she was in the safe zone, she would not rely on her power to evolve her abilities, and worked in the dirty and tiring construction team for five years.

Such a person will not lose his mind because of Hu Feng's "pursuit" and will completely obey the orders of the Qinglong Team.

 Another assistant also spoke, "Sister Lu, Xia Qing lied in the end. Jiang Xiong's team came here as a team with Sufeng's team. She must have guessed that the letter was reported by someone from Territory No. 2."

"It's not a lie. She has no evidence and doesn't want to offend Team Sufeng." Lu Ying's voice was calm.

 Xia Qing's tone and facial expression changes when answering the last question are Lu Ying's second basis for judging that Xia Qing did not conspire with the Qinglong Team.

There is only one person in Territory No. 3, but the territory is neat and well-planned, and there are cameras installed beside the greenhouse. This shows that Xia Qing has a plan and spends a lot of energy to build the territory. He is really opening up wasteland and farming.

 She left the safe zone to become a farming lord. She probably planned to continue to use her abilities to earn survival supplies. This can also be used as an argument for her not to take the initiative to provoke the Jiang Xiong team.

Lu Ying comprehensively judged that Xia Qing had no motive to deliberately lure Jiang Xiong's team into his territory. The intruders of Jiang Xiong's team were lying in an attempt to reduce their culpability for bringing weapons to invade the territory and destroying the lord's property.

As for what the Qinglong Team did in the case of the Jiang Xiong Team invading Territory Three and the members of the Sufeng Team being killed, further investigation is needed.

 Thanks to book friends Janeis00, 7923, October’s First Quarter Moon, and Lovesickness for Gu’s rewards. Thank you all for your subscription support. Today’s second update is sent.

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