Chapter 344 The First Meeting of Lords

After various food storage methods such as digging cellars proved ineffective, the lords had to recognize a depressing reality: there was no way to store vegetables in their territories unless they were dried in the sun.

Originally, grains with hard shells such as wheat, mung beans and corn could be stored in the territory for three or four months in a sealed manner. But now that intruders have robbed the grain and killed people, how dare the lords keep the grain without it? Within a strongly walled territory.

  The invaders break through the defense of the platoon and break into the territory, leaving ordinary lords with only a dead end. So what if the intruder is severely punished afterwards? The lord's life was gone.

 So now it seems that the safest way is to exchange all the food or save it in a safe area.

"I think so too." Qi Fu replied, as if he didn't want to discuss the issue in detail, and turned to Tan Junjie, "Team Tan, can we move between territories tomorrow? I want to use the corn thresher in Territory No. 6. We also need to go to Territory No. 10 to borrow a big hammer for repairing farm tools.”

 Tan Junjie responded, "Okay, don't stay outside for too long. Don't step out of this territorial isolation zone and enter the evolutionary forest."

“Understood, thank you Captain Tan.”

 After hearing Qi Fu's words, Xia Qing knew what he was planning.

Sure enough, Qi Fu's phone call came quickly, "Sister, I want to call Aunt Zhao, Lao Kuang, and Brother Shi tomorrow. The five of us will sum up how to store food these days and how to survive this winter. You What do you think?"

Xia Qing agreed, "I'm also thinking about this matter and thought about it together. Where should we meet tomorrow?"

 Now that there is chaos outside, the more people left in this territory, the higher the safety factor. As for Territories No. 1, 2, 8, 7 and 9, they are not on the same level as these five territories, and we can't discuss them together.

Seeing that Xia Qing agreed, Qi Fu felt greatly relieved, "Can you come to my place at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon? We can't walk even a few steps if we get together. If the negotiation goes well, our five territories will form an alliance. There are so many people Easy to do.”

 Two o'clock in the afternoon is the hottest time of the day. It is not suitable for farm work, but it is suitable for talking about things.

 After Xia Qing agreed, he went outside to check on the three wolves. After the alpha wolf came, both the boss sheep and the sick wolf slept in the sheep shed with him, and the tatami in the living room was empty.

Xia Qing felt at ease when she came out and saw four pairs of eyes shining in the dark sheep shed. With these wolves and sheep keeping watch, she could have a good sleep tonight.

After checking the condition of the alpha wolf and telling it not to run around, Xia Qing checked the legs of the sick wolf and put on night vision goggles on the sheep boss, "I have to catch up on my sleep tonight, and the queen and the sister with the broken leg also need to have a good rest." . Boss, second brother, the territory will be left to you two at night. If necessary, please go upstairs and wake me up. Don’t do it.”

 The wolf looked at Xia Qing seriously with its golden eyes that had regained some of its vitality, seeming to understand the meaning of her words.

 No matter how smart the evolved animals are, they cannot fully understand human language, just like Xia Qing heard the roar of wolves and the barking of sheep, but did not understand what they specifically meant.

But after getting along for a long time, these evolved animals can understand human actions, emotions and simple words, so Xia Qing communicated the current situation with them in a series of gestures, confirmed that they understood, and went back to the house to sleep.

The broken-leg wolf and its sister were still staring at Xia Qing fiercely and warily, but there was a wolf and a sick wolf pressing on it, so it didn't matter whether she understood it or not, since it couldn't pull out any moths anyway.

  After a thrilling day, Xia Qing collected the corn and returned to the house, threw herself on the bed and fell asleep.

 At five o'clock the next morning, before the rooster crows, the meal-delivery wolf arrives. The Broken Waist Wolf and a black wolf appeared on the surveillance camera with a python in their mouths. Xia Qing's eyes immediately lit up.

With the cleverness of the broken waist wolf, the python sent here is at least yellow. The python weighing more than 300 kilograms is enough to feed the three wolves in the territory for ten days, and she can also eat a few meals.

Xia Qing went downstairs to check and felt even happier. Because this is not an ordinary yellow lantern, but a yellow lantern with hardened skin!

 The handsome wolf guy with a broken waist has an evolved little brain, and he understands very well what Xia Qing needs.

Xia Qing used a knife to completely peel off the hard snake skin, collected the gallbladder of the snake that the wolf would not eat, and put the other internal organs in a basin. He chopped the snake meat into several pieces and put it in another basin, and put it in front of the wolf.

 “The Queen picks out what she likes and eats it.”

 The wolf is the leader. It can only be eaten after it is full. Sick wolves must eat cooked food and not touch raw meat.

After the two injured wolves were full, Xia Qing asked, "Broken waist, should I put away this snake meat? Store it in the basement, enough for the three of them to eat for ten days. You don't need to send food in the next few days. It’s dangerous now.”

Xia Qing was afraid that the Broken Waist Wolf wouldn't understand, so he took it into the house and let it watch him store the snake meat. "The meat stored in this way will not spoil, and you don't have to send food over."

 The Broken Waist Wolf stared at the refrigerator, thoughtfully.

Of course, three hundred kilograms of meat cannot be stored in the refrigerator and freezer, but Xia Qing has long thought of a way to solve the problem of storing a large amount of fresh meat.

Meat that cannot fit in the refrigerator can be cut into small pieces first, frozen in the refrigerator, then taken out, put into a thermos with ice cubes, and then stored in an underground vegetable storage room.

 The principle of a thermos flask is the same as that of a thermos bottle filled with water, except that its capacity is twenty times that of a thermos bottle. This kind of thermos flask was exchanged between Xia Qing and Territory No. 7. It is specially used to hold food that cannot be loaded in the refrigerator and needs to be frozen for storage.

 She exchanged two thermos bottles. One thermos bottle can hold 40 kilograms of meat, and two thermos bottles can hold 80 kilograms. After filling the refrigerator freezer and thermos bottles, the remaining meat is sealed and then frozen, then placed in a foam insulated box and placed in the vegetable storage room.

Xia Qing has tested that as long as the incubator is not broken and the ice pack in the incubator is replaced once a day, the meat will not deteriorate for half a month.

 So now, Xia Qing’s two underground food storage rooms can not only store grains and vegetables9, but also fresh meat, giving Xia Qing a great sense of security.

 During the ever-changing natural disaster years, food and water sources are life. Xia Qing, the lord who can store food and have clean water, has a much higher ability to withstand risks than ordinary lords.

 So, when the lords met in Territory No. 5 at two o'clock in the afternoon, Xia Qing was the least anxious among the five lords. It's just that she is used to keeping a straight face, and others can't tell her mental state from her face.

 The Qi and Fu couple were well prepared for the meeting, with hot water and food on the table. To Xia Qing's surprise, there were hot popcorn and fried melon seeds on the table.

Qi Fu called everyone to sit down, "There is nothing good, it is all made from the food we grow ourselves."

Kuang Qingwei ate two pieces of popcorn and his eyes lit up, "Brother Qi, is this really made from our corn?"

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