The sound waves generated by the howls of evolved bears and wolves kept hitting Xia Qing's heart and eardrums, but they were not as powerful as the shock to Xia Qing when the first wolf stood up and walked out.

“My Queen, would you like to drink some water to replenish your energy before going?”

Xia Qing, who is as stubborn as he can be, has no reason to stop a capable, responsible and responsible alpha wolf from fighting. For a population to continue, it needs and must have such a great leader.

The wolf was poisoned by snake venom and lost too much physical energy and blood. He needed to replenish energy quickly, so Xia Qing not only poured unpolluted spring water, but also added a tube of special nutrient solution.

 The wolf drank the water quickly and touched Xia Qing's protective mask with his head. Xia Qing was stunned for a moment because she had never seen wolves communicate in this way.

This head-to-head movement is something Xia Qing would use every time he was exhausted and paralyzed after fighting with the sheep boss. Xia Qing did this because he was very happy after a hearty fight. How did the alpha wolf understand the meaning of this movement?

 After drinking the spring water added with special nutrient solution, the alpha wolf accelerated out of the cave and rushed to the battlefield.

If Xia Qing hadn't injected it with serum an hour ago and bandaged the exposed limbs with medicine, no one would have believed that this was what a wolf that had been poisoned by snake venom and had serious injuries to its limbs could do.

 Snake venom is a synthetic venom.

Before Luo Peizhong synthesized the poison from poison, Xia Qing thought that this kind of poison was synthesized by humans using excessive amounts of poison elements and various toxins. Later, she learned through two team doctors in Territory No. 1 that synthetic poisons can also occur naturally.

 Snake-killing has the ability to incorporate excessive amounts of killing elements into the venom.

The common feature of this type of evolved venomous snakes is that they have a bulge on their head, and the bulge contains venom mixed with an excessive amount of poisonous elements. Because the bulge on the head of this snake looks like a cockscomb, it is also called a cockscomb snake.

The cockscomb snake is a fictional snake-like creature with a cockscomb on its head recorded in ancient Chinese folklore and ancient books. This creature will spray venom and poisonous mist, and those who are hit will die.

 The wolf's current condition is the same as when Luo Peigang was poisoned: after being injected with antiviral serum, its poisoning symptoms were alleviated, but the poison was not completely eliminated.

 The synthetic poison has entered the body of the evolved creature along with the blood. The more times the poisoned person uses supernatural powers, the faster the synthetic poison destroys the body. If the alpha wolf comes back alive after the battle, even if there are no new injuries, his body will be weaker than when he left.

The wolf probably doesn't know this now, but Xia Qing feels that even if it knew, it would still fight. Just like two months ago when raptors attacked Huisan Base, Huisan Base's top combat force Luo Pei, who faced the evolved raptors, resolutely set out from his territory to attack the birds on the front line before the remaining poison was cleared.

 Strong people who stand in high positions shoulder more important missions and responsibilities.

The roaring of bears and the howling of wolves at the foot of the mountain became more and more intense, but they did not start fighting, indicating that the two sides were testing each other's fighting capabilities. As the leader of the pack, the alpha wolf must get out.

 If it doesn't appear, the bears will start attacking after the test is over.

 It appears and shows strong fighting power, and the bears must carefully consider the consequences of starting a war.

Even though there are dozens or hundreds of wolves and bears roaring at the foot of the mountain, Xia Qing, a level 9 auditory evolver, can still distinguish the voice of the alpha wolf. It is trying its best to roar at the leader of the evolved bears, using its severely injured limbs Slap the ground and break the rocks.

Those things don't roar, and Xia Qing in the cave can't hear them.

 Antivenom only detoxifies part of the snake venom in the wolf's body, but does not relieve pain. It is now enduring severe pain, supported by strong willpower and super nutrient solution, frightening the evolved bears. Xia Qing really wanted to rush out and kill the leading bear who was roaring at the wolf with one shot. She is an excellent sniper. She carries a sniper rifle with enough bullets. However, she can't go out and fight.

 Because she is a human, her participation in the battle means that humans have joined the battle between two or three groups at the foot of the mountain.

The victorious party may be grateful to her, while the defeated party will definitely find an opportunity to take revenge on humans, just like the wolves suddenly launched revenge tonight.

 Human Xia Qing cannot afford the consequences of participating in the war.

More than an hour later, the sky started to get brighter, and the mutually frightening roars were brought to an end by the alpha wolf with a loud and long howl.

After the wolf finished howling, the leader of the bear group did not roar back, but retreated with the group of bears amidst the howls of the wolves.

Xia Qing heard the heavy footsteps of the evolutionary bear leaving, and the unique howl of the broken-legged wolf as it jumped sideways and vertically.

  Wolves, victorious!

Xia Qing, holding a sniper rifle, leaned against the wall, his head buzzing from the close range roar.

After the wolf with a broken leg came roaring in, the sick wolf also limped back. Its bruised front leg is swollen again, and it must have been shot with a rock. An injury of this degree is nothing to an Evolver, and he can recover in a few days.

Xia Qing ignored the crazy wolf with a broken leg. He just rubbed the head of the sick wolf and began to prepare medicine, waiting for the alpha wolf to come back and re-bandage its limbs.

The wolf has not returned to the cave for a long time, but the broken-waisted wolf came in with a python more than seven meters long and placed it in front of Xia Qing. Use her actions to tell Xia Qing that this python is hers.

"Thank you Broken Waist Wolf. If you need to exchange anything, just tell me." Xia Qing was not polite. After Broken Waist Wolf made no request, he started to deal with the prey he got. After the test revealed that the python was a red light, Xia Qing decided to give up the several hundred kilograms of snake meat and only take away the most valuable parts.

The fatal wound on this python was in the heart. Most of the snake's skin was intact and had to be taken away.

Xia Qing's eyes lit up as soon as he took out the dagger. This is actually an evolved snake with extremely hard skin. This is a good material for making special protective gear for advanced power evolvers!

 Separating prey is the job of the non-staff logistics personnel when the team goes on a mission, and Xia Qing is very good at it. She quickly peeled off the entire python skin and dug out the snake's heart, liver, gallbladder, pancreas and stomach, which can be used for medicine. After the snake gallbladder is sealed, it is put into an insulated medicine box filled with ice cubes together with the dead snake. After the other internal organs and snake skin are sealed, they are put into the backpack.

Xia Qing wears a Yi stone, which can drive away the elements in the space within a one-meter radius around the Yi stone. There is a heat insulation layer inside the backpack. Under the action of the two sides, the snake skin and internal organs will definitely not deteriorate within ten hours.

 Ten hours were enough for her to return to her territory from Hill 60 and put the snake skins into the underground storage room.

 Entrails and killing snakes? After returning, exchange it with the idol.

Xia Qing packed up his backpack and checked the conditions of the six injured wolves. After confirming that they were lucky and none of them were infected with superbugs, Xia Qing planned to set off.

"He who has a broken waist, I am going back to the territory. Where is the Queen? He and the wolf over there with two broken hind legs must go back to the territory with me to continue treatment." (End of Chapter)

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