Chapter 335 Riding the Wolf

 If the broken-waist wolf can show an anxious expression, it must mean that an important member of the wolf pack is injured, and the injury is serious and cannot be transported to human territory for treatment.

If it weren't for the fact that he had taken care of the injured wolf for several months and learned many trauma treatment methods from Chang Li, Xia Qing would not have had the confidence to follow the broken wolf. "Okay, I'll get the medical kit, and we'll set off now."

While running back, Xia Qing called Hu Feng, "Captain Hu, I'm leaving the territory soon. Only the sheep boss is left here to look after the house. Please send someone over to help guard the house for a while. I'll be back as soon as tomorrow afternoon."

 Hill No. 60, where wolves and bears fight, is sixty miles away in a straight line, and an evolved wolf at its peak can get there in half an hour. But Xia Qing is not a speed evolver. It is night now, and it has just rained for three days. The destination is still deep in the evolutionary forest. Along the way, he has to climb mountains and ridges, cross rivers and swamps, and the terrain is extremely complex. With so many difficulties stacked up, it would take her at least a whole day to talk back and forth.

Xia Qing is not afraid of hard work, but is afraid that she will leave too late, and the Queen or the sick wolf will not be able to wait.

Hearing that Xia Qing was leaving the territory now, Hu Hufeng felt something was wrong, "It's very dangerous outside now. Can I take a few people with you?"

“Captain Hu, don’t worry, I’m not in danger on this trip.” The wolves asked her to go to Mountain No. 60 because they trusted the alpha wolf and the Broken Waist Wolf. If the others followed, they probably wouldn’t be able to make it out alive.

When Xia Qing returned home, she first poured a basin of water for the two wolves to let them rest. Then she went upstairs and quickly packed up the things she needed. She even carried a bucket of spring water, as well as enough guns and bullets.

After everyone in the house was armed and went downstairs, Xia Qing told his companion, "Boss, I'll go out with the broken waist. Captain Hu and the others are guarding outside, and the house will be left to you. Don't forget to feed the chickens and chickens after dawn." Feed the fish and rabbits, don’t worry about the snakes in the snake box, I’ll feed them when I get back.”

 The sheep boss was also infected by the mood of the broken-waisted wolf. He cupped Xia Qing and motioned for her to go quickly. Xia Qing patted the sheep boss's neck and told him not to panic. The more critical the situation, the less anxious and panicked. During the natural disaster years, any panic or mistake could be fatal.

 “Broken waist, big man, let’s go.”

The Broken Waist Wolf did not leave, but pushed Xia Qing towards the giant wolf and growled lowly.

 What does  mean? Xia Qing was a little confused.

The Broken Waist Wolf pushed Xia Qing eagerly again, pushing Xia Qing next to the giant wolf, "Woo."

The giant wolf glanced at Xia Qing, and his limbs sank slightly.

Xia Qing thought that the Broken Waist Wolf asked her to hand over the burden to the giant wolf. She shook her head and said, "No, I am a power evolver. The weight of this backpack is nothing to me. Let's go quickly."

"Woo." The broken waist wolf was anxious, and with a strong thrust, he motioned for Xia Qing to come up quickly.

 Xia Qing…

 The Broken Waist Wolf means letting her... ride a wolf? Can a wolf be ridden? Can it carry itself? It still has two wounds on its body. Aren't you afraid they will burst and bleed?


The sheep boss saw that Xia Qing was stupid and became angry. He stepped forward and pushed her on the back of the giant wolf.

The giant wolf, who had been waiting for this moment for a long time, roared deeply, stood up and ran, almost throwing away the human on his back.

Xia Qing subconsciously hugged the giant wolf's neck. Because she was nervous, she couldn't control the strength well. The giant wolf almost rolled her eyes when she choked it, and shook its neck hard.

"Sorry." Xia Qing quickly relaxed, hugged the giant wolf's neck, and lay on the giant wolf's back.


With the sound of wind, the giant wolf easily crossed the river and entered the buffer forest carrying Xia Qing on its back, and ran wildly with the wolf.

Xia Qing, who was looking a little embarrassed on the wolf's back, was dreamy.

She lived to be twenty-five years old and had never even ridden a horse. She actually rode a wolf in the tenth year of the natural disaster. She had never even dreamed about this. Entering the North Isolation Zone from Area 3 of No. 49 Mountain, Visual Evolver Peng Jian, who was about to enter Territory 3, saw two wolves flash past and couldn't believe his eyes, "Boss! Just, Just now..."

“The one that ran over just now was a wolf.” Smell evolutionist Chen Zheng judged, “It smells like a wolf and also smells of blood. The wolf should be injured.”

"No, it's not..." Peng Jian turned to look at Beard Feng, who was also a visual evolver, "Boss, wolf, on the wolf's back..."

Visual Evolver Husband Feng couldn't believe his eyes, but he was the captain and couldn't panic when something happened. Regarding Xia Qing, he had to remember the captain's silence order, "It was just two wolves, nothing else." Peng Jian and I patrolled the territory, while Chen Zheng went to the hut to get chemicals and tools, and sprayed deodorant to get rid of the smell of the evolved wolf."

Xia Qing, a power evolver, felt the pleasure and pain of a speed evolver for the first time.

 Fast means really fast, dizzy means really dizzy.

 She was not dizzy because of the wolf, but because of the visual dizziness caused by the giant wolf advancing at high speed, and the strange impact of the vegetation quickly passing in front of her eyes.

At this moment, Xia Qing confirmed with great clarity: The vision of advanced speed evolvers must be better than that of ordinary people, otherwise they would easily hit obstacles while moving quickly.

 Or it should be said this way: speed evolvers whose vision has not evolved are either unable to move quickly, or are killed during fast movement. The excellent speed evolvers who survive must have good vision.

Speed ​​evolvers can see the surrounding environment clearly while moving quickly, and of course Xia Qing, a level 9 visual evolver, can do it too!

 She raised her head and took advantage of this rare opportunity to practice her ability to visually capture objects while moving quickly.

When Xia Qing could see clearly, she was so frightened that she broke into a cold sweat.

grass! The ditch over three meters wide that the giant wolf just crossed was bottomless!

ˆ˜woc! The group that was baring its teeth and claws just now to attack you, was it a snake-like animal or an aggressive vine?

The big tree next to me is brightly lit. What kind of animal’s eyes are they? Why are they so scary?

 But the shock along the way was far less than what Xia Qing saw when the giant wolf stopped running.

The vast forest in front of him was covered with broken rocks and trees, and more than 20 tattered giant pythons were piled messily on the muddy ground. Four hill-like evolved brown bears and at least eight evolved wolves were lying on the ground, their limbs had been mutilated or deformed, and they were obviously dead.

On the hillside and on the top of the mountain, dozens of pairs of wolf eyes with green light stared at the humans on the back of the giant wolf.

 How many subordinates does the Queen have?

If it weren't for the sick wolf in protective clothing limping over from a nearby cave, Xia Qing would have been tempted to pick up his submachine gun and fire.


A giant wolf standing on the top of the mountain raised its head and let out an extremely majestic howl. The green wolf eyes that stared at Xia Qing were mostly turned away.

Xia Qing became even more nervous when she saw this strange giant wolf that could command most of the wolves.

Where is the queen, the leader of the wolf pack? Who is that stupid guy on the top of the mountain? It's not like a few hours have passed and a new alpha wolf has appeared in the wolf pack!


The broken-waisted wolf let out a majestic howl, and half of the wolves that were still staring at Xia Qing bowed their heads, and the green light disappeared.

The giant wolf carrying Xia Qing shook its body to let her down. Xia Qing's feet stepped on the mud, eagerly looking for the queen and the broken-leg wolf.

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