Xia Qing picked out the only three corn kernels from the white corn cob, placed them on the stone outside the shed, and called out to the red squirrel who was doing its best.

"Freeloader, these are all the corn kernels from the first corn that the boss peeled. They are given to you for free. No need to exchange them, just take them and hide them."

When Xia Qing turned around and returned to the corn shed, the red squirrel quickly formed a red line and swept away all the corn kernels on the rocks before several birds landed to grab food.

The birds failed to grab the food, so they flapped their wings and flew back to the trees or rocks, staring closely at the corn shed, waiting for the next chance to grab food.

The corn may emit an odor that is not detectable by summer greens and that is attractive to birds.

 There are a few anxious birds that have begun to peck at the insect-proof net and want to enter the shed to eat corn.

The birds are gathering more and more, and the posture is more exaggerated than harvesting wheat.

Xia Qing frowned and pressed the intercom button, "Everyone, are there any people harvesting corn today? Did any birds gather near the greenhouse when you were peeling corn husks?"

Shi Zhong immediately replied, "We have one here too, it's so scary. I don't dare to peel the corn husks anymore, let alone take the corn cobs outside the shed for fear of being attacked by birds."

The combat effectiveness of a little bird is not good. Dozens of hundreds of pieces can be pecked and pecking people.

Mother Zhao, who had not yet started harvesting corn, started to worry, "If the birds gather too much, they will attract predatory birds of prey. It's okay if the birds of prey come and only eat the birds. But if they hurt people or damage the greenhouse, it will be troublesome." "

Tang Huai came online and asked enthusiastically, "Xia Qing, where are you harvesting corn? This is a dirty and tiring job. Do you need help? It's free. After harvesting, just give me some tender corn to bring back and cook."

If Tang Huai was rewarded with a stick that only grew three grains of rice, would he be mad?

Xia Qing grinned, "There are only a few plants, and they have been harvested."

Tang Huai…

 You think I have never been to your territory? How could it be possible to harvest so much corn in such a short time?

Qi Fu, who has not yet started harvesting corn, said, "Corn is different from wheat. Wheat dries in two or three days after harvesting. If the weather is good, corn will have to be dried for more than half a month. If the weather is bad, it will not dry for one or two months." Do it. We can’t spare a few people to catch the birds for half a month, so we have to find a way.”

Xiao Liu, the assistant of Territory No. 9, discovered the business opportunity and immediately went online.

"Dear lords, Territory No. 9 has chemicals that can repel birds. You only need a bottle of 300-point potion to protect an area of ​​60 square meters for ten days. Within ten days, no bird can peck at you. It takes 110 days of hard work to harvest the fruits of labor.”

Kuang Qingwei asked politely, "Assistant Liu, is this new? I remember you said last time that the bird repellent in Territory 9 is only effective for birds below level six."

Assistant Xiao Liu said in a friendly voice, "Mr. Kuang, you remember it very accurately. This is not a new model. It is indeed only effective for birds below level six, but more than 95% of birds above level six are carnivorous raptors. Birds of prey Not interested in corn.”

 “Okay, I understand.” Kuang Qingwei responded cheerfully.

Assistant Xiao Liu heard that Kuang Qingwei didn't mean to buy bird repellent, so he turned to potential target customers, "Ms. Xia, do you think you need it? There is a small labor force in your territory, and you need new methods and new technologies to protect corn, right?"

Xia Qing responded politely, "I don't need it here for the time being. I can cover the corn with the cover used when drying cotton, which can have a certain bird-proof effect. Moreover, I need to save points to circle the fence and live alone. It’s really not safe to have a wall.”

Even if there is no cover, Xia Qing does not plan to use the bird repellent from Territory No. 9. Because it was a chemical agent, Xia Qing still wanted to save the seeds, so how could she dare to let the chemical agent come into contact with the corn seeds. Not only her, but other lords also thought so.

 Synthetic chemicals were indeed indispensable for agricultural cultivation before natural disasters. However, after natural disasters, the use of chemical synthetic agents has been proven to increase the probability of crop evolution and pollute the soil.

No matter why Li Si has been working on this aspect of research, Xia Qing has no intention of participating in it and will use his own food and land to collect data for Li Si.

 Assistant Xiao Liu failed to negotiate a deal and went offline. Kuang Qingwei started talking about business, "Everyone listened to the farming knowledge broadcast last night and heard the introduction of the corn harvester, right?"

“I heard it. Brother Qing got a harvester, what kind is it?” Zhao Ze, who hadn’t gotten a walkie-talkie for several days, finally got online.

Xia Qing also listened to the Farming Knowledge Broadcast last night and learned that there are two types of large corn harvesters, one is called a grain harvester and the other is called a cob harvester. As the name suggests, the former is corn kernels after harvesting, and the latter is corn cobs.

 These two harvesters have different requirements for the maturity of corn when used.

The grain harvester needs the corn cobs to be fully mature, otherwise part of the corn kernels will be broken during mechanical threshing.

 The violent elements and destructive microorganisms in the evolved blue star's atmosphere will cause broken corn kernels to become moldy in just a few days.

This kind of machine is not suitable because after harvesting corn in the territory, the fields must be prepared to plant wheat. If you wait until the corn kernels are hard enough to use a kernel harvester, you will have missed the best time to plant wheat.

The cob harvester does not require the corn to be fully mature and can be used now, but it only plays the role of crushing straw and picking cobs. There is little corn in the territory, so there is no need to use this agricultural machinery.

Not only is it not used in the territory, but in order to save resources, the safe zone planting center also harvests corn manually.

Xia Qing doesn’t think Kuang Qingwei will own these two harvesters because no one will buy or rent them.

Sure enough, Kuang Qingwei was talking about neither of these two. “What I got was not a large harvester, but a corn thresher driven by a motor.”

"After peeling and drying the corn for two days, you can use a thresher to separate the kernels from the corn kernels. Then, after drying for another 1 to 3 days, the corn kernels can be bagged and stored. In other words, using a thresher, you can remove the kernels from the corn kernels. The time was shortened to less than five days.”

Xia Qing's heart is moved, this is really attractive.

Kuang Qingwei quoted, "The thresher I got is a new model developed by Hui'er Base. It can thresh 2,000 kilograms of corn in one hour. If you buy one, it costs 1,500 points. If you rent it, it will cost 20 points an hour. If you rent it, I will send a worker to help." "Threshing."

This kind of machine is only used once a year, so it is better to rent it than to buy it.

Xia Qing was the first to sign up, "I will use it for an hour at 10 a.m. the day after tomorrow."

Kang Qingwei was very happy after receiving the business, "Okay, I will deliver the machine to the girl under the stop sign at 9:45."

 After other lords also signed up to rent the threshing machine, everyone began to discuss how to prevent birds when drying corn kernels.

Zhang San, who never participated in such discussions, went online, "My cat is very efficient at catching birds, so he can take on this task. I don't charge a fee, but the birds he catches belong to the cat. Except for territory No. 3, other territories are acceptable." "

Hearing this, Xia Qing's sadness has flowed into a river.

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