"Look, Queen, this is the outdoor level four protective suit I prepared for you. It is one level higher than the suit I am wearing. It has a better wearing experience and provides additional mobility. You will not feel hindered when you run fast. . And these shoes…”

Xia Qing picked up the small shoes and tried hard to sell them, "Look, these are to protect the pads under your feet. They are extremely comfortable for running in. If you don't believe me, ask me."

When Xia Qing called him, the sick wolf thought he had to put on protective clothing. He walked up to Xia Qing and raised one of his front paws.

Xia Qing saw that she was calling the sick wolf "Second Brother" and the alpha wolf didn't show any displeasure, so he went into the house and took out the sick wolf's full protective suit and put it on, "My Lady Queen, look at Second Brother, isn't he handsome?" Handsome? Beautiful or awesome?”

When the sheep boss saw Xia Qing praising the sick wolf, he also came to Xia Qing.

Xia Qing had long expected that the sheep would do this, so he had already taken out its protective clothing and dressed it neatly.

“Hey!” The sheep boss was dissatisfied and raised his hoof to dig at the concrete floor.

Where are the shoes?

Xia Qing lifted the front legs of the sheep boss, squeezed its hard hooves, and explained to the sheep boss, in fact, he was introducing it to the alpha wolf, "The boss's hooves are very hard and can even break stones, so there is no need to wear shoes. Although the queen and the second child have sharp nails, the pads under their feet are easily scratched, so they need to wear shoes. The first child is the most evolved and beautiful..."

After listening to the compliment, the sheep boss was satisfied. He walked around twice and then lay down next to the wolf. With three of them together, the alpha wolf without protective clothing looked out of place.

 Seeing the wolf staring at him, Xia Qing immediately held up the protective clothing in one hand and the largest stone he owned in one hand, and tried to sell it.

"Does the Queen need protective clothing? You only need such a small piece of Yishi, and you can exchange this whole set with me. With only one Yishi, Her Majesty the Queen can become majestic. With only one Yishi, Her Majesty the Queen can Can…"

The wolf closed his eyes, and Xia Qing, who was already thirsty, stopped talking, "Your Majesty, think about it carefully. If you don't need it, I will exchange it with other dogs and wolves in a few days. "

After Xia Qing returned to the house, she saw a new message on her phone. When she opened it, she found that Hu Feng had replied to her, saying that Xu Pin had entered Territory No. 2 by car this afternoon.

 So, the injuries on Tang Huai’s body were caused by Xu Pin?

In any case, Tang Huai is also Tang Zhengsu's nephew. Although his father, Tang Zhengbo, is not an evolver, he still has a certain reputation and influence in the safe zone.

There must be a good reason for Xu Pin to dare to attack Tang Huai.

Xia Qing narrowed her eyes. Could it be that Xu Pin knew about Tang Huai's reminder to be careful?

Did Tang Zhengbo know that his son was beaten by Xu Pin?

In Territory No. 12, Tang Zhengbo hung up the call with his youngest son, raised his hand to rub his forehead, and contacted Hu Feng on the phone. His voice was still unhurried and no negative emotions could be heard.

"Captain Hu, is Captain Luo feeling better? I contacted a reliable channel at Huiyi Base and can purchase two thousand kilograms of high-quality wheat seeds with a content of 7.5 parts per thousand of the elemental element. However, I need to go there to pick up the goods. Captain Hu and Luo, please." The captain told me that if he is interested, please contact me before six o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the latest."

 Two thousand catties? !

After Hu Feng hung up the phone, he immediately reported the news to the two captains, "Boss, how about you call Tang Zhengbo back tomorrow?"

 Brother Luo's current situation is not suitable for external calls.

Yang Jin shook his head, "No rush, let Brother Luo get back to him tomorrow."

“Okay!” Hu Feng was so excited that he almost jumped up. What the boss means is that after Brother Luo takes the medicine, he will be obviously better tomorrow. How could Huo Feng not be excited?

After Hu Feng went out, Yang Jin asked Xie Yu, "How many wheat seeds have we got now?"

"Two thousand kilograms, the elemental content is also 7.5 parts per thousand." Xie Yu replied, "Tang Zhengbo needs us to get wheat seeds. At least half of it can be produced, which adds up to one hundred acres of land. According to This year's yield in the nearby territory, as long as there is no catastrophe, can harvest at least 160,000 jins of wheat." Yang Jin nodded, "It is enough. We will also set aside land to grow spinach, chestnuts, rapeseed and other crops."

Xie Yu had a bad smile on his face, "It's indeed enough. Do you want to exchange a few kilograms of our wheat seeds for Sister Qing?"

Yang Jin shook his head, "No need. She must have exchanged high-quality wheat seeds from Territory No. 7."

  Xie Yu turned the pen in his hand, "What if it doesn't happen?"

"There is no such thing as a chance." Yang Jin yawned and stood up, "I'll leave the rest to you."

Xie Yu raised his head and asked curiously, "Why didn't you stay a little longer when you went to Territory No. 3? I'm afraid you didn't even say a few words? Sister Qing didn't ask you why you were there for so long or how you got the injury on your face. ?”

Yang Jin stopped and said, "She is very busy."

 I was busy going home to stew rabbit for the wolf.

Xie Yu, a highly observant brain evolver, was full of gossip, "She is too busy to talk to you, aren't you angry?"

Yang Jin shook his head, "I'm not as narrow-minded as you."

Xia Qing has been alone for too long. Now she has a trustworthy companion, which is something to be happy about.

 Who are you saying is petty? Xie Yu snorted coldly, "Go and sleep, don't hang around in front of me, it's an eyesore."

Early the next morning, Xia Qing lay in bed and watched the red squirrels drink water. She got up and went downstairs. She saw that the yellow lantern rabbit was still alive and well, and the spring fish were also swimming in the water. The sheep boss on the tatami in the living room said, "Boss, why don't you go inspect the territory? I'll pick toon leaves for you to eat?"

After hearing the second half of the sentence, the sheep boss stood up from the tatami, picked up his small basket and followed Xia Qing outside.

 One person and one sheep met a sick wolf patrolling behind the house. Xia Qing asked, "Second brother, before the Queen left, did she say when she would be back?"

 At about ten o'clock last night, Xia Qing received a notification on her cell phone as soon as she went to sleep. The alpha wolf took advantage of the darkness and left Territory No. 3. Xia Qing looked forward to it being able to get Yi Shi in exchange for his own protective clothing.

 Sick Wolf looked at Xia Qing with clear eyes and wagged his tail.

 It looks happy. It seems that the first wolf will come back. Xia Qing touched the head of the sick wolf, which was getting thicker and thicker, and took the sheep boss north.

After inspecting the greenhouses on the farmland, Xia Qing asked the sheep boss to continue catching insects. She entered the short **** terraces to check the weeds in the spring cave.

Yang Jin was there yesterday, and Xia Qing was too embarrassed to keep staring. Now that she was alone, Xia Qing turned on the flashlight on her phone to take a closer look.

After looking at it for a while, Xia Qing felt that the weed was more meaty than grass.

 Because its leaves are thick, hard, and full of juice. This appearance, coupled with its preference for shade, is very similar to a succulent potted plant called Yulu that Xia Qing had raised before the natural disaster.

  Jade dew will turn into water if it is not well maintained.

If Jade Dew cannot be raised and turned into water, the loss will be a few dollars, but if the weed grass cannot be raised and turned into water, the loss will be at least one million points. (End of chapter)

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