Xia Qing patted the dirt on his body and told the sheep boss, "I'm going to Gaopo to pick some vegetables. You and the second brother don't go there, there's someone over there."

Tang Huai was so angry when he saw Xia Qing finally arrived, "Xia Qing, this is too much!"

Xia Qingcai didn't have time to figure out what the insect digger was thinking, so he asked expressionlessly, "What's the matter?"

Shaking his sore feet, Tang Huai asked proudly, "Do you want an oil press?"

 Oil press? I already have one, but the more the merrier, "How do I exchange it?"

Tang Huai put on a good-natured expression, "I got this small-sized oil press from Hui'er Base for 2,900 points. I'll give it to you in exchange for four green-light eggs. I spent so much money on it." Jin’er only earns 100 points, am I satisfied?”

The area where the Hui Er base is located is rich in minerals. Before the natural disaster, it was the location of the main production plants of the top two home appliance companies in China. After recovering from the natural disaster, the home appliance production capacity of Hui'er Base is still among the best in China. The refrigerators that Xia Qing exchanged with Zhang San and the large constant temperature and pressure equipment installed in the basement were all produced by Hui'er Base.

Xia Qing nodded, "Yes, but I need to save enough eggs to trade with Territory No. 9 before I can trade with you."

"No problem. Because of the bad idea of ​​a soulless manager of our base, the household oil press is in the ban on sale. Just don't tell anyone." Tang Huai, who had completed the initial task, took a step closer and continued to be courteous to Xia Qing.

Tang Huai took another step closer, with an expression as if he wished he could write the word "sincerity" directly on Xia Qing's forehead, so that she could feel his sincerity.

"Things are rare and valuable. Currently, only you and Third Brother have edible eggs in our territory. That's why hatching eggs are so valuable and at such a high price. If you can seize the great opportunity this autumn and next spring, your territory fence It can be transformed from thorns to iron nets.”

 Helping attentively for nothing, committing adultery or stealing, there is definitely something fishy about this guy. Xia Qing was expressionless and asked, "Does your family sell iron nets?"

 Damn it, is Xia Qing a woman? Even though he is like this, he still can't feel his sincerity?

Tang Huai didn't want to continue to be courteous. As he left, he warned Xia Qing in a very low voice, "The people who came to hunt wolves are still in my territory, so be careful."

Xia Qing watched Tang Zhengsu's helicopter take off, and already knew that not all of Sufeng's team who came with Jiang Xiong's team had left the territory.

After watching Tang Huai stroll eastward along the North Isolation Zone, Xia Qing nodded and walked down, opened the monitoring software on her phone, and stared at the North Isolation Zone through the camera. Because she found that Tang Huai's diligence was an act and only the last sentence was sincere. So Xia Qing wanted to use the camera to find people watching the theater.

Half a minute after Tang Huai passed by, two people wearing camouflage protective clothing passed through the surveillance camera. One of them stopped in the north of his territory and looked into the territory.

Xia Qing immediately took a screenshot and zoomed in on the person's face.

The 20,000 yuan camera was not bought for nothing. Although the man was wearing a protective mask, Xia Qing still recognized the man's identity through the greedy eyes behind the mask.

 The fourth level power evolver of the Sufeng team, Qian Lin. Two days ago, Xia Qing heard Tang Zhengsu's voice when he eavesdropped on him in the south of the territory.

 What is the purpose of Team Sufeng leaving Qian Lin in the territory? In other words, why did Tang Huai ask himself to be careful?

Xia Qing pulled grass in the high-slope terraces for about twenty minutes before she received a text message from Ji Li. After receiving the camera and oil press that Ji Li sent, Xia Qing was about to transfer points to him. Ji Li waved his hand, "Our lord said that we don't need points, but will use green light meat in exchange."

Xia Qing understood what Zhang San meant. He felt that the wolf in his territory was back, and he would soon have green light meat. However, Xia Qing felt that it was not a big deal because only one sick wolf came back this time.

Xia Qing installed the camera on a large piece of hard rock five meters above the spring cave. Installing it at this location can include all the low-slope terraces in the monitoring range. No matter from which angle people or animals enter the short-slope terraces or approach them, there will be no pollution. Even the springs cannot escape the capture of the camera.

Moreover, if this camera is installed here, it cannot monitor the entrance of the spring cave. In other words, Xia Qing would not be caught by the camera when fetching water, which made her feel safe.

After installing the fifth camera, Xia Qing stuffed the oil press into her large backpack. Just as she was about to turn on the intercom to hear what the other lords were eating for lunch today, she heard Mother Zhao’s angry curse coming from the territory next door: "The work isn't done yet, what's there to eat?"

Xia Qing raised his eyebrows. Recently, Mother Zhao’s shouts and curses have often been heard in Territory No. 4. She has spoken more times than Zhao Ze in the lord channel. It seems that the person in charge of Territory No. 4 has changed.

  You can’t eat until you finish the work in Territory No. 4. Xia Qing wants to eat after finishing the work. She turned up the volume of the intercom and heard Zhu Li from Territory No. 6 asking, "I plan to make purslane porridge and whole grain pancakes for lunch today."

Hearing Zhu Li's voice, Xia Qing looked at the time and returned to the northern isolation zone. It was almost time for the danger investigation team to patrol the designated areas, and Xia Qing wanted to ask them to give a message to Territory No. 6.

Mother Zhao, who was yelling at people in the neighboring territory just now, is now talking pleasantly on the lord channel, "Zhu Li, are the purslane in your place still tender?"

Zhu Li replied, "There is a crop growing in the corn field. I'm thinking that we should harvest the corn in a few days. If we don't eat it, it will be ruined. What will Auntie eat today?"

Zhao's mother sighed, "Everyone in my territory is lazier than the other. They haven't finished watering the vegetables all morning and have no time to make lunch, so they eat compressed rations."

Xia Qing, who was next to Territory No. 4, vaguely heard Zhao Ze's wailing.

  Shi Mu from Territory No. 10 is also online. "I've been feeling a little hot these days. I'm picking bitter vegetables. I plan to make porridge to relieve the heat and make some pumpkin pancakes. I've eaten enough steamed pumpkin."

Bitterica is a kind of wild vegetables with small yellow flowers. It tastes bitter. Xia Qing does not like to eat, but many people like its bitterness.

 Pumpkin vines, which were considered a scourge by everyone in August, have now entered a period of crazy fruit production and have become the main vegetable and staple food on the tables of various territories. It's not that everyone doesn't want to sell them in exchange for points, but because pumpkins are grown in all territories, the price for purchasing pumpkins in the territories has dropped from 10 points per pound to 6 points. Therefore, everyone prioritizes selling other vegetables and keeping the pumpkin for their own consumption.

 But as Shi Mu said, no matter how delicious the pumpkin is, you will get tired of it if you eat too much. Therefore, the lords no longer simply steamed, but used pumpkins in various ways to make various foods.

Yuan Yan from Territory No. 5 shared the new method, "I peeled and sliced ​​the pumpkin and dried it until it was 80% dry. Then I steamed it in a pot for five minutes and then dried it. It tasted very similar to dried sweet potatoes. After processing in this way, I put it in bags to remove the air. , it will definitely save two three months.”

 For lords who are unable to build food storage rooms, it is very important to research new ways to preserve food for a long time. Everyone asked Yuan Yan for details, and Xia Qing also recorded it carefully.

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