Chapter 306 Oil Press

 At nine o'clock in the morning, the sun rises and the air humidity in the evolutionary forest begins to decrease. Xia Qing met up with the people in Territory No. 7 and rushed to the evolutionary forest together.

 Two people came to Territory No. 7: Ji Li and female doctor Zhang He. Zhang He was Zhang San's assistant when he operated on the broken-backed wolf, and he was also the chief surgeon who performed eye surgery on the sick wolf.

Because several technicians engaged in research in Territory No. 7 all have the surname Zhang, and they cannot be distinguished by their surnames, so Xia Qing calls Zhang He "Sister He".

 Powerful people in this territory are always called brother or sister regardless of their age.

Seeing that Zhang He was wearing an airtight protective suit with the highest safety level, Xia Qing knew that she was not a combat-type evolver, so she deliberately slowed down her progress. It took the three-person team an hour to reach the top of the Green Lantern Torreya Hill.

Ji Li first dragged the climbing rope down to check the situation and clear the road. Xia Qing had just cleared this road yesterday, and there was only one danger.

Xia Qing, who was standing on the top of the **** to protect Zhang He, reminded Ji Li, "Brother Ji, the two-meter-long vine with lavender leaves on your left is an aggressive plant. Don't touch it, otherwise it will be entangled and dragged down."

 “Okay.” Ji Li responded, climbing the rope and descending quickly.

Zhang He, who was preparing the medicine and container for catching evolved ants, raised his head and asked, "Miss Xia, can I collect a purple-leaf vine?"

Xia Qing nodded, "Okay, but I don't know where the roots of the vine grow, nor how long the vines are. It's best to wait until you collect the evolved ant queen before digging up the purple leaf vine."

Waiting for Ji Li to explore the road, Zhang He picked up the tool box for hunting ants and followed Ji Li down the slope. Xia Qing was responsible for protecting the rope and sniping at the threats from the air - birds.

Xia Qing just killed a group of birds yesterday, so the three of them came over today. There were no evolved birds coming to attack, but there were a few little squirrels standing on the branches in the distance looking here.

Xia Qing searched carefully and found that the red squirrel did not follow.

"Xia Qing, pay attention to the movements of the birds. We have started to use traps to attract the evolved ants out of their holes." Ji Li informed Xia Qing on the progress of catching evolved ants through a headset-type walkie-talkie.

“Copy that, if Brother Ji sees a red squirrel, please don’t hurt it.” Xia Qing loaded the bullet, held the gun and stared into the air.

Xia Qing was not an olfactory evolver, and was wearing an ordinary protective mask. He could not smell the smell of the trap, but he soon visually captured the evolved birds flying from all directions in the evolutionary forest, flying to the camphor trees, and the trees on the hillside. It's also vibrating. Small animals in the forest are also gathering at the camphor trees, which shows how strong the smell is and how attractive it is to animals.


 The first shot was an empty shot, and Xia Qing used gunfire to disperse the birds. About a third of the birds slowed down or changed direction and flew away after hearing the gunfire, while the remaining birds continued to rush forward.

These more than 30 birds that continued to charge forward were killed by Xia Qing one by one. There were also gunshots on the slopes of the valley. Ji Li was killing other animals approaching in the forest.

 About ten minutes later, Zhang He’s voice sounded in Xia Qing’s headset, “The capture is complete and deodorant has been sprayed.”

Five minutes after spraying the deodorant, the birds or animals began to evacuate. Ji Li protected Zhang He and climbed up the hillside with the climbing rope, then went down to dig the purple leaf vine.

A purple-leaf vine that only has the ability to twine is no match for Ji Li, but the combat effectiveness of a large purple-leaf vine cannot be underestimated.

But Ji Li, the seventh-level speed evolver, neatly cut off the vines that attacked him, quickly found the root system, dug up one and returned to the top of the slope. He moved quickly on the steep and slippery **** without the aid of ropes, his center of gravity was extremely stable, his techniques and legwork were very precise, and no movement was redundant. Xia Qing had only seen such skill in Luo Pei.

 The collection task was completed, and the three-person team began to retreat.

When they came, Xia Qing was leading the way and Ji Li was leading the way. On the way back, Ji Li was behind Xia Qingduan in front of him, and Zhang He, who had no combat effectiveness, was still in the protected middle position.

There is no danger in this area. Xia Qing chatted with Zhang He in a low voice, "Sister He, will the trap you just used leave a smell on me? I raise a sheep and several chickens, and I'm afraid it will cause disturbed."

 In addition to sheep and chickens, Xia Qing also has a wolf and a group of swallows, but there is no need to say this.

 Zhang He explained, “It is used to attract carnivorous animals. Sheep are herbivores and will not have any impact on them.”

Xia Qing asked in a low voice, "Will it be effective against wolves?"

"Wolves are large carnivorous beasts with a higher degree of evolution and higher IQ, so they are more resistant to such drugs than small animals." Thinking of Xia Qing's close relationship with evolved wolves, Zhang He explained, "Those who can trap large beasts The medicine is difficult to prepare and the raw materials are not accessible to ordinary people.”

 It is inaccessible to ordinary people, but not accessible to ordinary people. Xia Qing asked in a low voice, "If, I mean if, the beast wears a full protective mask to isolate the external smell, it will not be affected by the medicine, right?"

Zhang He nodded, "Yes. During the third rainstorm this year, a group of monkeys wearing protective masks and thermal weapons attacked the fruit growing area of ​​Huiliu Base."

 Ah, ha?

Xia Qing was shocked. The monkeys in Huiliu Base were famous before the natural disaster. They must have become spirits directly after the natural disaster. Fortunately, there were not many monkeys near their territory.

Zhang He, who was walking in the middle, sighed, worried, "Monkeys and orangutans have adapted to the ecological environment of the evolved Blue Star faster than humans, and the populations are multiplying rapidly."

 The population is being reduced by natural disasters one after another. Moreover, there are fewer and fewer low-element foods that can be eaten by humans in the evolutionary forest. Without enough food, the population will decline faster, so the country will vigorously promote territorial policies.

Xia Qing wiped off the thick mud on the soles of his shoes on the stone next to him, "Even if monkeys have evolved, their average IQ will definitely be much lower than that of humans. You do your research well, we farm well, and there are food and medicines, but humans will not perish."

 Zhang He in front also shook off the heavy mud at his feet, "Yes, if human beings reduce internal fighting and each perform their duties, they will not be destroyed."

It is right for everyone to perform their own duties, but Ji Li feels that Xia Qing can be promoted to a more important position than farming. "Xia Qing, you are making rapid progress. If you receive professional training, you will definitely become a first-class sniper."

Xia Qing's positioning of himself is quite clear, "Brother Ji, I have been training with Brother Luo and Hu Feng for the past six months. Brother Luo is the top sniper in our base. Because of the great teachers and my low starting point, That’s why I’m making rapid progress. I don’t dare think that if I’m a top-notch sniper, I’ll be satisfied if I can kill animals that sneak into the territory to steal food.”

Zhang He smiled, and Ji Li didn't mention this again. When the northern isolation zone was separated, Ji Li and Xia Qing finalized the reward for participating in the mission, and protected Zhang He back to Territory No. 7.

Xia Qing was not only the guide this time, but was also responsible for sniping the birds in the air when trapping evolved ants. The points for consuming bullets should also be the responsibility of Territory No. 7 who initiated the team formation. Moreover, the collection location was still in the evolutionary forest rented by Xia Qing. Multiple factors were superimposed, and the reward for Xia Qing's mission this time was relatively generous:

 A small oil press.

 (End of this chapter)

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