Seeing Xia Qing nod, Huzi approached and asked, "Captain Yan must have caught a big fish, right?"

"No." Xia Qing replied in the negative at first. Seeing everyone's surprised expressions with amusement, she added calmly, "She caught a few old turtles weighing about 200 kilograms, and a few evolved eels."

The eyes of the people in the platoon were instantly brightened again, but before they could ask for details, they were called by the captain to continue patrolling.

Xia Qing understands the excitement of the investigation team. Because she was more excited than them when she saw Yanlong walking up from the bottomless reservoir at night. Although Xia Qing couldn't see how Yanlong was looking for turtles and catching eels under the water, she just inexplicably believed that even without the thunder last night, Yanlong could overturn the entire reservoir by himself.

 The feeling Yanlong gave her was so awesome.

 “Company Commander Yan is so awesome!”

Xia Qing stood quietly in the territory, listening to the whispers of the investigation team members who were gradually walking away.

Yuan Rui whispered, "She was the captain of our military region's frogman special force before the natural disaster. Otherwise, how do you think the code name 'Yanlong' came from?"

 In the years of natural disasters where evolutionary beasts are rampant, human beings instinctively seek strength. Cao Xianyun added excitedly, "Not to mention a turtle weighing several hundred kilograms, even if there are sharks in the reservoir, Captain Yan can still have his teeth knocked out. It's so unworthy of such an awesome person to be sent to protect Zhang San."

Su Ming whispered, "Huzi, have you noticed that Sister Qing has turned a lot whiter?"


 You don’t know if you don’t hear it, but you will be shocked when you hear it. Only then did Xia Qing know that Yanlong, who had evolved a ninth-level smelling ability, was already very powerful before the natural disaster.

However, Xia Qing does not think that Yanlong was sent to protect Zhang San as a humiliation. Because Zhang San can provide the army with medicine to treat physical injuries, he definitely deserves to be protected by the military.

It has been a month since Xia Qing sent the chestnuts in exchange for the healing potion to Territory No. 7. Zhang San, who has always paid no debts, has not yet sent the potion to her, which shows how difficult it is to prepare the potion.

The potion that allowed an idol to spend such a long time to prepare would definitely be very effective, and Xia Qing was full of expectations. In preparation for the treatment of physical injuries, Xia Qing has gradually reduced the use of skin dyeing agents, and her skin color is slowly returning to normal.

 Strictly speaking, Xia Qing did not turn white, but turned into a normal and healthy skin color. How could she get away with working in the fields every day? Xia Qing didn't care whether she was fair or not. As long as she was healthy and strong, it didn't matter what her skin color was.

While repairing the drainage channel of the greenhouse not far from the south of the reservoir that was destroyed by several meters of water waves struck by lightning last night, Xia Qing heard the roar of the helicopter propeller coming from far and near, and stopped in the No. 2 territory. She quickly repaired the drainage ditch, grabbed a bamboo basket and rushed to the grass wall in the south of the territory to check for stones. She pricked up her ears and listened to the movements in Territory No. 2.

Territory No. 2 has a total area of ​​2,300 acres, and its width from east to west is the same as Territory No. 3, so its north-south depth is only 766 meters. The houses in Territory No. 2 were built in the center of the territory, more than 300 meters away from the southern wilderness grass wall of Xia Qing's territory.

From this distance, Xia Qing, a level 7 hearing evolved person, can clearly hear the people in Territory 2 talking loudly in the room as long as there is no noise interference such as strong wind.

“I have been in the territory for more than half a year, and I haven’t even installed the lightning rod. They are a bunch of trash!”

Hearing the curses in Territory No. 2, Xia Qing's pupils trembled and he suppressed the murderous aura boiling in his heart. Tang Zhengsu, her father-killing enemy, is here, and Xu Pin, who can detect changes in human emotions within a hundred meters, must also be here. Xia Qing cannot expose herself.

Can Sufeng's two captains come over by helicopter? It seems that Kou Fanming is seriously injured. Xia Qing heard Tang Huai's calm reply, "There is no problem with the lightning rod in Territory No. 2. Kou Fanming was hit because he was wearing a metal protective suit by the window..."

"I'm just asking you: Was Kou Fanming in the house at that time?!" Tang Zhengsu interrupted Tang Huai and cursed, "I was struck by lightning in the house because you didn't install the lightning rod! You're so **** embarrassed. Who sees…”

Tang Zhengsu’s scolding became more and more unpleasant. Xia Qing was not interested in listening anymore, so he carried a basket full of gravel and dumped it on the roadside of the deserted village in the southwest. I turned around and found that the big cotton boll on the cotton plant transplanted to the edge of the deserted village during the third rain actually cracked a crack.

Because he didn't know whether Zhan Evolution Cotton had evolved attack capabilities, Xia Qing didn't dare to go there rashly. He only observed from a distance for a while, then pressed the intercom button, "Everyone, I am going to open Evolution Cotton here, but Cotton is secretly Yellow with black color, the smell is definitely not good.”

 After saying that, Xia Qing immediately pricked up his ears to listen to what was going on in Territory No. 2.

The intercom in Territory No. 2 was also on. After hearing Xia Qing's words, Tang Zhengsu, who was scolding Tang Huai, asked, "Is this the woman who hooked up with Crazy Hu in Territory No. 3?"

"Yes." Tang Heng replied, "Lord No. 3 has the best relationship not only with Territory No. 1, but also with Territory No. 7, because Lord No. 7 Zhang San likes to eat spinach in her territory."

Xu Pin added in a low voice, "Last night, Zhang Xi from Jiangxiong Team led people into Territory 3 to steal wolves, and was caught by the investigation team. Blind Man Jiang called me last night, hoping that we could help him, and he I don’t know if those two people would act on their own without obeying orders.”

Xia Qing raised his eyebrows, thinking that Xu Pin's words were addressed to the auditory evolvers who were eavesdropping outside the territory.

"What can you do if you can't handle the trash? Their surname is not Tang, so they deserve my mercy again and again." Tang Zhengsu's words were obviously an insinuation that Tang Huai was a trash.

 The other lords were ordinary people and could not hear what was going on in Territory No. 2, so they responded positively to Xia Qing's question. Kuang Qingwei asked, "Xia Qing, is your cotton blooming a lot? I'm also going to see how the area in my territory is doing."

Zhao Ze regretted it, "If I had known it could really produce cotton, I would have kept it."

Xia Qing responded to Kuang Qingwei's question, "The cotton here has forty or fifty cotton bolls hanging on it. If it can be fully opened, it can harvest hundreds of kilograms of cotton."

Zhang San spoke lazily, "When cotton blooms, it will release flammable gases. The grade is C. Remember to wear a gas mask and don't use open flames nearby."

 In Territory No. 2, Xu Pin immediately reported, "Captain, this is Zhang San from Territory No. 7."

Qi Fu immediately asked, "Third brother, what is the scope of the flammable gas released by killing cotton?"

"The radius of influence of a single flower is two meters. If the flower is opened more, the diameter of the influence is unknown." After Zhang San responded, he started talking about the big blue shrimp last night in a good mood, "The green shrimp tastes very good, if it is not killed by lightning. It will definitely taste better, but it’s a pity.”

In Territory No. 3, Xia Qing, who was checking whether there were any flammable materials near the evolved cotton plants, immediately pressed the button, "I'll keep an eye on the reservoir. If I find shrimp seedlings next year, I'll pick them up immediately and raise them."

“Okay.” Zhang San asked, “What are you going to exchange for those fish and shrimps last night?”

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