Jiang Xiong's team is used to being arrogant and arrogant, and they don't pay attention to the danger investigation team at all, let alone whether the territory is safe or not. They just want to attract the people from the Qinglong Team through the barking of dogs, and then find an opportunity to go into the mountains to look for wolves.

After discovering that the investigation team was really going to take action against his precious evolutionary dog, he had no choice but to give the order, but he couldn't swallow it.

Tan Junjie didn't care what his expression was. After controlling the situation, he asked Blind Jiang about the danger he just raised, "Where is the smell of wolf?"

Hearing Tan Junjie’s inquiry, Xia Qing was not worried at all that Blind Jiang had discovered the smell in Territory No. 3.

 Because after the wolves left, Xia Qing asked Chang Li to carefully clean up the smell of wolves in the territory, using the deodorant exchanged with Zhang San. It has been a day since the deodorization, and the wolf smell in the territory is very weak.

Even if the evolved scent dog picked up a slight smell, Xia Qing could say it came from Mountain No. 49. If they don't believe it, why don't they let the evolved dog enter Territory No. 3 to check?


She is the lord of Territory No. 3. As long as she has not broken any laws, Xia Qing can treat anyone who enters Territory No. 3 without her permission as a danger and kill them according to law.

The burly Jiang Xiazi beside the stream couldn't wait to point with his thumb to the valley where the stream flows out, "The smell in the valley here is very strong!"

Isn't this nonsense? Su Ming from the danger investigation team secretly rolled his eyes.

Tan Junjie responded seriously, "Mountain No. 49 north of the isolation zone belongs to the Qinglong Team, and the Qinglong Team has reported to the police that there are tamed wolves in their training ground."

Jiang Xiazi said confidently, "The Qinglong Team only reported one domesticated evolved wolf to the team alliance, but my evolutionary dog ​​smelled the scent of multiple wolves. The Qinglong Team's concealment later brought danger to nearby territories. You, as a human being, The leader of the danger investigation team in Territory No. 10 should investigate and eliminate the danger, right?"

 Tan Junjie nodded and pressed the intercom button to call Territory No. 1, "Territory No. 1, please reply when you receive it."

“Territory No. 1 is here, Teacher Tan, please give me a lecture.” Tang Zhou’s voice sounded, very respectful.

“The evolved scent dogs of Jiangxiong Team have smelled the scent of many wolves on Mountain No. 49. To ensure the security of the territory, please accurately report the number of domesticated wolves and other beasts on Mountain No. 49.”

Tangzhou immediately reported, "There is only one domesticated wolf on Mountain No. 49. It was frightened yesterday morning and ran into the evolutionary forest but has not been recovered. There are no other beasts on the mountain now."

Jiang Xiong asked politely through Tan Junjie's walkie-talkie, "Brother Tang, I am Yan Yuanjiang. My evolved scent dog smelled the scent of multiple evolved wolves on Mountain No. 49. Is there a wolf that ran in while you were not paying attention?" ?”

Although Jiang Xiazi was the captain of the fifth-ranked team, he did not dare to be rude when he met Tangzhou, the fourth team of the Qinglong team. Tangzhou was above him because of his power in argumentation.

The conversation on the lord channel will be heard by many people. Tangzhou saved some face for Blind Man Jiang who came all the way to pick up the bargain. "Thank you Captain Jiang for the reminder. In order to give the tamed wolves a sense of belonging, we are in the training ground with The mountains in the north are sprinkled with a lot of collected evolved wolf dung, so they smell like wolves.”

“Oh, oh, okay.” Blind Jiang responded, but his eyes were filled with fire, and he didn’t believe Tang Zhou’s words at all.

It’s not just Blind Man Jiang who doesn’t believe it, most people don’t believe it either. Because wolves are territorial animals, if the recovered excrement is placed in the territory of the domesticated wolf, the domesticated wolf will not feel a sense of belonging, but a sense of offense.

Team Qinglong would not make such an obvious common sense mistake. Xia Qing felt that Tangzhou was setting a trap for Team Jiangxiong. No matter what trick the Qinglong Team set, they drew the attention of the Jiang Xiong Team to Mountain No. 49, and the wolves were safer.

Moreover, judging from Blind Jiang's expression, it was obvious that the reason why No. 50 and No. 52 Mountains in the north were full of wolf excrement was also blamed on the Qinglong team. Xia Qing was not sure whether what Tang Zhou said about "spreading wolf dung everywhere" was true or false. This would have to be confirmed later. After talking to Tangzhou, Jiang Xiong’s team had no reason to stay at the mouth of the valley and could only follow Tan Junjie’s team forward and enter the northern isolation zone of Territory No. 3. Xia Qing leaves the trees and stays in the green light orchard on the high slope, breathing lightly and dormant.

 “Woof, woof! Woof woof!”

After climbing up the northern isolation zone of the high slope, the evolutionary dog ​​suddenly let out a powerful roar. This roar was different from the previous one. It was obviously filled with excitement. It was the roar of the evolved dog when it found prey. The Jiangxiong team also became excited. , looking into Xia Qing's territory.

Su Ming from the investigation team drew his gun and warned the Jiang Xiong team, "Shut up your tame beasts."

Before the Jiangxiong Team responded, Zhang San’s voice rang out on the Lord’s Channel, “Is Captain Tan still with the dogs? Shut them up and scare the cows in my territory again, and I will eat dog meat hot pot tonight.”

Tan Junjie pressed the button and before he spoke, the members of Jiang Xiong's team began to curse, "Who the **** is this person! If you dare to touch a hair on my dog, I will take off one of his stupid legs!"


 Zhang San responded calmly, "I am Zhang San from the seventh territory. Do you want to take off my legs? Come here."

  Territory No. 7 blacklist, +1.

 Everyone: Haha.

Xia Qing: I really like the idol’s pettiness!

Hearing that it was Territory No. 7, Blind Man Jiang kicked the team member behind him down, yelled again to shut up the evolutionary dog, and then asked Tan Junjie in a low voice, "Team Tan, can I borrow your walkie-talkie and let me speak to Lord Zhang?" Sorry?"

Tan Junjie handed over the walkie-talkie, and Blind Jiang cleared his throat before pressing the button. He nodded and apologized to the north of Territory 3, "Third brother, I am Xiao Yan of Team Jiang Xiong. It was my lack of discipline that caused the dogs in the team to frighten. When the cow comes to your house, I will kill the dog, chop it into pieces, and send it to you."

There was silence in the Lord's channel. Xia Qing saw through the gaps in the trees that Blind Jiang's expression was distorted.

Tan Junjie took back the walkie-talkie and said, "Lord Zhang has a bad temper. Even if you kill the dog now and send it to the No. 7 territory stop sign, no one will come out."

After listening to Tan Junjie’s words, Blind Jiang begged again and again, “Captain Tan, please help me say a few good words in front of Lord Zhang, it’s because we don’t understand the rules...”

Xia Qing stood up only after Jiang Xiong's team left with the investigation team.

 Strength determines status. Zhang San is arrogant because he has strength. When she becomes strong enough, she can be so arrogant!

Xia Qing has never formed a team with the Jiang Xiong team. He has only heard that their evolved dogs are powerful. Now he has truly seen the power of these evolved dogs.

Dogs are animals that rely on hearing and smell to find prey. Xia Qing sprayed the deodorant she exchanged with Zhang San, and squatted in a place where the evolved dogs would definitely not see them. How did they find themselves?

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