“Don’t mention it.” Kuang Qingwei sighed, “Do you know about Sufeng Team’s fourth-level power evolver Qian Lin?”

Xia Qing nodded, "We have performed missions together before."

Kuang Qingwei's face showed the helplessness of a low-class person, "In order to earn a living, I bowed my head and pretended to be a grandson when I saw him. He was the only person I had offended in these years. I couldn't survive in the safe zone after being squeezed by him, so I came out. Farmer. Although I haven’t figured out which link caused the problem, it must have something to do with him.”

Xia Qing knew without asking how Kuang Qingwei, who had a beautiful wife, "offended" the lustful Qian Lin. However, "I don't think Qian Lin has any brains. Even if he is involved, he is not the mastermind."

Kuang Qingwei also considered that someone used Qian Lin as a gunman. Since Xia Qing asked, Kuang Qingwei told Xia Qing the channels for purchasing goods, "No matter who is behind him, we can't afford to offend him and can't afford to hide. We have an account." Don’t be afraid of calculations, just wait a few more years until enough food can be grown in the territory.”

 After saying that, Kuang Qingwei went to other territories to refund points and send thank-you gifts to Territory No. 1.

If Territory No. 1 had not allowed their domesticated wolves to howl, this territory would have been plagued by evolved geese, birds of prey, and beasts of prey. Even if Kuang Qingwei survives, he can't afford to compensate the lords for their losses, and he can't survive in this territory.

After watching Kuang Qingwei leave, Xia Qing did not return to the territory immediately, but stared at the grass wall of Territory No. 2.

Territory No. 2 has the most insects, and the weed wall has the worst bites. Xia Qing can even see the color of the parasol behind the weed wall.

She had thought that Tang Huai was squatting in the sun digging for insects, but she didn't expect that he was squatting under a parasol.

The conversation between Xia Qing and Kuang Qingwei could not be heard by others, but Tang Huai could definitely hear it clearly. Xia Qing is waiting for Tang Huai to come out to see if he is an insider of the trumpet incident.

Tang Huai crawled out from the grass wall, took off his protective mask and got straight to the point, "This matter is not specifically for you, so don't get involved."

It's not against Xia Qing, but the person who did this must know that there are domesticated wolves in No. 49 Mountain, and they know that domesticated wolves will react when they hear the recording. Xia Qing asked calmly, "Do you know who did it?"

"You can guess. It is indeed good to enjoy the shade with a big tree behind you, but if you choose the wrong tree, you will be in trouble." Tang Huai vaguely revealed some information to Xia Qing as a sweetener, and Tang Huai half-joked and half-seriously tried, "You are so smart. You can definitely see that I have potential.”

 Are there any potential stocks for digging insects? Xia Qing asked expressionlessly, "What then?"

Tang Huai smiled and said, "The one howling this afternoon is the wolf with missing ears in your territory. Why is it howling so miserably? Can you take me to see it? Don't worry, I will never tell anyone."

 Listen carefully to make sure no one is around. Xia Qingcai lowered her face, letting Tang Huai express her anger through the protective mask, "It reacted greatly after hearing the wolf howl from the loudspeaker, and took away the old wolf that I finally rescued. Yuebai is busy!"

 The cooked duck flew away...

Tang Huai felt regretful at first, and then suddenly realized, "This is an idea that kills two birds with one stone. It's so **** wicked!"

Xia Qing returned home from a tour, threw a red light bird to the snake in the snake box, and fed chickens and fish. He found the sheep boss lying on the tatami, looking a little lonely.

This loneliness is partly caused by Xia Qing's widening of the tatami. She sat down next to the sheep boss and combed it. "Does the boss miss the second child and the guy with the broken waist?"

The sheep boss squinted his eyes and didn't move a muscle.

Xia Qing comforted his companions, "They are here to treat their illnesses and recuperate from their injuries. No one can stop them except leaving our territory after their injuries are healed. Are you hungry? How about I prepare some delicious food for you? Look!"

Xia Qing took out a young cabbage leaf from the basket and said, "This is a green cabbage leaf. Can it be mixed with your No. 3 ration?"

 Lao Sheep’s eyes immediately shone, and he responded with a clipped voice, “Hey~”

This foodie!

Xia Qing gave it a leaf and took the remaining leaves to the kitchen. The sheep boss, who was savoring the deliciousness of the vegetable leaves, stood at the door of the kitchen, happily waiting for the meal.

Xia Qing chatted with the sheep boss while cooking, "The last plaster was put on the broken waist this morning. If you take off the plaster the day after tomorrow, its injury will be completely healed. The second child's stomach is just fine, so he still needs to take medicine." If it can’t digest raw meat if it is fed cooked food, it will have to come back to recuperate in a few days.”

Xia Qing understands but is not afraid of the Broken Waist Wolf's anger. Because it is a brain-evolved wolf, it knows that the recording was not made by Xia Qing and will not anger Xia Qing.

Ten thousand steps back, even if it gets angry, Xia Qing is not afraid. It's just a pity that she may have lost a group of very important material trading partners.

 Ten years after the natural disaster, Xia Qing, who has long been accustomed to separation and death, will not be dejected just because a few wolves have left. But she had to save the Yishi in her hand, because she didn't know where to buy such high-value materials even if she had points.

 With the refrigerator, Xia Qing can cook much faster. Roll out the noodles and cook them in a pot. Then take out the sauerkraut made two days ago from the refrigerator, scoop out two spoonfuls of it, and sprinkle it with the freshly pinched leek leaves, and you have a bowl of fragrant minced pork sauerkraut noodles.

 One person and one sheep each guard their own rice bowls and eat deliciously.

With her stomach full, her mood improved. Xia Qing leaned on the back of her chair and told the sheep boss, "There will definitely be an agricultural product fair after the autumn harvest. You will guard the territory then, and I will go back to the safe zone. I have something to do."

The person who caused this incident cannot just be immoral without pain or itching. He must be deprived of bones and flesh in order to have a long memory.

From what Tang Huai said, this incident was probably caused by Team Sufeng. With Xia Qing's current ability, it is true that he cannot touch the core members of Sufeng, but it is still no problem to disable several direct participants in this incident.

For example, Qian Lin tried to take advantage of her several times in the safe zone.

While washing dishes after eating, Xia Qing received a call from Tan Junjie. Xin Yu asked the investigation team to send her two green light mint plants.

These two green mints were exchanged by Xin Yu and Xia Qing for the evolved eagle. The insect infestation in this territory followed the migratory bird season, so they were delayed until now.

When Xia Qing rushed to the northern isolation zone, she saw that Tan Junjie came alone, and knew that he had something to say to her.

Tan Junjie handed the flower pot to Xia Qing and asked in a low voice, "The wolf didn't make trouble later?"

Tan Junjie already knew that the wolves were in Territory No. 3. Xia Qing told the truth, "The leading evolutionary wolf smashed the horn and ran back to the evolutionary forest with the wolves."

Tan Junjie didn't ask any more questions, "It doesn't matter if they run away, they will always be remembered by people here. I have already reported the speaker recording, but I guess there will be no results."

 “I understand, thank you Captain Tan.” The wolf howl recorded in the loudspeaker is also very permeable, and the person who handled it can escape the blame due to lack of experience.

Tan Junjie lowered his voice, "Don't be impulsive, be careful to fall into other people's traps. You are protected by the "Lords Law" in the territory, and you are not protected if you leave the territory."

Xia Qing smiled, "Don't worry, I won't be impulsive."

 Being impulsive does not mean being immobile. Tan Junjie stopped talking and without any further persuasion, he started to talk to her about exchange, "Can the green lantern chrysanthemum saplings in your territory be exchanged?"

Xia Qing no longer wanted to trade with the native plants in the territory, so she declined politely, "After I entered the territory, I transplanted all the seedlings under the chun trees, and none of them survived. But I got a batch of good quality before the insect disaster. I will exchange chestnuts with you after I grow chestnut seedlings next spring.”

Tan Junjie nodded, "As a reward for guarding Territory No. 4, do you want points or rapeseed seeds?"

Xia Qing made a choice without hesitation, "I want rapeseed."

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