Chapter 279 The Gold Chain and the Howling of the Wolf

Xia Qing, of course, doesn’t dare to provoke him easily, but the meat of Evolution Goose is very delicious. If it were a flock of migratory birds with only twenty or thirty geese, Xia Qing would definitely open fire without hesitation, but she would not dare to move if there were hundreds of geese.

Xia Qing doesn’t dare, but some people do.

Zhang San, who had not spoken to the Lord Channel for more than ten days, spoke up, "Territory No. 1, will you capture these two groups of wild geese?"

 “Catch.” The person stationed at No. 1 Territory replied clearly, “If we hunt the green lantern goose, we will send it to you, third brother.”

"Thank you very much. I will exchange it with you at a price that is 10% higher than the safe zone. I will take as many as you want." Zhang San was satisfied.

Xia Qing breathed a sigh of relief, she also wanted to eat. Hopefully some of them will escape from the Blue Dragon Squadron's hunting area and fly over her territory, and they happen to be edible.

The person who just replied to Zhang San was Tang Zhou, the jumping power evolver of the Qinglong team. His team ranked fifth in the Qinglong team, four places higher than the Huxufeng team, and their combat power was very strong.

Shortly after gunshots were fired in the north of No. 49 Mountain, Tangzhou issued an announcement, "A group of about two hundred evolved geese were not attracted by the fishmeal and were flying over No. 49 Mountain."

"Received." Tan Junjie announced calmly, "The evolved geese are not afraid of evolving raptor kites and bear roars. They immediately howled like a wolf and turned the sound up to the maximum."



As soon as the wolf howls began to play from the loudspeakers in each territory, Xia Qing immediately stopped them, "Stop it, stop it now! This is the howl of a wolf that is imprisoned and tortured, and it has no deterrent effect on the evolved geese." ”

As soon as Xia Qing's order was issued, the howling of wolves in territories three, four, five, six and ten stopped at the same time. Half a minute later, the howling of wolves in territories 11 to 26 to the south also stopped.

The kite didn't work and the howling wolf didn't work. Zhao Ze asked in panic, "Xia Qing, what should I do?"

Xia Qing was very calm and took the lead in asking Zhang San, "Third brother, will you catch these wild geese?"

Although Zhang San is picky about his diet, he still understands the importance. "I won't catch him. Bird repellent has been sprayed in my territory. The geese will not land. You can do whatever you want."

"Received." Xia Qing immediately contacted Hu Feng, "Team Hu, can you play the wolf howl to drive away birds recorded by the Qinglong team?"

Hushi Feng immediately understood what Xia Qing meant, "Okay, right away."

After Xia Qing and Hu Xiufeng finished talking, they immediately took off their protective masks, patted the wolf beside them and looked serious after hearing the howl of the wolf, and handed the second pink pearl necklace to it, "Broken waist" My handsome wolf brother, if you howl a few times to drive the geese away, I will give you this necklace."

The broken-waisted wolf wearing a string of pink and white pearls around his neck was still staring at the horn hanging on the big tree by the reservoir with a serious face, as if he didn't hear Xia Qing's words.

Xia Qing immediately changed the props and took out a big gold chain from the protective suit. "Look at the broken waist. Is this similar to the color of the Queen's eyes? The Queen must like it very much. Howl a few times to drive away the geese." Come on, I’ll give you this necklace.”

The broken-waisted wolf stared at the gold chain for a few times, stood up, raised his head and howled,



As soon as the wolf howled, the wolves and black wolves in Area 3 of No. 49 Mountain immediately rushed into the high slopes of Territory 3 and howled with it. The sick wolf also raised its head and howled. Wild geese are really powerful in the air, but they can't fight against wolves when they land.

 The howls of the four evolved wolves made the geese, who had been tired of flying for two or three days and were preparing to land, raise their wings upward, give up resting and eating, and continue to move forward to find a suitable resting area.

 After the group of wild geese flew away, there was a moment of silence in the Lord's channel. Kuang Qingwei spoke first.

"The wolf howl in the loudspeaker is indeed different from the wolf howl of the Qinglong team. I was tricked. Xia Qing, thank you for reminding me. Captain Hu, thank you very much. I didn't check it properly when I purchased it. Everyone took it from me. If you buy tweeters here, you will get 10 points back for each speaker.”

Zhao Ze followed immediately, "It's not my fault, Brother Qing. I've played a wolf howl from the speaker before, and it sounded quite scary. I didn't expect it to scare the geese. Fortunately, Xia Qing heard it."

Xia Qing explained, "I have encountered wolves several times, so I can tell that the sound is wrong."

The method of playing loudspeakers to drive away birds and beasts has been used in the safety zone for many years and has never had any problems. Therefore, Xia Qing was negligent and did not check the recorded beast sounds one by one. He only said hello to the wolves in advance to prevent them from being frightened by the howls from the speakers.

 Fortunately, the Broken Waist Wolf is here and can howl to scare away the geese. Otherwise, Xia Qing would have caused serious losses due to this negligence.

Tang Huai asked, "Hu, how many domesticated wolves do you have?"

Hushi Feng opened his eyes and said nonsensically, "One, the howling is a recording played."

Hearing evolution man Tang Huai was angry, "I believe you are evil!"

 “Don’t talk about shoes, even if you believe in feet, it has nothing to do with me.” Hu Xiufeng shot back.

Tang Huai, the auditory evolver, was angry, "Are you telling lies with your **** eyes open? Are you looking for a beating? If you have the guts, ask me to go to Mountain No. 49 to check. I don't believe you only have one wolf!"

Seeing that the Lord channel was about to become a battlefield between them again, Tan Junjie solemnly called a halt, "During emergencies, please keep the Lord channel quiet."

In Territory No. 2, Tang Huai threw down his walkie-talkie and cursed, "Damn it, I'm pretending to be stupid and yelling at this crappy task, scolding this and that. I really can't do it for another day, I'm going crazy!"

Tang Heng comforted his brother, "Anyone with a discerning eye can hear what's going on. If I don't bear with you, we will leave after the wheat harvest in our territory is good."

 When does the wheat ripen? Late May or early June! It will take more than half a year! Tang Huai pretended to be calm and sent his brother out, "The real wolf howl is completely different from the recording. I'm not the only one who heard it. I can't help but report this. You go to inspect the territory first, and I'll make a call to the superiors. "

After Tang Heng left, Tang Huai held his head and roared silently for a while before dialing Xu Pin's number.

On the high slopes of Territory No. 3, the broken-leg wolf and the black wolf lay on the ground gnawing on the large pieces of dried meat given by Xia Qing. The serious-faced broken-waisted wolf motioned to Xia Qing to stuff the gold chain into the pocket of its protective suit.

Xia Qing immediately stuffed it in and discussed with it, "Brother Handsome Wolf, why don't you let the one with the broken leg and the black wolf go back first? It's too conspicuous for you to stay here."

 After receiving something he liked, the Broken Waist Wolf was very talkative and asked the two wolves to retreat first, leaving only the sick wolf gnawing on the dried meat next to Xia Qing.

After seeing the two wolves retreating, Xiao Jiang immediately praised the Broken Waist Wolf, "Brother, your howl is very intimidating. You must be a very powerful person in the wolf pack, right? I'm disrespectful."

Chen Cheng also praised him, "The protective clothing this brother wears is really good. The shoes can expose the claws, and running on the rocky ground will not hurt the flesh pads under his feet..."

  When the stern-faced wolf discovered that two armed humans were trying to approach it, it turned around and bared its white fangs at them, growling.

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