Chapter 277 Migratory Birds

Squatting in a newly dug soil pit more than two meters deep, visual evolver Xia Qing finally discovered the evolved thorn moth pupa hidden in the cracks of the rocks, which verified Li Si's statement last night.

No wonder we failed to burn the pupae when we burned the mountains to clean up the evolutionary forest last year. It turned out that the pupae were hidden in such a deep place.

The stinging insect has not evolved iron teeth and iron feet. It burrows down through the gaps between the grass roots and the soil.

 What the hell, after Blue Star evolves, can it get even crazier? !

Fortunately, researchers in Zhang San's territory have developed soil pesticides specifically tailored to the characteristics of this land. Even if the pupae of this evolved thorn moth turn into moths, they will be destroyed if they burrow upward into the soil layer containing pesticides. .

Xia Qing breathed a sigh of relief, crawled from the pit to the ground, and heard Huzi Li use the lord channel to make an announcement, "Dear lords, starting from today, No. 49 Mountain will enter the bird hunting period. If you hear the sound of gunfire on the mountain, Please don’t panic, Territory No. 1 promises that bird hunting activities will never affect the territory.”

 After the evolution of Blue Star, the population has dropped by more than 90%, but the number of wild animals has increased dozens or hundreds of times, and migratory birds have become rampant.

 The large number of migratory birds flying over this territory brings both risks and rewards to humans here.

 The beasts and birds of prey need to prey on migratory birds and accumulate fat for the winter. Humans also used this annual feast to hunt migratory birds, beasts and birds of prey in large numbers to fill their material reserves.

 Hence, most of the army and team’s combat strength will enter the areas with swamps and lakes in the evolutionary forest during this period, and hunt for several days in a row.

There is a large swamp in the north of No. 49 Mountain. The Qinglong team does not have to compete with other teams for hunting areas, so of course they will make good use of it.

Tang Huai, who has always been at odds with Territory No. 1, actually asked politely, "Captain Hu, can those of us from the Territory participate in your training? I will bring my own equipment and pay the capitation fee."

“No.” Hu Feng clearly refused, “The training hunting activities during the migratory bird season are very dangerous, and non-Qinglong Team members are not allowed to participate.”

Tang Huai immediately turned his back and warned sternly, "If you make me so noisy that I can't rest, I will definitely complain!"

Migratory birds usually travel at night and land to rest during the day, so Qinglong's hunting and fighting activities were all done during the day, and there was no way it would affect Tang Huai's sleep.

Hushi Feng was too lazy to talk to the madman of the Tang family, and the lords continued to talk about how to deal with the half-month-long migratory bird season.

Kuang Qingwei asked, “How do you plan to prevent birds?”

 Before the Blue Star Natural Disaster, birds could be divided into three categories based on their feeding habits: carnivorous, herbivorous, and omnivorous. Among them, carnivorous birds can be divided into four subcategories: insectivorous birds, fish-eating birds, scavenging birds and carnivorous birds.

 After the onset of natural disasters and the great evolution of biology, birds have also evolved, and the previous classifications are no longer applicable.

 Except for a few raptors that are at the top of the bird food chain, almost all other birds have evolved to be omnivorous. To put it simply: when there is plenty of food, they eat what they like; when food is scarce or they are too hungry, they eat everything.

 The corn, mung beans, vegetables and even humans in the territory are all food for hungry migratory birds. Once these migratory birds land and rest, hungry carnivorous raptors will soon swoop in to prey.

The greenhouses in the territory are all built with bamboo as the main material, which cannot withstand the sharp claws of raptors. Therefore, during the migratory bird season, the main task of the lords is not to hunt birds, but to prevent migratory birds from landing in their territories, especially near farmland. Qi Fu replied, "Birds should be afraid of noises. We plan to knock the iron basins to drive away the migratory birds as soon as we find that they are descending."

“This is a good idea, I’ll do it too.” Zhao Ze quickly wrote down that the Qinglong team was going to focus on hunting, and it was impossible for him to hire Qinglong team members to help him defend the territory, so he had to use all possible means, just in case.

"Evolved birds are not necessarily afraid of the sound of pot knocking. I want to record the sounds of eagles, cats, and wolves, and play them when the birds fly over to scare them away." Xia Qing also joined the discussion, but she wanted to "play "It's not the recording, but the real wolf version.

 There are two wolves in her territory, and they are free of charge.

"This is how I prepared." Kuang Qingwei immediately followed, "I have already prepared the recording speakers. The transmission distance of each tweeter is about 600-700 meters. As long as there are two speakers, we can definitely record the farmland in your territory. And the house is protected. Do you need to buy or rent a speaker? It’s 60 points to buy one and 10 points to rent it for a day.”

 After saying that, Kuang Qingwei played two meows of an evolved eagle and a cat. The sounds were clear, very powerful, and not easy to mess with.

 Shi Zhong immediately responded, "I'll buy one."

“I’ll get one too.” Qi Fu followed, and Zhao Ze and Xia Qing also asked for one each. During the 15-day migratory period, it costs 150 points to rent a speaker, which is enough to buy two, so of course everyone chose to buy it.

Then, Shi Zhong started selling bird-repelling products he made, "I made a lot of kites that evolved raptors. The kites also have small amplifiers and can fly more than 300 meters high. If you want to buy one, you can get 23 points each." "

Kuang Qingwei immediately asked, "Brother Shi, are your kites still being sold in the safe zone?"

Shi Zhong smiled and replied, "Yes, we used this to exchange for compressed rations when we were in the safe zone. We also took the time to do a lot this year, and asked Captain Zhong to bring it back to the safe zone for consignment."

Evolved raptor kites are a low-cost and effective way to repel birds from the base. Everyone should buy three or five of them immediately.

Xia Qing didn't know Shi Zhong would do this. She asked Zhong Tao to buy ten of them from the safe zone a few days ago, with each one worth 25 points.

 Zhong Tao didn't tell Xia Qing that there were kites in Territory No. 10. This was very normal. Because according to relevant regulations, the patrol team cannot disclose the contents of the lords' transactions to the outside world without the lord's permission.

With the kite, trumpet, wolf, Xia Qing's gun and the howitzer at the bottom of the box, plus the super security Bearded Front Team, Xia Qing was quite confident in driving away the migratory birds even if there was a reservoir in her territory.

  On September 25, with an announcement from Tan Junjie, this year’s migratory bird season began.

“Lords, please pay attention. Lords, please pay attention. The first batch of migratory birds will pass over the territory in half an hour. The raptors in the evolutionary forest to the north of the territory have already begun to take off. Please be prepared.”

Tan Junjie did not name the specific species of migratory birds. He must have not received the notice. Xia Qing asked Hu Feng, "Team Hu, what species are the first batch of migratory birds and how many are there?"

After Hu Feng asked about the No. 49 mountaintop observation station, he answered through the headset-type walkie-talkie, "About a thousand migratory birds evolved into sand gulls, flying at a height of 500 meters."

One thousand was too many. Xia Qing immediately ordered the two speed evolvers in the territory to fly the evolved sea eagle kite, which is the natural enemy of the evolved sand gull.

 (End of this chapter)

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