Looking at the bulging pockets on its body, Xia Qing rubbed his hands excitedly, "What's in it? Did I take it out?"

“Woo.” Broken Waist Wolf responded in a good mood.

Xia Qing opened the pocket on the left abdomen of the Broken Waist Wolf protective suit and took out a few herbs with roots. Xia Qing couldn't recognize the species because they were lumped together in mud. But the sheep boss ran over and smelled it, and immediately became excited. He opened his big sheep eyes and acted coquettishly at Xia Qing.


 Want to eat.

 It must be a good thing if it can be brought back by Brain Evolution Wolf on a special trip and verified by Boss Sheep himself. Xia Qing excitedly put the herbs away and warned the sheep boss, "These are the things the sheep got back from the broken waist. They are his supplies. The boss can't touch them until he gets the broken waist's consent."

  "咩~~~" The sheep boss didn't care, rubbed Xia Qing's leg, and continued to attack with a pinch sound.

Xia Qing had no choice but to break off a small piece of compressed rations to coax it, then opened the pocket on the right abdomen of the Broken Waist Wolf protective suit, put his hand in and touched it, and almost jumped with excitement. This feel, this color, and this weight are exactly the same as the raw materials Luo Pei exchanged for her to make the Yishi protective case!

With excitement, Xia Qing took out two handfuls of gravel and soil with trembling hands, and then took out a walnut-sized Yishi rough stone from inside.

Xia Qing held the wet rough stone tightly, and her voice trembled with excitement, "Broken, handsome wolf brother with a broken waist, is this for me?"

The Broken Waist Wolf didn't say a word this time. He walked to the bathroom door and turned to look at Xia Qing calmly.

"Want to take a bath? Okay! Here you go -" Xia Qing understood immediately, put the stone and herbs together and ran over, turned on the nozzle to adjust the water temperature, rinsed the mud off the Broken Waist Wolf, and took off his clothes. protective suit.

After taking off the protective clothing, the broken waist wolf turned his head and looked at the messy hair on his body that was weighed down by the protective clothing. He actually raised a front paw and placed it on the special bathtub of the sheep boss.

"Want to take a bath? Okay, Brother Handsome Wolf, wait a moment!" Without saying a word, Xia Qing moved the sheep boss's bathtub over and started filling it with water. Not to mention Boss Sheep's bathtub, even if Broken Waist Wolf had to use Xia Qing's quilt to wipe his hair today, Xia Qing would still be sorry for the stone in the living room even if he blinked.

The Broken Waist Wolf is bigger than the Sheep Boss, but it can also fit in a bathtub. It can be seen that it likes the feeling of taking a bath. It tilts its head up and squints its eyes with a look of enjoyment.

While it was taking a bath, Xia Qing cleaned its dirty protective clothing and shoes, hung them up to dry, then ran to the living room, put the Yishi and the raw materials for making the Yishi protective shell into a sealed bag, and began to carefully observe the broken parts. A bunch of herbs brought back by Waist Wolf.

Comparing the evolutionary herbs saved in the phone and appearing in the taskbar one after another, Xia Qing actually recognized one: Advanced Evolution Geranium.

The mission introduction said that the roots of this herb are used as medicine. The purchase price listed in the task bar in the safe area is 3,000 points per plant. The price is not too high, but Xia Qing is quite satisfied.

Hearing some movement in the bathroom, Xia Qing went over to open the bathroom door and found that the wolf had crawled out and was shaking its body to dry the water on its fur.

When it was almost done, Xia Qing diligently wiped it dry with an old sheet and asked, "Brother Handsome Wolf, are the herbs and stones you brought back for me? What do you want in exchange?"

After hearing Xia Qing's words, Broken Waist Wolf shook his hair and looked up at the protective clothing hanging on the wall.

Xia Qing understood, "Want this protective suit?"

The broken-waisted wolf thought for a while, walked out of the bathroom and walked to the tatami. He raised his big paw to press the sick wolf's paw, and turned to look at Xia Qing. Xia Qing asked gesticulatingly, "Do you want to use herbs and Yishi to exchange the protective clothing it wears and yours?"

"Woo." The Broken Waist Wolf responded, praising Xia Qing for being smart and understanding its meaning so quickly.

Xia Qing suppressed her laughter in her heart, nodded solemnly, picked up the herbs and Yishi, "The things you brought back can be exchanged for these two sets of protective clothing. From now on, the protective clothing is yours. These herbs and Yi Shi is mine."

 The Broken Waist Wolf agreed, and Xia Qing was elated.

She immediately carefully separated the mess of muddy herbs, placed it on the table covered with sealed bags, and called to her companions, "Boss, come here and smell it to see which one you want to eat."

The sheep boss immediately came to Xia Qing's side and accurately selected the second plant from the left. This herb looked quite ordinary, but Xia Qing didn't know its name. She pinched off a leaf, rinsed it and fed it to the sheep boss. Finally, he took a photo of the herbal medicine and sent it to Zhang San, "Boss, second brother, you guys guard your territory, I'm going to bed. Broke-back handsome wolf brother, you worked hard, have a good rest."

“Hey.” The sheep boss, who had eaten a blade of grass, responded with dignity.

 The sick wolf flicked his tail to show that he understood. The Broken Waist Wolf calmly watched Xia Qing climb up to the second floor, then lie down on the tatami and close his eyes to rest.

As soon as Xia Qing arrived in the bedroom, she received a call from her idol.

“Xia Qing, except for the second plant, I want the other five plants. The package price is 21,000 points, is that okay?”

"Okay." The price offered by Zhang San was always fair, and Xia Qing did not haggle. He asked what kind of herb it was that was liked by the sheep boss but disliked by the idol.

Zhang San got a good herbal medicine, and his voice was full of joy, "That's Evolved Wheat Grass, an evolved grass grown in arid areas. It used to be used to feed livestock, but now it is the main source of compressed rations made in Lancheng Base. One of the raw materials.”

 After listening to Zhang San’s explanation, Xia Qing felt that Broken Waist Wolf knew that he valued Boss Sheep as a companion, so he sent this grass mixed with other herbs. Xia Qing asked, "Third brother, can our territory support this kind of grass?"

Zhang San is very talkative when he is in a good mood, "Okay, I will compile a cultivation guide and ask Ji Li to bring it to you. These herbs and the frogs you sent, minus the twenty-three advanced evolution black gardenias you exchanged today Damn, there are still 16,200 points left, what do you want to exchange?"

After Xia Qing selected several commonly used medicines and the insecticide and sterilizing shower gel for the sheep boss to bathe, Zhang San reminded her, "Your medicine is almost ready. You should not dye your skin color during the medication. You'd better arrange a transition period." "

Her red skin disappeared all at once, which was really unreasonable. Xia Qing had to arrange a transition period to gradually "fading".

 After handing the herbs to Ji Li and getting back the cultivation guide for the evolved wheatgrass, Xia Qing read it carefully and felt at ease. This is a kind of pasture, and its cultivation is not difficult. The grass that Broken Waist Wolf brought back has already tasseled, but the seeds are not yet mature. After a while, Xia Qing can follow the Broken Waist Wolf to find the seeds of this evolutionary grass, collect them and sow them in the territory next year to enrich the sheep boss's dining table.

 The tree that has been dug up must not be wasted. Xia Qing planted it in a flowerpot, poured it with pollution-free spring water, and placed it with the green light strawberry seedlings in a sunny place in the house.

Strawberry is a plant with strong vitality. In spring, one plant propagated through stolons and produced eight strawberry seedlings. If this rate is maintained, there will be more than seventy strawberry seedlings next year. In other words, if everything goes well, Xia Qing will be able to achieve strawberry freedom the year after next.

 That night, Xia Qing was laughing in her dreams. (End of chapter)

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