Xia Qing handed over the cloth bag containing the evolved eagle and said loudly, "I gave it an anesthetic and used hemostatic drugs. They were all traded with Territory No. 7 to ensure that the eagle's injuries would not be aggravated. This eagle is Huang The lamp weighs twenty-five pounds.”

It doesn’t work if it’s not loud. The roar of the plane is too loud and you can’t hear it if the sound is too low.

The purchase price of a live yellow-light animal in the safe zone is 60 points per pound. The meat of this eagle is worth 1,500 points, which is also the low price offered by Xia Qing.

"Thank you." Xin Yu stepped forward to take the bag and inspect it, then began to negotiate the price, "This is an evolved raptor. Although one wing is broken, it is still worth more than selling meat. I will give you two thousand points. Do you think that's OK? "

Xia Qing often does tasks, so of course she knows the price, "Okay."

Hearing Xia Qing's straightforwardness, Xin Yu was obviously relieved, "Do you want points or supplies?"

Xia Qing asked, "I want to trade green garlic and two green mint plants with roots. Is that okay?"

"Yes. Green garlic is a plantable seed. One clove costs 100 points, and mint also costs 100 points. Two thousand points means two mint plants plus three green garlics. I will give you the garlic first, and ask Team Tan to deliver the mint after the pest disaster is over. Come here." After saying that, Xin Yu took out three heads of garlic from the pocket of the protective suit and handed them to Xia Qing.

"Okay, thank you." Seeing Xin Yu put garlic directly on her body meant that she guessed that she would exchange garlic, so she thanked her seriously. A head of garlic has more than six cloves, but the middle clove of garlic is small, and the garlic sprouts after planting are also weak. When it rains, the content of garlic elements may increase and turn into a yellow or red light, so Xin Yu directly calculated based on six cloves per head. . Strictly speaking, Xin Yu gave too much.

Xin Yu said nothing more, nodded, turned around, and returned to his territory with the eagle in hand.

Tang Huai, who was watching, immediately spoke, "Xin Yu, why do you want to evolve an eagle? If its wings are injured, it is still an eagle, but it is not easy to train. If you have nothing to do, why not get some rabbits to play with."

Xin Yu ignored Tang Huai and continued walking. Tang Huai lost his temper and raised his voice and shouted, "Hey, I told you not to go too far. Stop, I have something serious to talk to you about!"

To Xia Qing’s expectation, Xin Yu really stopped.

She turned around and faced Tang Huai with a brown opaque protective mask. Because the mask was opaque, Xia Qing couldn't see her expression clearly, but her voice was cold enough.

"I'm not interested in your business. If it's business in the territory, let Tang Lu talk to me. If it's business in your family, let your dad or Tang Ning talk to me. You're not qualified."

Hearing the words "you are not qualified", Xia Qing's position on Xin Yu suddenly improved a lot. Damn, this is definitely a great guy!

Tang Huai was so angry that he didn't dare to curse. He watched Xin Yu leave and turned around to find that Xia Qing was also missing. Then he cursed in a low voice, "These one, two or three of them are all **** mentally ill." …”

Xia Qing raised her eyebrows. One or two of them were referring to her and Xin Yu. Could the third one be the reason why Tang Huai was jumping on the lord channel today?

Xia Qing stuffed the green garlic into the pocket of his protective suit and continued to patrol the territory. There are not many insects in the greenhouse, everything is normal. The half-open cotton has been sprayed with insecticide and will dry when the sun comes out tomorrow. The big green chrysanthemum tree on the high **** has been sprayed once by Xia Qing. The condition is much better than other trees. There are not many insects on the tree.

 It will take at least ten hours before the helicopter can spray the buffer forest. Xia Qing saw that the pesticide he originally distributed had some effect, so he immediately put on his sprayer and started spraying the trees outside the open space on both sides of the terraces.

“The test results are out. The improved insecticide is 80% effective against leafminer larvae, but the effect on killing evolved thorn moth larvae is not ideal.” Zhang San’s voice was weak. "This kind of thorn moth larvae is a newly evolved species. It is very resistant to pesticides. The killing rate of improved insecticides is only 20%. I have a high-level evolutionary herbal medicine. After adding it, the killing rate of evolved thorn moths can be increased. To 95%. Tan Junjie, talk to the lord management department and see if they can buy one plant for two hundred points. It only takes two hundred plants to spray this territory."

 “Received.” Tan Junjie responded immediately.

Hearing that the pest control rate could reach 95%, the lords who were catching insects were all excited and chattering among themselves.

 Among the crowd, only Li Si's voice was cold, "The third brother is not talking about the advanced evolved black gardenia that was poached from me, is it?"

“Not only.” Zhang San responded, obviously in a good mood, “There are also ones I grew myself.”

 You planted it yourself. Where did that seed come from? It didn't grow from the advanced evolved black gardenia she dug out! Li Si gritted his teeth, "Third brother, do you know how precious advanced evolutionary herbs are?!"

 Zhang San’s voice was calm, and he was obviously being cautious again, “I’m happy with it.”

 That is, money cannot buy the happiness of an idol! Xia Qing was about to express his gushing admiration, but Zhao Ze beat him to it, "Third brother, you are righteous!"

Qi Fu was also excited, "If it can be raised to 95%, we can survive this insect disaster safely."

Zhu Li asked, "The remaining live insects have to be eaten by birds, frogs and snakes. Third brother, does this medicine have no effect on birds, frogs and snakes?"

 Zhang San responded, “It has some impact, not much, and not fatal.”

Everyone's excitement was quickly extinguished by Tan Junjie's words, "Because this is a small-scale pest infestation in our territory, the Territory Management Department has a limited budget and cannot purchase the herbs in Territory No. 7. The lords are asked to negotiate and resolve the issue themselves."

Before Zhao Ze could complain, Xia Qing replied calmly, "After the insect disaster occurred, Captain Tan immediately reported it to the Territory Management Department, and the Lord Management Department immediately applied for the deployment of aircraft to spray pesticides. They have fulfilled their responsibilities. "Lord Law" It is stipulated very clearly that problems that the lord can solve on his own should be solved by the lord himself. "

"I originally thought I could save a fortune, but it seems I can't save it this time." Kuang Qingwei, the second dealer, started to settle accounts. "Third brother, you just said that our territory needs two hundred herbs. You and No. 9 The territory does not need to be used. On average, it is 308 acres with one herb worth 200 points. Do you think this will work? If any of us want to use the high-grade black gardenia herbal medicine, we can exchange it with you directly?"

 Since Zhang San proposed the advanced evolutionary herbal medicine, he planned to give it to them, "Okay."

"Thank you, Third Brother!" Kuang Qingwei thanked him and immediately started to make arrangements. "Everyone, please sign up and I will buy it. I will spray it all over the territory and exchange it for green light plants or points."

After Xia Qing, Qi Fu, Zhao Ze, Hu Hufeng and others reported their needs, Xin Yu also spoke, "Territory No. 8 needs high-grade black gardenia herbal medicine. Spray it throughout the territory and exchange it with green light plants or points." (End of chapter)

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