In the Tenth Year After the Natural Disaster, Follow me to Farm

Chapter 270: The lord with the largest territory

Tang Huai attacked Hu Xiufeng, "Territory No. 1, there must be a lot of caterpillars in your 'training ground', right? You won't be waiting for the helicopter to spray pesticides, right?"

Hushi Feng came back, "Who do you think you are? You want to interfere with our team's affairs?"

Before the two people could argue, Zhang San spoke feebly, "Territory No. 7 can exterminate pests by itself, without the need for helicopter spraying."

Territory No. 9 immediately followed suit, "Territory No. 9 does not need helicopters to exterminate pests."

 "Received." Tan Junjie's response was still serious and calm, but Xia Qing felt that he breathed a sigh of relief.

Territory No. 7, surrounded by mountains on both sides, has a total area of ​​6,700 acres of cultivated land and buffer forest. It was originally the largest area among the two hundred territories. Territory No. 9 has no buffer forest and covers an area of ​​2,300 acres.

The combined area of ​​the two territories is 9,000 acres. They did not use the base’s helicopter to spray pesticides, thus saving two hours of spraying time. This meant that the buffer forest could be sprayed two hours in advance.

Xia Qing just raised the corner of her mouth happily when she heard Tang Huai ask, "Xia Qing, what about you? Your territory is the largest among all the territories. Do you need helicopter spraying?"

Xia Qing's territory is also surrounded by mountains on both sides. It was originally the third largest of all territories, but after incorporating 1,500 acres of high slopes into the third territory, she became the lord with the largest territory.

Although the territory is the largest, Xia Qing, the lord with the fewest people in the territory, pressed the button and replied calmly, "Needed."

"Received." Tan Junjie responded, "The spraying helicopter applied to replenish water in the reservoir in Territory No. 3. Does Lord No. 3 approve it?"

Although there are many surface water flows in this territory, only Xia Qing's territory has a reservoir. According to the "Territory Law", all resources in the territory belong to the lord, so even if the helicopter is sent by the base to exterminate pests, the lord's approval is required to get water from Territory 3 to mix with medicine before it can land.

Xia Qing pressed the button, "Lord No. 3 Xia Qing gave permission for the helicopter to land at the reservoir and collect water."


After Tan Junjie replied, Xia Qing immediately climbed up to the attic with a sheep and two wolves, watched through the window as the helicopter landed to fetch water, took off again, and continued to spray medicine.

In the Lord Channel, Tang Huai started to get weird again, "Territory No. 1, why have planes been flying in your territory for so long? You won't use the back door, right?"

Hu Hufeng chuckled, "I can't compare to you, a professional insect digger. We are farming, and we have worked hard to open a thousand acres of cultivated land. Of course, the spraying time will be long."

Unexpectedly, Tang Huai did not quarrel with Hu Huifeng, but actually pointed the finger at Xia Qing, "Xia Qing, how many lands have you opened? Why has that helicopter been hovering in your territory for almost an hour?"

Xia Qing originally didn't want to talk to Tang Huai, but his behavior of finding fault with himself again and again was very abnormal. Xia Qing speculated that Team Sufeng asked Tang Huai to do this, so he replied coldly, "Although I don't have much land to farm, I used iron choppers to mow several hundred acres of land to clear out grass roots, which is also considered reclaimed land. "

Tang Huai was sincerely surprised, "You have nothing to do but have enough to eat?"

There is no need for Xia Qing to argue this time. Tang Zhengbo stopped his son seriously, "Tang Huai!"

In the No. 2 territory, Tang Huai held his head and wailed, "It's over. This time I have completely offended Xia Qing. She will definitely not let me enter the territory to see the sheep and wolves."

 In Territory No. 3, Xia Qing went up to the attic to observe the helicopter coming to fetch water from the territory. To the north of the reservoir, about 150 meters up the hillside, there is the most important resource in her territory - a pollution-free spring.

Although in the name of protecting the green light grapevines that occupy an increasingly larger area, Xia Qing expanded the low-slope greenhouse upwards and incorporated the spring into the greenhouse to protect it.

 But she still has to be wary of someone getting off the helicopter when it lands to collect water and wandering around her territory.

Two wolves and one sheep all entered the attic with her. The sheep boss was not interested in helicopters and lay beside Xia Qing chewing cud. The sick wolf squatted next to the broken waist wolf, and the broken waist wolf supported its body with its two hind paws. It imitated Xia Qing's movements with its front paws, opened a corner of the curtain and looked out.

Xia Qing had no choice but to close the curtains on her side and move over to observe the outside with the Broken Waist Wolf to prevent it from being observed by people on the plane. Although the plane is far away, people must have telescopes. Xia Qing, a level 9 visual evolver, was relieved when he discovered that the helicopter took off directly after pumping water through a thick pipe and no one was left behind.

“Are everyone here? Are there stinging insects in your greenhouse?” Zhao Ze asked loudly on the intercom. Zhao Ze simply called stinging moth larvae as stinging insects, which is simple and clear.

Kuang Qing replied angrily, "I have one here too, and I'm leading someone to catch the insects."

 “I have some here too.” Qi Fu replied.

 Shidu responded, “We are also catching insects.”

Tan Junjie reminded, "Now is the time for spraying. If all lords are active outside, they must wear protective clothing and masks in strict accordance with protective standards."

I thought it was bad enough that a large number of caterpillars appeared in the territory, but I didn't expect that caterpillars also appeared in the greenhouse farmland. The insect infestation escalated, and the lords became anxious.

Everyone knows that you shouldn’t be outside during spraying, but watching the little bugs emerge from the soil one after another and crawl onto the seedlings that you have worked hard to plant for several months, what lord can’t be anxious and still stay indoors? Can you stay there?

Zhao Ze, who was busy catching insects, did not forget to care about his good neighbor Xia Qing, "Xia Qing, can you do this alone? I have so many people, why don't I send two people over to help you?"

Tang Huai immediately followed, "I can also go over and help."

Xia Qing pressed the button and responded politely, "No need, Brother Zhao, the situation here is fine, I'm busy."

Tang Huai? Haha, just ignore it.

Hearing that Xia Qing was busy, Zhao Ze exclaimed, "You are still the best."

Xia Qing exchanged soil insecticides and heartworm-specific insecticides with Zhang San, but they were not done in the lord channel, so she did not mention the lack of insects in her greenhouse.

She didn't mention it, but Zhang San spoke, "Xia Qing, how is the situation in your greenhouse?"

As soon as the idol spoke, Xia Qing understood what he meant and immediately replied, "I don't have many insects here. Thank you third brother for the heartworm insecticide in exchange for me."

The pesticide being sprayed by the plane is designed to kill stinging insects and leafminer larvae, but not core borers.

 The products produced by Zhang San must be high-quality.

As soon as he heard that Zhang San had a heartworm insecticide, Kuang Qingwei, who was so busy that he wished he could grow eight hands, immediately asked, "Third brother, the green light leek seeds in my territory are almost ripe. I can trade the leek seeds with you for the heartworm insecticide." Insecticide?”

Although Zhang San spoke weakly, he was able to calm the panic of the lords, "Okay, I will ask Ji Li to send it to you."

  Kuang Qingwei responded quickly, “Thank you, third brother.”

Qi Fu immediately followed, "I think after spraying, most of the stinging insects can be killed, which is good. Xia Qing, are there not even stinging insects in your greenhouse over there?"

 Thanks to Dayu'er, Favorite Manbao, and 5058 for the rewards, and thank you all for your subscription and support.

I have been visiting relatives during the Chinese New Year, and all my updates in the past few days have been saved. Seeing that the saved files are enough for two days, I feel a sense of urgency, and the banquet is no longer delicious.

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