In the Tenth Year After the Natural Disaster, Follow me to Farm

Chapter 268: A big chrysanthemum tree besieged by insects

Chapter 268 The big chun tree besieged by insects

Xin Yu explained, "It is not my tame beast. Can you exchange this evolved eagle with me? I want to live."

If someone else wants it, Xia Qing will ask clearly about the terms of exchange first. But Xin Yu wanted to live in a three-story villa and grow roses, and Xia Qing directly agreed.

 She stepped on the Evolved Eagle's neck and pressed the button, "How can I give it to you?"

Xin Yu's somewhat reserved voice turned into joy, "Thank you. The spraying will start soon. Can you please take the Evolved Eagle back to the territory first, and then hand it over to the inspection team after the spraying is completed?"

"Okay." Xia Qing wrapped the talons and beak of the evolutionary eagle, stuffed it into a cloth bag, and continued to rush to the abandoned cave.

In the Lord Channel, Tang Huai continued to ask, "Xin Yu, what do you want the living evolved eagle to do? Do you want to tame it? Adult eagles are very arrogant and cannot be tamed by humans."

Xin Yu ignored Tang Huai as expected, and the Lord Channel fell into silence.

Xia Qing walked a few dozen meters north and saw the Broken Leg Wolf catching a loach and having a great time.

This guy seems to have endless energy.

Xia Qing asked, "You have a broken leg, are you the only wolf here? Where is the Queen?"

The broken-legged wolf jumped up to Xia Qing with a loach more than 30 centimeters long in its mouth, and had fun around her.

Xia Qing let it go crazy, "Your Majesty the Queen is not here? We are about to start spraying, because this time it is to exterminate insects, the concentration of the medicine cannot be small, the plane will fly very low, you'd better hide in the cave and don't come out. Especially You idiot, don't jump up and challenge the helicopter."

The base dispatches helicopters several times every year to spray weed-killing agents over the evolutionary forests under its jurisdiction. Therefore, all animals with intelligence and memory in the evolutionary forest are no strangers to helicopters.

Xia Qing made a special trip because unlike spraying to kill weeds, when precise insect control is carried out, the height of the helicopter will drop below ten meters. At this height, the noise of the helicopter was very loud, and the air waves caused by the spiral angle were also very loud. Xia Qing was afraid that the wolves in the abandoned cave in the third area of ​​No. 49 Mountain would be frightened and exposed.

  Why didn’t the plane drop below ten meters when spraying weed killers over the evolutionary forest?

 Because the helicopter hovers over the evolutionary forest in this highly evolved forest, it will be regarded as a provocation by various evolved beasts in the evolutionary forest.

In the eighth year of the natural disaster, when the helicopter was spraying to kill enemies over the No. 32 Mountain Area, due to the pilot's carelessness, the helicopter was entangled by a bouncing boa constrictor when the altitude was lower than fifteen meters. The helicopter was destroyed and everyone died.

The wolves that can collect medicine, dig rocks, and hunt green animals are very important trading partners for Xia Qing. Xia Qing does not want them to be discovered by helicopters. Besides, Mountain No. 49 is the training ground of the Qinglong Team. According to relevant agreements, large carnivorous beasts are not allowed.

After giving instructions to the broken-leg wolf, Xia Qing quickly returned to his territory and went to find his companion, the sheep boss, on the high slope. He found it circling around the chun tree, with obvious anxiety in its movements.

Xia Qing stepped forward and asked, "Boss, what's wrong?"

"Hey!" Seeing Xia Qing coming, Mr. Yang immediately pushed her up against the tree trunk.

Xia Qing was startled when she saw a large number of thorn moth caterpillars climbing up the tree trunk.

This big green chrysanthemum tree is an important source of food for Mr. Sheep. When he found that the tree was crawling with insects, it was understandable that he would be irritable and anxious.

Xia Qing advised his companions not to be anxious in a gentle voice, "It's okay, we will spray the pesticide in a while. After the spray, all these bugs will be dead. Let's go home." "Hey!" Mr. Sheep got stubborn and must have Want Xia Qing to do something.

Xia Qing refused to fight with it, "Boss, wait here while I carry the sprayer to kill the insects on the chun tree."

This large green edible toon tree is not only the treasure of Boss Sheep, but also Xia Qing’s. Whether she can eat toon buds in spring depends on this tree. The last hailstorm killed all the saplings she had moved to the spring.

Xia Qing rushed down the hillside quickly, put the Evolution Eagle in the hut next to the farmland, mixed the water with the sprayer and medicine by the river, ran up the hillside, pointed to the upwind point and said to the sheep boss, "Boss, go and wait over there. , I spray the chun trees.”

The sheep boss was very obedient and ran to the direction Xia Qing pointed. He raised his head and watched Xia Qing build a ladder and climb up the big chun tree to spray pesticides to kill insects. Xia Qing quickly sprayed the entire tree, even the open space near the tree. After making sure that there was no problem, he asked the sheep boss to go down the mountain with him.

The sheep boss stopped making trouble this time and followed Xia Qing down the mountain. As soon as the two of them walked down the mountain, they heard the roar of the plane. Xia Qing looked up at a helicopter that appeared in the south and shouted, "Boss, run home!"


 Lao Yang shouted loudly and ran faster than Xia Qing.

When passing the hut, Xia Qing put the sprayer into the house, then picked up the bag containing the eagle, closed the door of the hut tightly and chased after the sheep boss. One person and one sheep finally rushed back to the yard before the plane flew to this territory unprecedentedly.

Xia Qing closed the door of the empty sheep shed and rushed back into the house to see two wolves and one sheep lying on the tatami, all looking at her.

The sheep boss's lying posture and expression seemed as if he had been with the two wolves all the time and had never been out at all...

Xia Qing smiled and said hello. He didn't bother to clean the pesticide on the protective clothing. He climbed up to the attic and looked out through the window.

She felt more at ease when she saw a helicopter flying over the territory of No. 1 to No. 26 and started spraying the territory of No. 20 in the south.

Xia Qing's territory is at the northernmost part of this territory. No one on the plane should have seen the sheep boss running wildly.

Xia Qing closed the curtains and went to the bathroom to wash off the pesticides on her body. When she went downstairs to check the evolved eagle in the bag, she found two wolves circling around the bag.

"The evolved eagle here is my prey. It has been exchanged for others and cannot be eaten." Xia Qing lifted the bag. This evolved eagle is more than twice as heavy as the red lantern goose she just sold. It must be twenty It weighs 5 pounds, and its wingspan stretches out to more than four meters. It's a big guy. Although one of its wings was broken by Xia Qing, it was still fierce. A sharp hooked beak emerged from its pocket to peck Xia Qing's eyes.

Xia Qing, who was well prepared, grabbed the eagle's neck and quickly injected the oral anesthetic into the eagle's mouth with a needle. A few minutes later, the Evolved Eagle lost its ability to fight back and collapsed into a puddle of mud.

Xia Qing observed the eagle carefully and breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that its furry face contained only fear and no light of wisdom. If this was just a brain-evolved eagle, Xia Qing was really afraid that after it was rescued by Xin Yu, it would come to seek revenge on him.

While checking the eagle's injury, Xia Qing told the sheep and two wolves standing at the table, "This evolved eagle wanted to steal the prey of the plucked weasel. The plucked weasel asked me for help, so I beat the eagle." Come down."

This eagle has no food in its stomach and must have been hungry for two or three days. No wonder it ventures to the edge of human territory to **** the weasel's prey.

As a result, it forgot that this was human territory and didn't pay attention to Xia Qing's movements, so it was shot and the radius bone of its right wing was broken.

 (End of this chapter)

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