When the loudspeaker on the patrol car sounds, it can be heard in the nearby territory. The lords who needed to exchange daily supplies picked up the things they had prepared and went to wait under the street sign.

When the horn sounded outside Territory No. 3, Xia Qing carried something and walked through the grass wall and appeared under the stop sign.

Tang Huai, who had been leaning against the stop sign for a long time, greeted Xia Qing enthusiastically, "Xia Qing, here we come."

Xia Qing nodded.

Seeing that Xia Qing was willing to pay attention to him, Tang Huai became even more enthusiastic, "What are you busy with in the territory today? How do you plan to deal with the migratory birds? This goose is not small, what is its quality? It must not be a green light, otherwise you will definitely exchange it for Third brother.”

Xia Qing picked the last question and answered, "Red light."

Tang Huai took two steps forward and was about to continue chatting when he saw Zhong Tao driving over and stopped between him and Xia Qing.

Zhong Tao first asked Tang Huai, "Brother Huai, do you need to exchange supplies for Territory No. 2?"

Tang Huai snorted coldly, "Do you have green light rice and seasonings?"

Zhong Tao responded, “The rice is only yellow light, and the green light seasonings include cumin and Sichuan peppercorns.”

Tang Huai's eyes lit up, "Where did the cumin come from?"

Zhong Tao replied with a smile, "Lan Second Base, it just arrived."

 The cumin grown at Shulan No. 2 Base in China is the only one with the best quality. Tang Huai immediately asked Zhong Tao to get a pack and he wanted to inspect the goods.

 When Zhong Tao went to get cumin, Zheng Kui jumped out of the car and walked to Xia Qing.

This is the first time after the third rain that Xia Qing saw Zheng Kui, who had lost his wife and under-month-old daughter. He lost a lot of weight and his temperament also changed.

In the past, Zheng Kui was silent and spoke little, but his eyes were determined. Now, his whole body looked dull, and even the air around him was dyed a lifeless gray-black.

 This is the state of people who lose hope after every natural disaster. Some people will regain the courage to move forward after a period of time, while some people will remain immersed in sorrow until their bodies and minds are destroyed by the killing element, leading to death.

Zheng Kui is still performing his mission, which shows that he is the former, but it will take some time for him to get over the pain of losing his wife and daughter.

Xia Qing has experienced such pain and knows that any words of comfort are useless. She just said hello and handed over the red lantern goose and the red lantern snake she caught during this period, "They are all from red lantern, plus these two baskets of yellow lantern vegetables for cooking oil."

After Zheng Kui weighed the weight, he asked in a hoarse voice, "The red-light animals are all alive, a total of fifty-two kilograms, one thousand three hundred points. The prices of tomatoes and cucumbers have increased, fifteen points per kilogram, and other yellow There are still ten points for vegetables. There are 521 points for vegetables today. There are corn oil, sesame oil and cottonseed oil, either processed and purified by red lamp, or directly squeezed by yellow lamp. Which one do you choose? "

 With more than 1,800 points, there is some leftover for a six-liter barrel of yellow light corn oil, but not much. Xia Qing handed over the ID card and said, "In exchange for six liters of yellow light corn oil, two liters of yellow light sesame oil, and one pound of green light cumin, and two pounds of green light pepper."

Zheng Kui swiped his points and handed the card to Xia Qing, along with a small piece of paper that read: Sun Zhe and his parents are in the carriage.

Xia Qing nodded slightly, understanding that Sun Zhe had concluded the business deal with Territory No. 1, and sent his parents to Territory No. 1 for "refuge".

Zhong Tao, who was talking to Tang Huai, had been paying attention to the movements of Xia Qing and Zheng Kui with his ears. When he heard that the exchange was completed, he immediately went to the trunk to get the exchange materials with Zheng Kui.

After Xia Qing took the supplies, he handed over two bags of vegetables weighing three to four kilograms. "Recently, cucumbers have grown a lot. Brother Tao and Brother Kui took them to moisten their throats." Neither of them was polite to Xia Qing and took them. After the vegetables, continue driving forward and rush to Territory No. 1. In order to cover Sun Zhe's family, Xia Qing did not return to the territory immediately, but bent down to sort out the exchanged supplies in his backpack.

Tang Huai, who was supposed to be staring at Territory No. 1, turned his attention to Xia Qing, "Are you planning to eat roast mutton by buying so much cumin? Did you find sheep in the evolutionary forest? When forming a team, How about me? My hearing evolution ability is better than Dajiang."

 “No sheep found.”

Seeing Xia Qing pick up the basket on his back to return to the territory, Tang Huai took two quick steps and asked, "Didn't you buy a green pepper seedling at the agricultural product fair? Why did you buy so many peppers?"

"Not long." Xia Qing noticed from the corner of his eye that Zhong Tao drove directly into Territory No. 1 and was about to stride back to his territory.

"Miss Xia, please wait a moment." Assistant Xiao Liu walked out of Territory No. 9 and walked quickly towards Xia Qing.

Tang Huai was very afraid of the people in Territory No. 9, so he immediately returned to Territory No. 2 and got into the grass to eavesdrop. Zhou Xun, the visual evolution man hiding in the grass wall, was also attracted by the movement here and no longer paid attention to the truck entering Territory No. 1.

Xia Qing put down her backpack and waited for assistant Xiao Liu to approach and asked proactively, "I have been busy during this period. I only remembered when I heard you called me. Is it about exchanging white-haired chicken vines?"

"Yes." Assistant Xiao Liu lifted up his glasses that had fallen down due to the hurry, "Can I exchange them now?"

Xia Qing nodded, "After more than half a month of delay, the chicken **** vine has grown a little, and I can exchange it for a pound or two, but I haven't had time to dry it yet. Can I just cut it?"

Of course, I don’t want the dried No. 9 territory. Tang Huai rolled his eyes and flicked away a small caterpillar crawling on the grass in front of him.

Assistant Xiao Liu discussed with Xia Qing, "Can we uproot the entire plant?"

Xia Qing showed hesitation, "Assistant Liu may not have heard me on the lord channel. The chicken vines in my territory were hit by hail, and a lot of them were lost in the third rain. Now there are only a few left."

 Xia Qing can trade without directly rejecting it, but the points must be appropriate. Assistant Xiao Liu put on a business smile and offered a high price, "The price of green light vegetable seedlings traded between our territories is 100 points per plant. Miss Xia gave me a seedling and I paid 100 points. Do you think that's okay?" "

Xia Qing was a little embarrassed, "There are no seedlings this season. How about you wait a little longer? When the buds sprout next spring, I will dig one up and send it to you?"

Tang Huai opened his mouth wide and exchanged glances with Zhou Xun. Xia Qing, this woman, really earns everyone's points.

Assistant Xiao Liu understood immediately and apologized for not asking politely, "I'm sorry, I didn't make it clear just now. We don't have to have small seedlings, big ones are also fine. Do you think three hundred points per plant is okay?"

Tang Huai raised his thumb and flicked away a small caterpillar in front of him.

Xia Qing then nodded, "Of course, Assistant Liu, wait a moment, I'll go dig it right now."

Xia Qing returned to Territory No. 3 and handed the basket to the sheep boss who was waiting for her. Then she broke off a wooden stick and dug out a medium-sized chicken **** vine, which she delivered with Xiao Liu, the assistant in Territory No. 9. Transfer points.

Of course, the chicken **** vine that Xia Qing gave to Assistant Liu was not native to Territory No. 3, but was exchanged between her and her idol Zhang San. Zhang San has always been very enthusiastic and responsive when it comes to cheating Li Si.

Although after testing, it was found that the chicken **** vine given to her by her idol was not much different from the chicken **** vine in Territory No. 3 in terms of phlegm, phosphorus, and trace element composition. Xia Qing still buried the chicken **** vine in the territory with great caution. It took more than ten days, waiting for Territory No. 9 to propose an exchange, before digging it out and giving it to them.

Xia Qing earned two hundred points in tears from this transaction. (End of chapter)

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