Hushi Feng nodded, "Okay, I'll take back the pine cone of the second green lantern pine tree and give you half of it."

Huzi told Xia Qing the location of the two pine trees, and then Xia Qing teamed up to find them. According to the team's distribution rules for collecting materials, even if Xia Qing doesn't go the second time, she should still have a share of the harvest from the remaining tree.

After the Beard Feng team left, Xia Qing returned home with the two big bags of pine cones he was assigned. He took down all the cotton plants that were drying on the roof of the warehouse and dried them in the yard, using the free space to dry the pine cones.

  The pine cone harvested after three days of hard work was covered with sunshine on the roof of the house. Xia Qing smiled from ear to ear.

 In years of natural disasters, is there anything more joyful than harvesting food?

 If so, it must be to harvest more food.

Xia Qing carefully checked the insect-proof net on the roof to confirm that it was not damaged, and then sprayed deodorant and insect-repellent on the roof before going downstairs for lunch.

 Said it was lunch, but it is already three o'clock in the afternoon. The workload today was heavy, and Xia Qing did not treat herself badly at all. The rice, meat and vegetables were all the best in the territory.

 After eating and drinking, Xia Qing went up to the second floor, collected the dried white cotton and peanuts, and stored them in the storage room. Logically speaking, cotton does not need to be stored in storage rooms.

But most of Xia Qing's storage room is still empty, and it is protected by Yishi. It would be a pity not to use it to store supplies.

 Placing the bundled cotton on the shelf, Xia Qing's heart overflowed with satisfaction, and her already bright eyes became even brighter. After returning to the tool room from the underground, Xia Qing looked at the lively green and yellow light fish in the large water tank in the tool room.

Since it was the first time to dig a fish pond, Xia Qing lacked experience, so the location of the fish pond was too close to the river. As a result, both fish ponds were washed away in the third rain and became connected with the river. If you want to repair the dam of the fish pond, you have to wait until the river water level drops in winter.

 Either she has to dig a new fish pond to raise fish.

After discovering that the spring water fish lived well in the water tank, Xia Qing simply decided to wait until next spring when the fish produced seeds, and then put them back into the repaired fish pond.

Evolved fish have very tenacious vitality. If they are kept in a tank mixed with a certain proportion of pollution-free spring water, as long as sufficient food is provided, these fish will live a more nourishing life than in a fish pond. Keeping them indoors only costs a light bulb to provide them with light, which is not a big expense for Xia Qing, who has eight solar panels.

But she didn't want to take the poultry into the house because of the unpleasant smell and because the roosters crowed too loudly in the morning.

The chickens she raised were crowing in the house. Not to mention Tang Huai, even Zhao Ze in the east knew that Xia Qing raised chickens.

With free time in the next two days, Xia Qing plans to build a chicken coop next to the sheep shed, right next to the wolf and sheep's toilet. The wolf and sheep's toilet will be moved to the south of the chicken house. After the chicken coop was built, the wolf and the sheep had to pass in front of the chicken coop to go to the house at night, which was considered a patrol along the way.

Just do it. After Xia Qing took a break after eating, she drove the mini-tiller out of the garage, hung up the bucket she welded herself, and went with Boss Sheep to pull the red bricks and stones cleared from the deserted village. .

As soon as the tiller in Territory No. 3 goes off, Tang Huai in Territory No. 2 is ready to move. But now he has learned a lot. Instead of asking Xia Qing directly, he turned around and asked others, "Shi Zhong, are you there?"

  Shi Zhong responded quickly, "Here you are, Brother Huai has something to do with me?"

 After taking the medicine exchanged with Zhang San, Shi's joint pain was relieved a lot, and he could speak louder.

Tang Huai asked, "I remember you said a few days ago that you can play cotton?"    Popping cotton means using a string bow to play the cotton wadding after removing the seeds until it becomes soft. The cotton after playing is then stretched and smoothed, and can be used to make Bedding and cotton-padded clothes.

Xia Qing doesn’t have much time online. I really didn’t hear that Shi Zhong has such skills. Listen carefully.

Shi Zhong explained in detail, "When I was a child, I saw other people playing cotton. Recently I was thinking about making a tool for playing cotton. I tried playing two quilts. The craftsmanship is definitely not as good as the mechanical playing in the factory in the safe zone, but it is still possible. Very soft and usable. ”

Tang Huai snorted coldly, "Who told you that machines are used to play cotton in the safety zone factories? If it can be solved manually these days, it will not use electricity, oil, or machinery. I want to play five quilts, you How to charge?”

Shi Zhong asked, "Brother Huai, do you want to play single or double, and how much weight do you want?"

Tang Huai replied, "It's a double one, covered with a warm one in winter."

“The winter after the natural disaster is colder than before. If there is heating equipment in the house, ordinary people can use a five-pound quilt. If not, they have to use a seven-pound quilt. Evolved people have good physical fitness and can use lighter weights.”

"Four beds weigh seven pounds, and one bed weighs five pounds." Tang Huai set the weight of the quilts and asked, "Is the cotton in your territory enough? I want white and tasteless ones, purchased according to the safety zone Buy it at a reasonable price, how much do you charge for playing cotton?”

This was Shi Zhong’s first business after making cotton-stripping tools. He happily asked, “It’s enough. Brother Huai, do you want to buy only the ready-struck cotton batting, or do you also want the cotton seeds?”

After Tang Huai and Shi Quan set the price, Xia Qing also pressed the intercom and asked, "Uncle Shi, when you are free, I also want to play some cotton wool."

According to what Shi Zhong just said, one pound of cotton can produce at most half a pound of cotton batting. When playing one pound of cotton, Zhong will charge one point for processing fees. Xia Qing planned to send over all the white cotton she picked, two beds for winter and two beds for spring and autumn. The extra cotton wool was stored for other uses. She missed the soft new quilt so much, the smell and warmth after being exposed to the sun.

Shi Zhong immediately replied, "Are you in the territory at the moment? I'll ask Xiaodu to get it."

"Here, I'll go home and pack the cotton and deliver it to the road sign." Xia Qing patted the soil on his body and told the sheep boss, "The boss is here guarding our mini-tiller. I'll go home to get the cotton and give it to Tokiwa will send it over, and we’ll have new quilts to use in a few days.”

The sheep boss, who had wool and had never used a quilt before, narrowed his eyes. Xia Qing neatly put a piece of compressed rations into his bag to coax him.

Xia Qing kept the green cotton and the yellow and white cotton, packed them up and carried them under the street sign.

Shi Du, who was talking to Tang Huai under the No. 2 street sign, ran over quickly and said, "Sister Qing, give it to me."

Xia Qing handed two cotton bags to Shi Du, "This is one hundred pounds. Do you have your points card and identity card? I will transfer the points for processing cotton to you."

Because there was an outsider like Tang Huai, Shi Du didn't say anything to Xia Qing after transferring the points and left with the cotton on his shoulders.

Seeing that Xia Qing was about to return to his territory, Tang Huai quickly stopped her, "Xia Qing, where were you this morning? Did you hear the roar of the Evolved Bear? The sound was on Mount No. 50, not far away from your territory. Far."

Xia Qing was busy and had no time to chat with him. "If you have anything to say, just tell me."

Tang Huai winked at Xia Qing and said, "What are you busy with? Do you need help? I'm free now, so I can work for free without receiving points."

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