In the Tenth Year After the Natural Disaster, Follow me to Farm

Chapter 259: Green light pine tree on hill 50

Although these moth grasses grow on Mount No. 50, the grass seeds are likely to be carried by strong winds and fall into the territory that humans have finally cleared. They will take root and sprout in the next moth rain, grow rapidly, and occupy the living space.

Huntweed is the evolved plant that Xia Qing hates most after the great evolution of Blue Star creatures.

After the rain ends, the nitrogen elements in the atmosphere decrease, and the growth rate of the grass slows down. The normal plants that have not been taken away by the grass continue to grow, but the plants swallowed by the grass will not be exposed to the sun and cannot compete for the soil. and become weak due to the nutrients in it.

Herbivores after the great biological evolution have failed to evolve iron stomachs and are unwilling to eat grasses with extremely high content of chemical elements. If weeds are allowed to grow wildly, most of the plants on Blue Star will become extinct because of it, and the biological chain on Blue Star will be broken.

After discovering the dangers of weeding, China assembled a top domestic research team and spent three years developing a relatively safe weeding inhibitor, named weeding.

 When the weeds absorb the weeds behind enemy lines, the seeding rate of Xiu Sui will drop to less than 10% of the original level, thus curbing the rapid spread of the weeds.

 The reason why it is said to be “relatively safe” is because if weed killers are sprayed on crops, they will increase the probability of the crops evolving.

Even if used in an evolutionary forest, the concentration of weed killers must be controlled: low concentrations are ineffective against weeds, while high concentrations will have adverse effects on other plants in the evolutionary forests.

 What’s even more troublesome is that weeds are constantly evolving, and researchers have to work day and night to improve the quality of weed enemies. Xia Qing has no information and doesn't know whether he is a Tao Gao or a Demon Gao now.

 Hills No. 50 and No. 49 are close to areas where crops are grown, so planes or drones cannot be sent to spray to kill weeds. Therefore, Xia Qing lived in the territory for half a year and experienced three weeding rains, all of which had to rely on manpower to eliminate weeds.

In addition to using weed enemies to reduce the reproduction rate of weeds, the base also issued a long-term task of collecting weeds. If you collect weeds and submit them to the government affairs hall, you can exchange points by kilogram. This is what many low-level ordinary people do in exchange for rations. One of the ways.

Xia Qing's team is collecting grass spikes now either to exchange for points or to solve hidden dangers.

Passing through the outer edge of the evolutionary forest and entering a dense area of ​​trees, the density of weeds dropped significantly. Xia Qing's team stopped collecting grass spikes and accelerated their travel speed.

 Deep in the evolutionary forest, it seems like another world.

 Colorful fungi and mosses grow in the corners where the sun does not shine. These seemingly weak plants are actually deadly killers.

 Before protective clothing was widely used, the number of people who died from fungus or moss spores exceeded 100 million in China alone.

 People covered with moss and fungi will become emaciated and skeletal when they are about to die, and their skin color is strange, very similar to the apocalyptic zombies depicted in the movie.

 Hence, many people call natural disasters the end of the world, the end of mankind. That horrific scene was a nightmare that the surviving humans could not escape from at midnight. A few years before the natural disaster, Xia Qing dreamed that his body was covered with moss and woke up several times.

Walking in such a dense forest, even if he was wearing level 3 protective clothing, even if he was protected by Jing Kuan and Hu Hufeng, Xia Qing still breathed lightly and was on alert.

 An hour later, Xia Qing proposed to change places, "Captain Hu, I'll go in front."

 She is not a protected support team member today. She is also the main force. She cannot always be in a protected position. She must exchange positions with other team members to clear the way.

Xia Qing, who was at the front, held a long sharp knife in his left and right hands as he walked and cleared various obstacles. If he couldn't clear them, he would take a detour.

“There is a piece of purple glowing moss twenty meters directly ahead. Let’s go around it from the left.”

“Roger that.” Hu Feng and Jing Kuan responded at the same time, following Xia Qing and taking a detour to the left. After carefully avoiding the glowing moss and walking for another thirty minutes, Xia Qing stopped and said, "There are traces of large animals passing three meters ahead. Judging from the footprints, they should be bears."

“Let me take a look.” Hu Xiufeng stepped forward to inspect the large footprints on the soft soil. “It is a bear. Judging from the size, depth and stride of the footprints, it is more than three and a half meters tall and weighs more than one ton.”

Jing Kuan clenched the gun in his hand and said, "Evolve Bear."

"Yes." Hu Feng took a deep breath, "Looking at the direction of our footsteps, we shouldn't be able to run into each other. Keep going?"

 “Continue.” Xia Qing held the two swords and continued to open the way.

At 9:30 in the morning, the team arrived halfway up the second peak of No. 50 Mountain. Based on the characteristics described by Huzi, they found two evolved green lantern pine trees more than 40 meters high.

 When seeing these two pine trees, Xia Qing just wanted to say: Good guys!

Qi Fu said that this year was a small year for pine trees to form pine cones. The pine trees in the three areas of No. 49 Mountain did not grow many pine cones, so Xia Qing believed Qi Fu's judgment.

But seeing these two big pine trees covered with pine cones, she couldn't help but doubt Qi Fu's judgment: If this is still a small year, how much longer will it be in the big year?

 They underestimated these two pine trees. There were too few people coming and they couldn't take out all the pine cones today. Xia Qing discussed with his teammates, "Shall we harvest the one on the left first today?"

 Hu Hufeng and Jing Kuan both agreed and were very excited.

Huzi Feng confirmed with Xia Qing, "Huzi said that the content of pine nuts in these two trees is about three thousandths of the element, and it tastes very good?"

“Yes, he said it’s better than the ones on Mountain No. 49.” Xia Qing replied.

Huzi's unit was previously stationed in the col to the west of Mountain No. 49. The large pine tree with its long pine tower was very conspicuous. So before they opened up their territory, they collected all the edible pine nuts from the nearby hills.

“Let’s go out and beat the pine nuts, which can be used to exchange high-quality medicine with Zhang San.” Jing Kuan grinned, “We can also ask Er Yong to make pine nuts and corn for us.”

“Count on me the pine nuts and corn. I am not short of medicine now. If you exchange it with the third brother, I will not interfere.”

This bird's two beaks are crossed on the left and right, so no wonder it got such a name. I just don’t know if they grew like this after evolution or if they were like this before evolution.

After observing, Xia Qing discussed how to collect pine cones, "I can see that this bird has a very powerful beak as well as its claws. Team Hu, can we three climb the tree together?"

Hushi Feng nodded, "Rest on the spot for half an hour, then climb the tree together, two people will be responsible for protecting it, and one person will knock down the pine cone."

 After half an hour of trimming and observing the evolution of the magpies in place. Xia Qing made another discovery, "They don't fly very fast, so there shouldn't be much of a problem."

Jing Kuan responded silently: If the danger of collecting pine cones here is too high, Hu Zi will not propose to form a team with you.

The three of them came to a big tree that was as thick as two arms, put on their ankle boots and started climbing the tree.

After the hook with a foot hooked the trunk, Xia Qing knew that this was also a hardness evolution tree. He discussed with his teammates, "This tree has evolved hardness and needs to be cut with a sickle. You two defend, I will cut the pine cone, and we will start from the bottom." Cut upwards, stop when you reach a high place where you can't stand, and use the slingshot instead."

 (End of this chapter)

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