Chapter 246: Full of Harvest


Xia Qing shot to death the advanced evolved wasp that flew towards the back of Qi Fu's head, and handed him his high branch scissors, "Brother Qi uses this, I have another one. You cut high and far, and I'll cut close. ”

 “Okay.” Qi Fu didn’t say a word of nonsense, took Xia Qing’s scissors, and continued working. As soon as he got started, he discovered that Xia Qing's high branch shears were heavier and much sharper than his, and Qi Fu's speed also increased.

Xia Qing took out the second pair of scissors from her backpack and continued cutting.

  It’s easier to work when there are more people.

Soon, the chestnuts on the four green light trees were cut. Xia Qing arranged the next task, "Brother Qi and I are pretending to be chestnuts, and you go and collect the yellow lights."

 Six bags were filled with green chestnuts cut from four trees, including thorns and branches. Each bag weighed at least 150 kilograms. Xia Qing ordered, "Guan Tong and I will transport it back, and Brother Qi and Peng Jian will team up to continue collecting it."

Peng Jian asked, "Shall I **** you back?"

“No need, the anti-insect medicine on us is still effective.” Xia Qing and Guan Tong quickly tied three large bags of chestnuts with ropes, carried them on their backs, and started climbing.

When Qi Fu and Peng Jian went to cut the chestnut thorn bags of yellow lights, they looked up and saw that Xia Qing and Guan Tong were each carrying more than 400 kilograms of supplies, and they were shocked that they could run so fast.

Xia Qing and Guan Tong carried Li Zi back to Territory No. 3 and handed it over to Dajiang and Liangzi, who were guarding the territory. Oe and Ryoko's jaws dropped when they saw so many green light chestnuts.

Time was urgent, Xia Qing and Guan Tong put down their supplies and rushed back immediately.

By the time they returned to the chestnut forest, the team had filled seven bags of chestnuts. This time it was Xia Qing and Shi Du who were transporting the chestnuts back.

Qi Fu was surprised to find that this time Xia Qing was carrying not three bags, but four!

Xia Qing carries harvest supplies back and forth, firstly because she is the most capable of the four power evolvers in the team, and secondly because the noise made by the evolved wasps in the chestnut forest is very disturbing to her, and she cannot stay in the chestnut forest for a long time. Take advantage of the opportunity to carry the chestnuts and avoid the sonic attacks of the wasps.

 After Xia Qing and Shi Du returned to the chestnut forest, Hu Xiufeng reminded, "Xia Qing, you have made two trips, take a rest, you have enough time. Shi Du, come here and join us."

"Okay, I'll take a rest." After two consecutive runs, Xia Qing was indeed a little tired. She didn't go up the tree again, but took a bag to pick up chestnut **** and chestnuts on the ground.

I saw Xia Qing saying she was resting, but she was still working. Qi Fu has a new understanding of the labor intensity of going out to perform tasks. He had worked in the construction team for nearly ten years and always thought that his endurance and physical strength were very good. But today when he compared with Xia Qing, he found that he was still far behind.

 After returning home, he would ask Xia Qing how he trained, and he would have to practice too. Otherwise, why would he team up with others?

 After the chestnuts were put into the bags, everyone returned together. Hu Feng and Peng Jian were responsible for guarding, and four power evolved people were responsible for transporting it.

While climbing the hillside, Peng Jian cheerfully reminded Xia Qing, "Sister Qing, your evolved squirrel is angry in the tree next to you."

Xia Qing, who was carrying more than 500 kilograms of supplies, turned around and saw a red squirrel with fried hair jumping up and down on the fir tree next to the chestnut forest. He should have scolded it quite unpleasantly.

"As long as we have been fighting the wasps, the squirrel has been picking up things. It has gained more today than in the previous half month combined." Xia Qing lifted the huge backpack, "Let's go back Open the chestnuts!”

 After returning to Territory No. 3 carrying a bag of nearly 400 kilograms, Qi Fu sat on the ground and panted for a while before regaining his breath. Seeing so many chestnut **** waiting to be peeled, Qi Fu heartily asked his wife to come over to help, but was afraid that Xia Qing would think he wanted more reward, so he didn't ask. He didn't speak, but Xia Qing took the initiative to mention it, "Brother Qi, there are too many chestnuts. If sister-in-law is free, could you please come over and help peel them?"

Qi Fu stood up immediately and said, "I have free time. I don't have any urgent work over there. I'll call her over right away and bring over my pliers."

Chestnut shells are sticky and cannot be peeled by stepping on them. You have to use pliers. Xia Qing's pliers are not enough.

Shi Du didn't know that Territory No. 3 and Territory No. 5 had already formed an alliance. Seeing that Xia Qing needed help, he discussed with her, "Let my mother come too. She can do this easily."

The three members of the family in Territory No. 10 are all good people. Xia Qing did not refuse, "Would you like to drive the mini-tiller over there?"

Shi Mu’s leg was injured in the third rainstorm and has not recovered yet.

"No need. I'll just carry my mother here." Territory No. 10 is to the south of Territory No. 5, not far from Xia Qing's territory. Shi Du is a power evolver, so it's very easy to carry someone on his back.

 Soon, Yuan Yan and Shi Mu came over.

In the ten years since the natural disaster, everyone had never seen so much food. Everyone was so happy that they couldn't help but peel chestnuts quickly while exchanging ideas on how to make more delicious chestnuts.

Xia Qing found that Shi Mu was really neat at work. Looking at her movements, she knew that she was quite strong. No wonder their family of three dared to come out to farm.

 A group of people finally peeled out all the chestnuts before dark. Hu Feng, Peng Jian, and Qi Fu of the task team each carried three kilograms of yellow light chestnuts. Guan Tong and Shi Du followed Xia Qing to transport chestnuts, each carrying four kilograms. Of course, the bullets used by the Bearded Front Team in this mission were also paid for with chestnuts.

 Liangzi, Dajiang, Shimu and Yuan Yan, who only participated in peeling chestnuts, each received a pound, and they all felt that they had taken a big advantage. After asking Xia Qing if he didn't need help moving the chestnuts home, everyone left one after another.

Shi Du was carrying his mother, who was carrying a heavy backpack. The mother and son happily walked out of Territory No. 3. They saw Tang Huai leaning under the street sign of Territory No. 2 and proactively greeted them, "You have gained a lot. ”

“Yeah.” Shidu responded cheerfully, “Brother Huai, why don’t you take a walk after eating so early?”

Tang Huai…

 Eat a shit!

 After Qi Fu and his wife were the only two left in Territory No. 3, Qi Fu discussed with Xia Qing, "Sister, I want to buy you five green light chestnuts and try to see if I can grow them."

Although this kind of evolved chestnut tree attracts wasps, there are thousands of acres of buffer forest in their territory. Planting a few chestnut trees in a corner will not hinder their farming at all.

Xia Qing asked, "Are there any green light or yellow light saplings in Brother Qi's territory? I will exchange them with you for the green light chestnut seedlings in the woods. The valley on Mount 49 is relatively close to my territory, so Brother Luo and I After discussion, we rented the place and all the trees belong to me.”

If it weren't for the fact that the third area of ​​​​No. 49 Mountain belonged to Xia Qing, she would definitely dig out all the saplings she could. In the past, when the team went out to collect and encountered edible plants or fruits, most of the time they collected them destructively. Because the evolutionary forest is not privately owned, anyone can enter it. If everyone finds valuable materials, of course they must take away everything they can.

Only then did Qi Fu and his wife understand why they went to No. 49 Mountain to collect supplies. It was not Hu Feng but Xia Qing who formed the team. Yuan Yan was happy for Xia Qing, "I was thinking of reminding you just now to dig out a few small green chestnut trees. It will save you trouble this time!"

 (End of this chapter)

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