Xia Qing is not an evolved sense of smell, but he can still track red squirrels using his mobile phone, vision and hearing.

Though she couldn't keep up with the red squirrel, the red squirrel was running back and forth between the chestnut tree and its nest. All she had to do was follow the squirrel's route, use her phone to locate the chestnut tree, and find it bit by bit.

Although the vegetation in Valley No. 1 is dense and people can only walk on the gravel beside the stream, they still need to block the attacks of leeches and other aquatic creatures.

 Four minutes after Xia Qing moved forward, he found that the red dot on the mobile app stopped at more than 2,800 meters to the northeast. This time, Xia Qing was completely relieved. Because 2,800 meters has not left the third area, the chestnut tree grows in her territory!

 Eight minutes later, the phone showed that the red squirrel ran back, and Xia Qing hid in the woods.

Soon, the red squirrel rushed over like a red light and landed on a maple tree not far from Xia Qing. The water drops hanging on the maple leaves were shaken off by the squirrels and fell on the dense grass like rain.

On the branch of the tree, the red squirrel was holding big chestnuts in its mouth and in its little paws. Xia Qing's eyes lit up when he saw it.

After the red squirrel passed by, she walked along the stream for less than two hundred meters and found a large field of wild chrysanthemums in bloom in front of her.

Xia Qing raised her arm to look at the air toxin detector and found that the place was filled with C-level poisonous gas. If you get closer to wild chrysanthemums, the concentration of poisonous gas will be even higher, and the bees buzzing on the daisies are also a problem.

 You can only take a detour.

Xia Qing jumped to the other side of the stream and walked for more than ten meters. She found in front of her a large, low herbaceous plant with long needle-like leaves. Its leaf needles were covered with many insect corpses, which made it unpleasant to deal with at first sight.

 You cannot walk on wild chrysanthemums and coniferous grasses, and the risk of entering the dense forests on both sides is too high. If Xia Qing continued on this route, he would either be able to jump from a tree like a squirrel, or he would have to swim through water.

 After avoiding a red squirrel again, Xia Qing decided not to go through the valley, but to go around the hillside instead. She has roughly located the location where the chestnut trees grow. Once there, with her level 9 vision evolution ability, she will definitely be able to find the chestnuts as long as they are not growing in the soil.

Xia Qing climbed through the grass and shrubs, killing evolutionary bugs, but before she climbed up the hillside, she found the red squirrel running back with chestnuts in its arms.

Xia Qing, who was in various dangers, really wanted to go back and raid Squirrel's house!

After finally climbing up the hillside, she found that walking in the valley was not easy. Although the hillside was better, it was not smooth all the way. After avoiding the attacks of three evolutionary tree vines and a large area of ​​explosive evolutionary thorns, Xia Qing reached the top of the **** where the red squirrel was collecting chestnuts.

By this time, the red squirrel, which had carried chestnuts for more than a dozen times, had already rested in a comfortable and safe nest.

 Although it took so long, Xia Qing was very happy. Because along the way she discovered that her inexplicable "ability" to detect something wrong with plants was not just for sunflowers.

Within the past two hours, Xia Qing noticed something was wrong with two saplings, a piece of grass and a piece of shrub. Xia Qing marked all four places and would check again when he had time.

Xia Qing stood on the top of the **** and looked down. He found that the chestnut tree could not be seen from this position and had to go down.

The visual drop from her position to the bottom of the valley is two hundred meters. There are large and small pine trees growing on the steep slope. The shrubs and grass under the pine trees are not dense, but because of the steep **** and the wet ground, it is easy to slip and lose the center of gravity. At this time, you will suffer Evolved animals are very passive and easily injured when attacked by animals or plants.

There is another unusual thing: there are very few insects here. Insects are most arrogant after the rain. There is probably something nearby that can kill or repel the insects.

 This means that if she goes down, she may have other gains, but it also means that she will face greater risks. "It would be nice if there was a scout bird." Xia Qing muttered and started looking for a way downhill.

 Soon, she found an animal path trampled by wild beasts. While walking along the animal path to the mountainside, Xia Qing discovered the footprints of wild boar and wolf, as well as traces of wild boar struggling and being dragged.

 The wild boar weighing more than 40 kilograms that the wolf carried into Territory No. 3 should have been caught from here. With a wild boar in his mouth, the wolf can still cross dangerous valleys. His ability is truly impressive, and Xia Qing admires him.

 Walking further down the animal path, Xia Qing discovered the hoof prints of the big wild boar again. But she was here to pick chestnuts, and she didn't have time to follow the tracks and chase the wild boar.

 After arriving at the bottom of the valley, Xia Qing quickly discovered not just one chestnut tree, but more than 20 large and small ones!

Most chestnut trees have thorn **** wrapped around them!

 Get rich, get rich!

 After seeing the chestnut tree, Xia Qing also understood the reason why there were few insects in this area.

Xia Qing wouldn't have believed that they were chestnut trees if it weren't for the fist-sized thorns growing on the trees across the stream, which had split open to reveal chestnut fruit.

The leaves and thorn **** of these evolved chestnut trees are covered with insects of all sizes. Xia Qing could see stuck mosquitoes, lacewings, caterpillars, flies, grasshoppers, beetles, etc. that were unable to escape. Their gnawed limbs were mutilated and they were still struggling desperately.

Unlike the peanuts in her territory, it is not the chestnut trees that eat the evolved insects stuck to the leaves, but the evolved wasps that are longer than human fingers and buzz around the tree.

The stingers of evolved wasps are sharp and powerful, and they also release an odor that is difficult to remove when attacking. Once the intruder is contaminated with this smell, other evolved wasps will chase the intruder and attack in turn until they tear the intruder to pieces and devour it.

 “Weak” humans are also the targets of their attacks.

Since wasps do not produce honey and are of no use if caught, the team always walks away when encountering large swarms of wasps during missions.

  It’s not that we can’t defeat them, but there’s no need to provoke these lunatics.

 But today, Xia Qing couldn't go around. Although the level three protective clothing she wore in the field was very strong, she was surrounded by hundreds of wasps with poisonous needles and practiced bayoneting frantically. Who could guarantee that the protective clothing would not be punctured?

Therefore, it is not advisable to rely on protective clothing to resist wasps when picking chestnuts.

How did the red squirrel pick chestnuts?

After staring for a while, Xia Qing understood. The chestnuts that the red squirrel carried back were picked under the tree. After the chestnut fell, several little squirrels immediately rushed up, grabbed the example and ran away.

Squirrels are very fast, so they can escape the wasp attacks.

She is not as fast as a squirrel. She is not picking up the leaks, but wants to round them up, not only this year but also next year.

In order to still have chestnuts to eat next year, Xia Qing cannot eliminate this swarm of wasps. Because it is obvious that the chestnut tree and the bee colony have formed a symbiotic relationship. Without the wasps to eat the insects stuck on the leaves, the chestnut tree will not survive for long.

 The method of smoking is not feasible, because the chestnut forest is very large, and it will be troublesome if the trees are burned during the smoke.

If she didn't want to go home empty-handed today, she could only try the potion she just exchanged with Zhang San yesterday to avoid being attacked by evolved insects.

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