Xia Qing stood beside the alpha wolf with a gun in hand, full of murderous intent, "Your behavior poses a great threat to me. According to the "Lords Law", I can kill you directly."

"Put down the gun quickly!" Tang Huai kicked the calves of the two people in front of him, and then explained to Xia Qing, "I'm standing outside and I haven't entered your territory."

Seeing that they had put away their guns, Xia Qing stated the facts, "But you just threw stones and attacked my territory."


Tang Huai suppressed his anger and said, "I'm sorry, I have something urgent to see you. It's not convenient to talk to you on the walkie-talkie, and I don't have your contact information. I can only make some noise here."

Without waiting for Xia Qing to choke him with words, Tang Huai directly stated his purpose, "I want to visit Third Brother in Territory No. 7. Can you help me contact him and ask him when he will be free?"

Xia Qing raised her eyebrows.

Zhang San, who has always been too lazy to meddle in other people's business, suddenly interrupted the transaction between Tang Huai and Li Si this afternoon. This was very wrong. Xia Qing guessed that the Tang family would definitely go to Zhang San, but he didn't expect that Tang Huai would not go to Team Tan or Brother Luo, but would come to him as a middleman.

 What are their plans?

Tang Huai pulled away the two bodyguards, stood in front of Xia Qing, and directly made an offer, "A good buddy of mine in the safe area can get the best military dog ​​protective clothing. Wolves can definitely wear it. It comes with a protective mask and shoes. How about it? The paws of a wolf are easily scratched by sharp objects. If you, the speed-evolving wolf, wears shoes, you will definitely be able to speed up."

Xia Qing looked down at the big paws of the wolf, and was moved, "I can ask for you, whether the third brother is willing to see you or not, you must give me three sets of protective clothing, and my evolved sheep also needs one." And you must keep it a secret and not tell anyone about seeing this wolf.”

The wolf next to her is one thing, the sick wolf Sufeng team saw when they peeked into her territory is another thing, and the sheep boss is another thing.

Tang Huai gritted his teeth, "It's okay to keep it secret, but three sets are too many!"

Xia Qing looked calm, "You are the one who refuses to trade in Territory No. 7. If you come to me for help, you should understand how much risk I am taking by contacting Third Brother."

 In fact, there is no risk at all. The idol is shrewd, and he may even have thought about what he wants from the Tang family.

How petty Zhang San is, no one knows better than Tang Huai, who has been rejected by Zhang San for more than half a year. He has lost his temper, "Three sets of protective clothing, one without shoes, and there are no pads under the sheep's feet, so there is no need to wear them." shoe."

Xia Qing refused to bargain, “I want shoes for all three sets.”

“Deal! Contact Third Brother now. Don’t tell me you don’t have a phone. I’ve heard you use it many times!”

Xia Qing, who had obtained three sets of protective clothing, did not pursue the matter of eavesdropping. He directly took out his mobile phone and contacted Ji Li, "Brother Ji, Tang Huai from the second territory wants to visit the third brother. Could you please ask the third brother when?" available?"

"Hold on."

Hearing that Ji Li didn't refuse directly, Tang Huai felt that something was wrong. He was half relieved and began to look at the evolved wolf next to Xia Qing, "Where did you get this one? It's much better than the sick one! By the way. , how to solve the problem of food for the two wolves? Should you catch it for them, or should they catch it themselves? "

 The wolf was annoyed, so he jumped up and disappeared. Tang Huai drooled with envy, "How fast! Xia Qing, you are so awesome. Is this your fourth domesticated beast? Have you evolved the ability to communicate with beasts?"

Have you seen this ability? Xia Qing asked coldly, "Have you evolved the ability to communicate with insects?"

Before Tang Huai could reply, Zhang San called with a lazy voice, "Xia Qing, when did your relationship with Tang Huai become so good?"

Although he could tell that the idol's displeasure was feigned, Xia Qing still acted well and said, "Don't be angry. It was Tang Huai who asked me to make a call for him with three sets of military dog ​​protective suits. If you want to see him, you can see him. If you don't want to, you can see him." See you and see you.”    Tang Huai…

Oh shit!

 Zhang San snorted, "You were bribed with three sets of protective suits?"

Xia Qing Hehe, "Third brother, what are you going to eat tonight? I also have a green light frozen rabbit, can I give it to you?"

 Zhang San finally sounded better, "I'll ask Ji Li to go get it."

 “Okay third brother, I’ll get it right away.”

Xia Qing hung up the phone and walked back. Tang Huai was anxious, "Xia Qing, what about me? What should I do? Will the third brother see me or not?"


Xia Qing replied and went down the mountain. Just as Tang Huai was about to curse, he saw the wolf coming back, squatting on the spot and staring at him murderously, and immediately shut up.

When Xia Qing passed the vegetable shed with the frozen rabbit, she pinched a handful of spinach leaves, picked two cucumbers, and several tomatoes and rushed to the northern isolation zone.

Ji Li arrived soon, and Xia Qing handed the basket to him, "I have to trouble Brother Ji to make a trip at this late hour. Give the rabbit and spinach leaves to Third Brother, and keep the cucumbers and tomatoes for Brother Ji to add to the dish."

"Thank you." After Ji Li took the vegetable basket, he told Tang Huai, who was waiting eagerly beside him, "Our lord said that if you also want to cultivate edible fungi, you can consider cooperation."

"Don't think about it, it's our honor to cooperate with Third Brother!" Tang Huai immediately handed over a box of Green Light Evolution cigarettes, "Brother Ji, please make a trip. I'll get a set of protective clothing worn by cats and send it over in a few days. I don’t have anything else to offer, I hope Third Brother won’t dislike it.”

Ji Li took the cigarette and said, "Two sets."

 “Okay!” The people in Territory No. 7 made a bid, and Tang Huai agreed without even asking.

After Ji Li walked away, Tang Huai took off his protective mask and discussed with Xia Qing with 200% sincerity, "Xia Qing, our family has not had an easy life these past few years. Now we finally have someone who can follow us. The opportunity to cooperate with big shots, I hope you can keep it secret for us and don’t tell anyone.”

Xia Qing pretended not to notice that when Tang Huai handed Ji Li a cigarette, Ji Li stuffed a note into his hand and nodded in agreement to Tang Huai's request, "Okay."

Seeing that Xia Qing agreed so readily, Tang Huai was relieved and immediately pressed forward, "We are all people with a common secret, let's exchange contact information? I can contact you when the protective clothing arrives. You want three sets of protective clothing, That sick wolf is definitely still alive. Has it grown any flesh? "

“It’s very convenient to contact us this way. Your Lady Queen, let’s go home.” Xia Qing greeted the alpha wolf, then turned around and went home to cook. She is going to collect chestnuts tomorrow and needs to be fully prepared tonight to be busy.

 Similar to the weather forecast for the previous two days, it will still be mainly sunny in the next three days, so you can go to the Forest Forest tomorrow.

Xia Qing was preparing equipment while listening to several complaints from Kuang Qingwei that there was water in the cellar or that the moisture could not be discharged. When Zhao Ze asked about her head, Xia Qing simply replied, "It is true that the moisture is too heavy and it is difficult to solve."

As a third-line (maybe now fourth-line) evolved person with many secrets, Xia Qing decided to be cautious, cautious, and cautious in the future. Tang Huai is a lesson learned for her.

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