In the Tenth Year After the Natural Disaster, Follow me to Farm

Chapter 231: As long as people are alive, there is hope

Perhaps he was unhappy after being scolded. Even though the clouds were thin enough to reveal the stars, the rain still persisted until five o'clock in the morning before it completely stopped.

 The third rain in the tenth year of the natural disaster lasted for seventy-three hours.

 This is the longest rain that has lasted since the great evolution of blue star creatures, and it is also the longest red-level shower.

Human beings who survived, although exhausted, felt lucky.

 After cleaning up the evolved crops and opening the rainproof cloth of the greenhouse to allow the surviving crops to breathe, the Beard Peak team returned to Territory No. 1.

Xia Qing didn't even have the strength to walk home. She lay beside the burning pile of evolutionary water rats, panting.

 Why are you lying here? Because the temperature of the fire drives away the evolutionary insects and bacteria in the grass, it is the safest place.

Paji, bangji, bangchi…

The familiar rhythm made Xia Qing slowly turn her head. Through the mask, she saw her mud-covered companion holding two juicy spinach plants in his mouth, walking towards her on the dirt road.

Xia Qing struggled to get up, sat on the fire-dried grass, and took off his silver-white protective mask.

The pungent stench of burning evolved beasts hit his face, but Xia Qing really didn't have the energy to change places.

Taken the spinach from the sheep's mouth and washed it with spring water in the kettle. Xia Qing ate the leaves and the sheep ate the stems and roots.

 Yes, eat it raw.

Neither the Clay nor the Clay Sheep disliked the other. After resting together for a long time, Xia Qing got up and said, "Boss, go home first. I will pick some vegetables and prepare something delicious for you."

Xia Qing finally felt relieved when she followed the footsteps of the sheep boss to the side of the spinach terraces on the high slope. Although the thorn strips blocking the sheep at the terraces were pulled apart, the sheep boss only pulled out two spinach plants and left the others untouched.

Xia Qing blocked the thorns again and saw the sheep boss walking up the hillside with a small insect-catching basket in his mouth. He crushed a big grasshopper to death with one hoof and put it into the basket.

 The fish, snakes and chickens at home all need to be fed, and the sheep boss is so capable!

Xia Qing was so moved that he swallowed all the preaching and gave him praises that were more turbulent than the river.

After the rain, there were so many insects that one person and one sheep quickly caught a basket of them.

On the way home, Xia Qing couldn't help but feel sad when looking at the farmland that was ruined by the rain.

Only three fields suffered minor losses: the high-slope spinach field protected by the Yishui stone lost two plants - the one just pulled out by Yang Laoda; the high-slope sweet potato terraces and green light rice protected by the Yishui stone did not suffer any damage.

The remaining losses were huge. Twenty sweet potato seedlings were lost in the low-sloping sweet potato terraces; pumpkins lost a small amount, but only one-fifth, because they had entered the late growth stage. Other vegetables lost between one-third and two-half. between one.

 Ten percent of the cotton in the mature stage was lost, a full 715 plants. In the second rain, the cotton was still in the growth stage, and only 220 cotton plants were lost, which shows the power of this rain.

One-third of the corn in the growing stage was lost, up to 1,050 plants; one-third of the yellow-light mung beans in the cultivated land were lost, with 2,000 plants; the green-light mung beans in the terraces were in slightly better condition, but 560 plants were also lost.

In general, the loss of terraced fields is less than that of cultivated land, the loss ratio of green light plants is less than that of yellow light plants, and the loss of plants soaked in spring water is less than that of filtered water.

One more thing: the two kilograms of corn given by Luo Pei caused less damage to the plants than the two kilograms of corn Xia Qing bought from the safe zone.

Although she lost so many hard-earned crops, the best thing about her misfortune is that no one (animal) died in her territory.

If it weren't for the mutual help between the territories in the final stage and the removal of twenty-five high-risk evolved yellow tiller trees, this territory would have been covered by Class A poisonous gas, and all panting animals would have to shut up.

 Now that the disaster is over, they are all still alive, which is more important than anything else. As long as you are alive, it means victory and there is hope. After Xia Qing returned home with the sheep boss, he first took off the protective masks for the wolves and put in pollution-free spring water, then went into the house to wash the sheep boss, then he simply rinsed himself, put on clean clothes, and immediately gave the sheep boss a bath. Good stuff, so I went to check the underground storage room.

 The storage room is in good condition and the food in it is intact.

 Thank myself and my five years of sweat in the safety zone construction team;

 Thanks to the wolves, thank the wolves for sending the stones;

 Thanks to Zhang San and the idol for selling her the equipment and interior wall panels.

There was no fresh meat in the storage room. Xia Qing cooked dried meat for the sick wolf and fed some insects to the lively spring fish before lifting the chicken coop that had been in the tool room for four days to the eaves of the corridor outside the house.

 The chicken pen has been destroyed and needs to be rebuilt. Let these guys come out for air first.

The black-feathered rooster, which had not seen the sun for four days, flapped its wings, straightened its neck, and croaked for the first time in its life.

 “Oh, oh, oh—”

"You can do it, kid." Xia Qing's voice was hoarse and he sighed.

The rooster can crow, and she can no longer hide the fact that there are chickens in her territory. Xia Qing poured some evolutionary bugs into the trough, and without her asking, the chickens and goslings rushed over to cook.

 When the insects were poured into the snake box, a snake jumped out of the wooden box at an extremely fast speed and was slapped to the ground by Xia Qing.

Before she could continue her action, the Broken Leg Wolf ran over and cut the snake into two pieces with one claw, which was quick and accurate.

“The broken leg is amazing, I admire it!” Xia Qing praised, and the test found that the snake had shown a red light. Without protection, some of the edible snakes she raised have become inedible and gone crazy.

The crazy snake has no reason, cannot feel pain, and will not stop until the last drop of blood is shed.

 So, it must be removed as soon as possible.

Xia Qing simply took the bag, checked all the snakes in the snake box, removed all the ones that turned red and went crazy, stuffed the rest back, and continued to raise them.

 Because it was discovered too late, only one-third of the edible snakes were left, and there were still more than 20. Xia Qing was very distressed.

It has just rained, and Zhong Tao and the others will not be able to come here until five or six days at the earliest. The snakes they catch can only be burned or buried.

Just when Xia Qing was about to get rid of the red lamp snake, the Broken Leg Wolf picked one up and started eating.

 A wolf that has not eaten for four days will eat any kind of meat, which saves Xia Qing's trouble.

 After a simple breakfast, Xia Qing drank a bottle of freshly squeezed super nutrient solution. She didn't even bother to sleep, so she started cleaning up the weeds in the yard.

It’s not that she’s diligent, it’s because the rain lasted too long this time. The first wave of weeds that sprouted have already begun to ear and produce seeds. If the seeds of weeds mature and fall to the ground, they will sprout in her territory during the next weeping rain. The density of weeds can be terrifying to the point of driving people crazy.

 Therefore, till the weeding is finished, the farmers cannot rest.

 After pulling out the weeds in the yard, Xia Qing drove out the mini-tiller, attached the mowing wheel and started clearing the weeds in the territory.

 Time is urgent and we can’t take care of the grass roots. Cut off the grass first and deal with the grass roots later.

  The cutting blade of the mini-tiller has been improved by Xia Qing, adding four mowing wheels, which has tripled the cutting efficiency compared to the original. Although it consumes fuel, the working speed is greatly improved.

  The clicking sound of the tiller engine and the sound of mowing the grass reached Territory No. 2. Tang Huai, who was woken up just after falling asleep, collapsed, "Is this woman made of iron? Don't you even need to sleep?"

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