In the Tenth Year After the Natural Disaster, Follow me to Farm

Chapter 226: Weasels in the evolutionary forest

 Two and a half hours later, the sky began to light up.

Tan Junjie led a team to Territory No. 3 to check whether dangerous invasive plants had been completely cleared, and found that the entire wild sycamore forest had turned into a mud pit, with branches and tree roots piled up next to it several meters high. Especially the canopy with many curved rattans is extremely conspicuous.

After asking about the plant's evolutionary process and attack capabilities, Tan Junjie discussed with Xia Qing, "The crown and roots of the tree left like this are likely to regenerate. I call the headquarters and ask them to send a car to take the tree away? The ones in Territory 10 also have to Get it away.”

Xia Qing certainly agreed, "I'm sorry to trouble Team Tan."

After Tan Junjie got in touch with the army headquarters, he immediately issued an announcement on the lord channel: "The medium-risk phoenix trees that appear in territories No. 3 and 10 are all wild sycamore trees. Please check whether there are any repeatedly felled sycamore trees in your territory. , if there is, please clear it as soon as possible, and please report the situation. "

The rapid growth of the wild sycamore made the lords invariably regard it as a tree species for obtaining firewood. Lords No. 1 to No. 9 reported one after another that there were wild sycamore forests of varying sizes in the four, five, and six territories.

 Compared with herbaceous plants, mature woody plants have a much stronger ability to withstand rain. However, the wild sycamore forest that has been repeatedly cut down does not look very tall, but the roots of the underground trees are already intertwined and cover a considerable area. Because they have been cut down repeatedly, the energy absorbed by the roots can only continue to produce new shoots.

Anything may happen to the tree roots that are in a suffocated state after being watered by two bursts of red level rain.

Xia Qing was annoyed. Why didn't she expect such a simple truth in advance?

 Half an hour later, a military truck entered Territory No. 3, loaded and pulled away all the crowns and roots of the wild sycamore trees.

Tang Huai, who was holding an umbrella and standing under the stop sign of Territory No. 2, looked at the thickness of the big tree and the vines that were cut into half, and then realized that the burst of gunfire like exploding beans in Territory Three last night was caused by What.

If such a powerful evolutionary tree grows in territory No. 2, Tang Huai can only run away and use the walkie-talkie to scare people.

After completely solving the Ye Wutong crisis, Xia Qing dragged her exhaustion and walked a few steps home when she received a call from Yuan Yan, "Xia Qing, I steamed a few pots of steamed buns, and I asked your brother Qi to deliver them to you. Come over. Stop making breakfast and take a break after eating. It’s going to rain for a while.”

Xia Qing was not polite to his allies. "Thank you, sister-in-law. I'll go get it. Don't let Brother Qi make a trip."

Xia Qing greeted Hu Xiufeng, went home, picked up a fan of pork ribs, and rushed to Territory No. 5. It is now unsafe to walk through the buffer forest and the northern isolation zone, so Xia Qing changed to the passage between the two territories. She really didn't have the strength to fight the evolved bugs in the grass, so she simply drove out the mini-tiller.

Tang Huai in the grass wall opened his mouth in surprise, suspecting that Xia Qing's head was beaten stupidly by the vines.

The passage was also flooded with weeds, but the mini-tiller moved smoothly through the ruts of the large truck. When Xia Qing arrived at Territory No. 5, Yuan Yan and his wife were already waiting under the stop sign with umbrellas, each carrying a large steaming basket covered with white cloth. Seeing Xia Qing driving over, their first reaction was not envy, but worry.

 How did Xia Qing get into the car after only a few steps? Could it be hurt?

When Xia Qing got out of the car and saw that her protective clothing was not damaged and she was moving smoothly, Qi and Fu felt relieved and asked about the situation in Territory No. 3.

Xia Qing explained briefly, "The crops and vegetables have evolved a lot, but there was no danger and no one was injured. It was just that it took a lot of work to clean up the big tree last night."

Yuan Yan sincerely admired Xia Qing, "Even you, if it were our land, no one would dare to deal with it by yourself."

“If I were alone, I would immediately call for support. My sister-in-law had better clear the wild sycamore forest as soon as possible.” After explaining, Xia Qing took out a sealed rib from the mini-tiller.

 Seeing such fresh pork ribs, Qi Fu and his wife were shocked.

 Yesterday, they heard Huo Feng mention that they were stewing pig heads in Territory No. 3. They knew that Xia Qing got a wild boar, but they didn't expect that she would send them a whole fan of fresh ribs.

 This is worth hundreds of points!

Since Xia Qing took it out, he would definitely not take it back. Qi Fu took it directly and said, "I haven't eaten pork ribs in many years, and I can't even remember what it tastes like. There are many people here, so if you need someone, just call me Xia Qing agreed, put the two baskets in the car hood, turned around and walked back. The glutton in her stomach was cooing at the smell of the steamed buns.

After the mini-tiller entered Territory No. 3, Tang Huaicai ran home with a basket of worms for dinner.

 Last night, the six people who cleaned the wild sycamore forest were very tired, and the five people who protected the greenhouse were not relaxed either. Because they not only have to clear away the dead plants in the shed, but also clean up the dead grass. However, Er Yong still took the time to cook a large pot of meat and vegetables using the meat Xia Qing brought last night, intending to eat it with compressed rations.

Everyone's eyes turned green when they saw the hot and fragrant white steamed buns that Xia Qingti brought back.

 Everyone washed their hands briefly, each took a large bowl of potato, beans and stew, a mouthful of steamed buns and a mouthful of meat, and ate them quickly.

Xia Qing ate two steamed buns, a bowl of meat, and drank a bowl of hot tea soup. The idea of ​​leaving Er Yong in his own territory became stronger. When you are tired from work, the temptation to go home and eat hot, delicious meals is too great.

But leaving Eryong behind would mean exposing the secret of the spring to the Bearded Front Team. The more people who knew, the greater the possibility of the spring being exposed. It would be easier for her to go with the wolf pack and ask for a weasel that could only pluck fur.

That's not right either. Weasels can't help but release stink bombs when they are in danger. The smoked prey will definitely be inedible.

It's better to learn cooking from Er Yong. Xia Qing sighed and drove the mini-tiller home.

Looking at the yard full of weeds, Xia Qing felt distressed, so he simply turned around a few times and cut the grass yard into a lawn yard.

 She looked around inside and outside the house, fed the wolves, sheep and chickens, then climbed up to the second floor to take a shower, and looked in the mirror to check her shoulders and arms that could hardly be lifted.

Knocking down a big tree with hard and thick wood was not as simple as Xia Qing made it seem.

 The sheep boss has hard spiral horns, and she is just the opposite. The hard bones are covered with meat.

 The first blow, Xia Qing hit with both arms. The second blow was struck with her right arm and left hand, and the third blow was struck with her left arm and right hand. Fortunately, the tree was knocked down in three strokes. Fortunately, she had special nutrient solution, otherwise she wouldn't be able to survive now.

After applying the swelling and pain-relieving potion, Xia Qing went back to the house to sleep and replenish her strength. Next, she still had at least one tough battle to fight.

 According to the weather forecast, the third bout of rain will not end until 2 a.m. tomorrow morning. In the next twenty hours, the concentration of chlorine in the air and soil will remain at a dangerous high level and will reach its peak in the third burst of red chlorine rain. Xia Qing is now hoping that the third burst of rain will not last too long, otherwise more than half of the crops in the greenhouse will be lost.

The territory is so difficult. The risks faced by Yang Jin and the alpha wolf who are looking for medicine deep in the evolutionary forest are many times higher than here. Things must have gone haywire in the safe area, and she hoped that nothing happened to the person who texted her.


While Xia Qing was dazed, she heard the cell phone ringing next to her. She took off her blindfold, took a look at her phone, and immediately sat up.

Yang Jin sent her a photo. Among the wet and colorful dense grass in the evolutionary forest, a weasel with round ears and black eyes was peeking out secretly under the cover of the grass.

  Thanks to the book friend Jewelmay for the reward, and everyone’s subscription support. Today’s update will be sent to you.

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