Xia Qing didn't just deal with it casually, she really did it.

Having seen the power of spinach seeds exploding and hearing from Li Si that sunflowers might spray melon seeds, Xia Qing put a response plan on his list.

Since she and Yuan Yan cleaned up the sunflower field before the rain, the sunflowers in her field have not evolved in danger since the rain began. The situation must be the same in Territory No. 5, but Xia Qing does not regret taking precautions at all. .

In the Lord's channel, Li Si's calm voice sounded, "It's best to surround them. In the red level rain or the next orange level rain, there is a high possibility that Youkui will evolve dangerously."

Kuang Qingwei asked everyone's doubts angrily, "Fourth Sister, why did the safe zone send us such dangerous seeds? What do they have in mind?"

“Shi Du, how thick is the iron plate used in Territory No. 10? Has it been penetrated by melon seeds?” Li Si remained calm. Listening to her voice, Xia Qing felt much better than the hoarse state when she first came back.

Shidu replied, "With 1 millimeter, sunflower seeds grow quickly, but their hardness is not high and they cannot penetrate the iron plate. At most, they can be nailed to the iron plate."

After receiving Shi Du's reply, Li Sicai answered Kuang Qingwei's question, "In the red rain of eight years of natural disasters, sprayed melon seeds can penetrate two millimeters of iron plate. After at least four generations of cultivation in the past two years, the melon seeds have weakened to Not even a millimeter can penetrate. According to relevant regulations, oil sunflowers have reached the minimum standards for promotion of cultivation. As long as the growers wear protective clothing as required, they will not be injured by the melon seeds."

Xia Qing nodded and agreed with Li Si's words.

 Agricultural broadcasts and materials distributed by safety zones have repeatedly mentioned that farming personnel must wear protective clothing and masks during the rainy season. People in Territory 4 either didn't wear protective clothing, or they panicked after discovering the dangerous evolution, which led to accidental injuries.

In addition to the sunflowers, most of the mung beans in the greenhouse will definitely not survive the rain because the sunflower seeds turned into machine guns. How could Kuang Qingwei be able to swallow this breath and continue to ask, "When the seeds were distributed in the safe zone, why didn't they mention that the seeds might evolve dangerously and let us take precautions in advance? Is the life of our lord so worthless?"

Li Si asked, "The dangerous evolution of crops is the result of a combination of factors such as soil conditions, greenhouse technology, and cultivation technology. If the possible dangers of each crop were notified in advance, would the lords still dare to plant them?"

This is just like the doctor who said the situation was very serious before an operation, which scared the patient's family members so much that their hands trembled when they signed. Human beings who have survived ten years of natural disasters are very cautious and unwilling to take risks. They will definitely choose crops that are not dangerous to plant.

 However, under extreme conditions, dangerous evolution can occur in any crop.

Li Si's voice became stern, "Ten years after the natural disaster, the national grain reserves have been exhausted. The current grain production cannot meet the minimum demand. If we don't expand the crop planting area, ordinary people will survive by eating compressed rations made from grass." How many disasters and crises can people survive? If it hadn't been a critical moment, how could the country have spent huge amounts of money and resources to fully promote the lord system? Distributing insecticides and selling seeds for free or at a discount?”

Following Li Si’s calm rhetorical questions, Kuang Qingwei’s voice became lower and his momentum became weaker:

"I know what the fourth sister said makes sense. Even if the management department can't clearly explain the dangers of each crop, it should explain how to protect it, right? If I circled the sunflowers in advance, half of the green light mung beans in the greenhouse would not be It’s raining. I’ve been serving this land like my ancestors for the past two months, and I’ve been relying on these mung beans to have a good year.”

Li Si replied calmly, "What you said makes sense. This is a failure of the relevant management department of Huisan Base. You can file a complaint with Huicheng General Base or Hongcheng General Base."

This time Kuang Qingwei was completely speechless because he didn't dare.

Tang Huai snorted, "After the great evolution of living things, even if you poop, you may be bitten to death by poisonous insects. Going out to farm is more dangerous than working hard in a safe zone to earn food rations, so you must be careful everywhere. Others can think of sunflowers." Surround me, why can’t you think of it?”

Kuang Qingwei did not dare to confront Tang Huai and asked politely, "Brother Huai, is there something wrong with the sunflowers in Territory No. 2? I remember that you also bought the seeds."

Tang Huai responded nonchalantly, "I bought it, but I didn't plant it."

  Kuang Qingwei...   You are awesome!

I will endure!

Tan Junjie's serious warning suddenly sounded in the Lord's channel, "According to regulations, the seeds purchased or received by the Lord from the Lord's Management Department must be sown in the same season. Violation of the regulations will be severely punished."

Tang Huai immediately changed his mind, "Team Tan, there was something wrong with my walkie-talkie just now, so I didn't say everything. What I meant was: I bought it, but there is no work."


Tang Huai's making such a fuss relaxed everyone's tense nerves.

Kuang Qingwei continued, "Thank you, Fourth Sister, for helping me clear up my doubts. After listening to what you said, I feel much more comfortable. Xiao Zhao, have you dealt with it over there?"

 After a long time, Zhao Zecai replied, "It's been dealt with. Two workers were frightened by the dangerous evolution of the sunflower and were injured when they stepped on a rake while escaping. The investigation team has helped me clean up the scene. Thank you Team Tan for your hard work."

Tan Junjie reminded, “Lords, please place farm tools in a standardized manner. You must be calm when encountering emergencies. Make sure you cannot deal with the danger before calling the investigation team.”

 There was rust and dirt on the iron rake used for farming. The injuries sustained by the iron rake were likely to be infected by evolved bacteria, which would have caused excess carcinogens in the air to directly enter the blood vessels. It is unlikely that the two injured people could be saved.

Xia Qing immediately issued a reminder through the headset-type intercom in the protective mask, "Everyone, please check and confirm the placement of farm tools in each greenhouse and hut. They must be placed in a safe place with the blade side facing in."

“Copy that.” Hu Feng responded, “Xia Qing, go home and take a look first. Do you need to send someone back with you?”

"I can do it by myself, and everyone will keep an eye on it in the shed. We will patrol and clean up the territory after dawn." The wave of crop destruction brought about by the second burst of red-level rain has been cleaned up, and Xia Qing's family still has Domestic animals - sheep and wolves, poultry - chickens and geese, and a bucket of fish, you have to go home to check the situation.

Outdoors after two bursts of red rain, even in the territory that has been cleaned repeatedly, is full of dangers.

The weeds on the road that had just been cleared with a mini-tiller yesterday afternoon have grown to knee-high again. The height of the weeds that have not been cleared on both sides of the road has exceeded two meters.

Walking in the weeds at night, the possibility of encountering danger is much higher than the chance of being bitten by poisonous insects.

After Xia Qing carefully checked his equipment, he picked up the weeds on the road with a machete and moved forward cautiously.

Most of the small animals hiding in the grass, such as snakes, centipedes, leeches, grasshoppers, mantises and scorpions, fled away after being frightened. There were also a small number who went crazy and lost their minds and attacked Xia Qing. Xia Qing in protective clothing was destroyed.


As he was approaching the entrance of the village, the machete hit something hard that shouldn't be on the road. A black shadow suddenly jumped out of the grass and struck Xia Qing.

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