When Xia Qing returned home after inspecting the territory, she smelled the aroma of stewed pig's trotters. She couldn't wait to change out of her protective clothing and wash her hands. She first put the sick wolf's boiled offal and the sheep's fine ingredients on the table, then brought the casserole to her table and opened the lid.

 The soup is milky white and the taste is a bit bland. Pour some vinegar into it and garnish it with a green onion. It’s perfect.

Xia Qing stirred a few times with a spoon, fished out the soybeans in the soup, and then fell silent.

Even if she hasn’t eaten soybeans and soy milk in ten years, she still has basic common sense. Even if the soybeans don't pop like mung beans when they are cooked, they should grow a little longer. Why are the soybeans still the same as when they were first put in?

Xia Qing put one in his mouth and took a bite carefully. And then found out…

 Can’t bite!

This is the soybean she harvested after half a year of hard work, but she can't even bite it.

Xia Qing drank the chewy pig's trotters and soup thoroughly, then looked at the many soybeans placed on the napkin and fell into deep thought.

Is this an evolution of hardness in soybeans, or is it another species that looks like soybeans?

 She had gone out with the team on a gathering mission before, and had also encountered soybeans. After the harvest, they used the picnic pot to add oil and popcorn to eat. Although it didn't look good, it tasted pretty good.

Ten years after the natural disaster, Xia Qing did not want to waste a grain of food. She washed the soybeans that had been cooked for more than an hour, then put them in a hot pot to heat them slowly, intending to make them into popcorn.

As a result, the pot was so hot that it started to smoke, but the soybeans remained unchanged. Xia Qing could only shovel out the hot soybeans and put them aside.

It was so hard that it was impossible to squeeze out the juice for testing. Xia Qing stopped competing with the beans and went to work in the field first.

While she was weeding in the high-slope terraces, Hu Xiufeng came with a basket to get today's spinach juice and green vegetables. Although Xia Qing told Yang Jin that Luo Pei could pick whatever he wanted, Luo Pei made no request, so he would eat whatever Xia Qing picked.

Xia Qing picked two tomatoes, three cucumbers and a pumpkin, and filled the basket carried by Hu Feng, "Captain Hu, wait here for a while, I'll go home and squeeze the spinach juice."

Although the boss didn’t say it clearly, Hu Feng certainly knew what could be extracted from spinach juice. However, the boss had issued a hush-hush order, so he guessed that he would not ask. He just wanted to help conceal it as much as possible, "You go ahead, I will **** the grass for a while."

 After three days of work, there are only three pieces of grass left in the peanut field that have not been hoeed. Xia Qing reminded, "Be careful not to touch the trees tied with red ropes."

Green Lantern Peanut senses the touch of animals, including humans, and will attack with its leaf vein needles. Bearded Feng responded happily.

When Xia Qing came back, he not only brought the smallest sealed bag containing spinach juice, but also a few iron soybeans. "Captain Hu, please take these beans back and give them to Brother Luo."

Xia Qing asked Captain Luo to let the people from the No. 1 Territory planting team test what the iron beans were.

In the afternoon, Luo Pei called and said, "The beans you sent are indeed a type of evolved soybeans. This kind of soybeans is extremely hard after evolution. It needs to be soaked for thirty-six hours to soften the skin of the beans before processing. Because This type of evolved soybeans have high hardness, poor taste, and contain few nutrients, so even if they are collected and sent back to safe areas, they are processed into feed and fed to poultry and livestock.”

 So she has been busy for half a year just to add feed to the sheep boss?

Xia Qing's response could not be heard, but Luo Pei could feel her depression and laughed a few times, "When we cleaned up the evolutionary forest in Territory 3 last year, did you see the evolved soybeans?"

 “No.” Xia Qing answered firmly.

 When performing the cleanup task, Luo Pei and other main team members were at the front to clean up dangerous creatures. Xia Qing, as a non-staff force evolution team member, was responsible for the transportation task. After the materials harvested and collected by the team members were sealed, they were handed over to the force team members. Because a spring was discovered here, Xia Qing was very concerned about the area of ​​Territory No. 3 and confirmed that they did not collect soybeans or peanuts here.

"We are cleaning up territory No. 3 in late November. If soybeans grew near there last year, even if we can't see the beans, we should still be able to see the bean vines with their leaves fallen off." Luo Pei speculated with a smile, "So , this evolved soybean should have been carried by small animals. "

Xia Qing agreed with Luo Pei's speculation, "Both rats and ants have the habit of storing food for the winter. The ants have a small activity range, so it should be rats."

Thinking that the soybeans that she had worked so hard to take care of for half a year were probably brought back from other places by small animals such as mice, hamsters or squirrels and hidden in caves. When they were hungry and found that they could not chew them and threw them away, Xia Qing became depressed and wanted to fight.

Xia Qing would not do anything like this for no reason.

After hanging up the phone, she checked the location of the red squirrel and found that the little guy was back. The little red dot was fixed in a place in the third area of ​​​​No. 49 Mountain. It should be resting.

Xia Qing arrived at Gaopo. After looking at the pine tree to confirm where the red squirrel was, she picked up a handful of Chinese toon leaves, went home, carried the sheep plow, and called to the sheep boss, "Boss, are you going to plow the land?"

The big sheep might have been busy growing its hair. As soon as Xia Qing greeted it, it rushed over. Xia Qing put a plow stick on it, one person and one sheep, one pulling the plow and the other supporting the plow, and began to plow the land at the entrance of the village.

Xia Qing's depression turned into strength. After plowing more than four acres of land, Xia Qing still couldn't get over her anger. Xia Qing picked up the machete and chopped down more than forty wild sycamore trees that were more than three meters high.

Winewood is a deciduous tree that evolved from an unknown tree after a natural disaster. Although its leaves do not contain high levels of elements, they contain several elements that are harmful to the human body and are inedible.

This tree blooms with small, fragrant flowers in spring, attracting bees and butterflies to pollinate it; in summer, it bears bright red soft fruits similar to mulberries, which attract birds to peck and scatter the seeds in all directions through bird droppings.

The seeds of the wild sycamore will germinate in less than a week after they land on the ground and grow rapidly. They can reach a height of three to four meters in two months, quickly occupying the growth space of other plants. Because it grows too fast, the wood of the wild sycamore tree is very poor and cannot be used to make furniture and can only be used as firewood.

When cleaning up Territory No. 3 last winter, the task team cut down all the wild sycamores and dug out the roots and burned them. However, the roots remaining in the soil and the new wild sycamore seeds brought by birds still produced wild sycamore saplings one after another, requiring Xia Qing to clean them regularly.

 If it is not cleaned up, the flat cultivated land in her territory will soon turn into a wild sycamore forest.

However, the wild sycamore tree is not without its merits. Xia Qing specially left more than an acre of wild sycamore saplings in places where the soil was not fertile. When these saplings grow to three or four meters high, Xia Qing will cut them all down and keep the straight main poles for sticks.

These sticks can replace bamboo poles and be used to build climbing frames for cucumbers and beans. They can be used as small support sticks in greenhouses. Now they can also be used to fence chicken pens.

Xia Qing cut down wild sycamores and plowed the ground today to make a new chicken coop and move the chickens in the backyard here to raise them.

 After burying the wooden stakes to define the chicken coop area, wait until the chickens and goslings get into the chicken coop in the evening, and then move all the net chicken coops surrounding the old chicken coop here and install them, and the new chicken coop will be ready for use.

Xia Qing dusted off the soil on his gloves, frightening away a few birds that were looking for worms on the newly plowed land.

After packing up the chicken coop, Xia Qing went to the high-slope planting shed and squatted beside the peanut terraces that she had carefully taken care of for almost half a year, worrying.

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